No bro- you just wasted 5 pts. They will never listen. They are too deep in organic fertilizer.
Keep this story in mind. Several years ago the seal population in Alaska was declining. Liberals stated it was due to over fishing. They got legislation pasted ending fishing destroying three towns and hundreds of lives. Yet the seal population continued to fall. Unbiased scientists found that orca populations, which were protected, were increasing at the same rate as the seal's decline.
The liberal activists went back home to their cozy little homes without even remorse for destroying three small fishing towns.
2006-09-08 12:24:23
answer #1
answered by mymadsky 6
straightforward. because there are more desirable skeptics than "Believers". i'll detect surely some "believers" in my community. maximum are skeptics and want more desirable information. I detect there are more desirable skeptics each day, thinking the reality that the AGW idea is being proved incorrect with the help of nature and more desirable scientists and PHd's popping out as skeptical. difficulty-loose experience desires skepticism even as information reveal the area has been on a lengthy run warming trend for over 16,000 years honestly, then has been on a short while period cooling trend for the perfect 11 years. This with the help of myself shows the products and assumptions being utilized with the help of AGW proponents to be suspect. i assume we may be able to detect we truly understand no longer as a lot as 50% about all the variables anxious in international community climate massive difference and it is going to be many years before than truly consensus can take position.
2016-11-25 21:15:22
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Yes it is pointless. Liberals in general, not all but most, refuse to see the truth regardless of how it is stated. Reason doesn't work, cajoling them doesn't work, their own words used against them doesn't work...they simply refuse to let their minds be changed. There are many on both sides that have the same set of blinders on though, it isn't just the libs.
2006-09-08 12:22:59
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I wonder, will you ever appoint someone who shows how much sh*t and personal attacks you crank out as best answer. No. Yes, this section is pointless.
2006-09-09 16:19:26
answer #4
answered by Mac Guru 4
I have a base for what I believe... and it's not from just a select few sources that agree with my opinion...
just because you label everything you don't agree with as "liberal propaganda" it doesn't mean that it's wrong and your information is right...
2006-09-08 12:17:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No it's not pointless, it's to be dominated used to control your thoughts, a forum used to express how little merit your opinion has unless it is in lockstep with theirs.
2006-09-08 12:20:52
answer #6
answered by dam 5
That's funny I say the same damn thing about republicans only I don't say anything about saving them. They are not worth saving.
2006-09-08 12:17:36
answer #7
answered by zen2bop 6
Im with Fred Sanford on this one
2006-09-08 12:44:08
answer #8
answered by itsallover 5
I was wondering the same thing...except one of my words would have been different. Guess which one?
2006-09-08 12:14:30
answer #9
answered by The Ry-Guy 5
even if we save one liberal, this would have all been worth it
2006-09-08 12:18:07
answer #10
answered by shut up dummy 6