Was never intended nor set up to be a true "democracy"...was set up to be a representative republic. Don't like the way everything has basically come down to just two parties, of course...we'd be lots better off if we had five or six different parties all with realistic chances to be elected.
2006-09-08 11:10:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Hopefully nobody. As we were never intended to be a true democracy since true democracy breeds faction and allows more popular groups to intimidate minorities.
True Democracy = Majority Rule.
If we all get together and say that John Doe must hang from a tree, then John doe hangs from a tree.
Constitutional Republic = Majority Rule, Minority Right.
If we all get together and say that John Doe must hang from a tree, tough, because that would infringe upon his constitutional rights.
2006-09-08 18:19:04
answer #2
answered by Chris J 6
The two party system in the USA IS NOT A TRUE DEMOCRACY. The government of the USA is a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC. It never has or never will be a true democracy.
2006-09-08 18:18:14
answer #3
answered by Vagabond5879 7
It's not a true democracy. It is a democratic republic. Republics are different than a true democracy.
2006-09-08 18:11:14
answer #4
answered by Jeanette R 2
are we still considering it a two-party system?
2006-09-08 18:11:45
answer #5
answered by Aleksandr 4