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2006-09-08 08:28:54 · 25 answers · asked by OctopusGuy 1 in Politics & Government Politics

25 answers

No. Like it or not, but they have this nebulous idea that they are the keepers of democracy, and try and impose democracy on countries that don't want it - at least, not the American brand.

2006-09-08 08:33:27 · answer #1 · answered by Scabius Fretful 5 · 3 2

No. Though Americans will often bristle even at the suggestion, other countries offer their citizens more genuine freedom. Conservatives and immature politial dilletentes sometimes cannot easuly argue that other nations don't have more freedom, so they then discredit those countries as "stupid", "crumbling", etc. The EU is a beacon to the politically enlightened. Sweden and Norway offer their citizens more real freedom (if one considers security a component of freedom); and many countries have a lower unemployment rate, a lower murder rate, a lower rate of violent crime, etc., etc. Need I go on?

2006-09-08 08:35:36 · answer #2 · answered by voltaire 3 · 3 0

I guest it depends on what you call freedom.are we free to what we want to do with the land we own,we don't every own the land we buy we will all ways pay for the right to live on it.Have we got freedom of speech no say something about a race and see what happens.we are free to go and come when we please if the government would get there hands out of oil so we could afford to go somewhere.I love American but i have been in other country that has as many freedoms as we do,and no I don't want to go anywhere else to live but as far as being free we are as free as the government will let us be.We as a free country we are taxed to much and where does our tax money go?We need to keep our money and i did say our money here in America we have people here that needs it.Not one one race of people but all of us.The only free nation in the world that doesn't have a good health plan for the people .The only free nation the has a poor school system,why the teachers get payed so little.I can keep going but need to go when you all think we are free well think before you say it.

2006-09-08 08:54:38 · answer #3 · answered by Douglas R 4 · 0 0

If there is to be a beacon of freedom in this world, and it's not the US....what other nation even comes close to qualifying.

2006-09-08 08:34:22 · answer #4 · answered by mzJakes 7 · 2 0

To be a beacon of freedom America needs to practice what it preaches. To lead by example and not point a gun (or bomb) at those who don't yet get with the program.

2006-09-08 08:53:24 · answer #5 · answered by Search first before you ask it 7 · 2 0

I see the beacon of freedom as the con they use to take over the world. America has nothing else to export to other countries except the lie of the dream of freedom. It's not real, it's just a crock.

2006-09-08 08:31:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

enable's see. starting up a employer- heavily regulated making an investment- heavily regulated Taxes- extreme (and turning out to be) Freedom for businesses to fail- selective Freedom for businesses to be triumphant- selective FCC- regulates loose speech Marijuana- unlawful FAA- regulates deepest shuttle reformatory inhabitants- maximum of all western countries you ought to tell the authorities in case you promote some thing (in an attempt to tax you) you ought to bypass to college, likely even a authorities college you ought to register your puppy (in some parts). you ought to search for a authorities enable to: force a vehicle, boat, or plane, construct a fence (even on your own property) own a gun (should be registered) purchase a house take particular trash out commence a employer construct your own infant a crib get a septic tank artwork (you ought to have a SSN) employ an house promote gasoline, nutrition, drugs, and distinctly a lot some thing else (in an attempt to tax you extra) the purely freedom we quite have that different's do not is the right to undergo hands, yet that has been eroded and could stay eroded until eventually it truly is carefully lengthy gone.

2016-11-06 22:10:38 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

What freedom? We have lost so many liberties in this country. Don't do this, don't do that.... It's The Law!

And no, people of Western Europe such as Ireland and Scotland never migrate to this country and won't let us in either. Only the real hard to live in countries like Cuba and Mexico want to come here, that's it.

2006-09-08 09:28:35 · answer #8 · answered by Carol 4 · 1 0

Not any more. Immigrants are eager to get here to grab what real American generations had built and left for their own descendants. They are really just let in as cheap labor for the flagwaving, incompetent businessmen who have raped the country. Yet these Preppy and Yuppy thieves always talk about how great America is, as long as they don't have to fulfill any responsibilities to their fellow Americans. In our time, anyone who wraps himself in the flag is crossdressing.

2006-09-08 08:47:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are a lot of free countries, so no.

America has a good economy and is close to or at the top in per capita income.

Perhaps America has the best economy among the free countries. Also America has the best college education system. There are international lists of colleges and ours are at the top.

2006-09-08 08:33:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

It had a good chance of being such before the 1-20-01 Tragedy when the Dumbya Coup happened.

2006-09-08 09:25:09 · answer #11 · answered by rhino9joe 5 · 0 0

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