Abortion- If you were rapped then yes, but if it was just a one night thing...to those that do have sex accept what you did and have the baby, it has a heart beat it is alive. Adoption- I would give my baby or child up, to a family that can't have kids. Dateline had a great show on about couples that can't have kids, after watching it I would if I had to put my baby or child up for adoption.
2006-09-08 08:31:23
answer #1
answered by Just me 1
I don't think I could ever give up a child for adoption but I am a mom and I was ready to be a mom when I got pregnant. I believe adoption is wonderful. There are so many couples out there ready to give a baby all the love in the world and there are some many moms out there that are not ready to be a mom. I am strongly against abortions. It isn't fair to the unborn child not to have a chance. The mother and the father knew it was a possibility that they could get pregnant. People say a woman should have the right to choose well I say she made the choice. A baby is a wonderful blessing but is a lot of hard work and responsibility too. I really think people need to consider what can happen before they put themselves in a situation that can result in having a child.
2006-09-08 09:21:00
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Since I am pregnant, I feel like I can answer this honestly. Even though I will be a single mother, I would not give up my child for adoption. An adopted child does not neccessarily have a better life than what you can provide. It takes TLC, not money, and I read horror stories of foster kids who have been mistreated, molested, etc... I will be keeping my child because I take full responsibility for my actions leading up to her conception, and don't feel that I should pass the buck to somebody else. Now, if I was very young or raped I would seriously think otherwise. But I knew what I was doing.
Abortions are another thing. I believe it is a highly personal and sacred choice, which I would never do. The government should only be involved to make sure that the clinics are safe and clean, nothing more. We can't all have high, lofty conservative beliefs like the Catholic church or Dr. Laura, because there are circumstances in my mind that would justify an abortion (mentally ill mother or complications with the fetus like a severe birth defect.) I read about how they are performed and most are sucked out through a vaccum. Or one third trimester method the brains are sucked out, the fetus is delivered, but the head is crushed through the birth canal. If that's not killing your baby, I don't know what is.
2006-09-08 08:45:32
answer #3
answered by ht_butterfly27 4
I am against abortions. When I was 16 and my now hubby then b/f was 19 we had a child together. I agree I was young but that doesn't mean we couldn't afford or that we were not ready to have a child. There are so many different choices we can make when we get pregnant that we don't have to have an abortion. I am now 39 and my hubby is 42 we just celebrated 20 years of marriage ( together 23 yrs) we have a wonderful 22 yr old daughter and 18 year old son a 6 yr old son we JUST adopted in May and 2 foster babies ages 14 months and 6 months old.
Abortions are murder...........
About Abortion Procedures
During an abortion, the pregnancy is removed from the uterus. The method depends upon the stage of pregnancy and the woman's preference. During the appointment, clinic staff will explain the procedure, risks, medications, options, and what to expect after the abortion.
Note: weeks are measured since last menstrual period (LMP).
The Abortion Pill, (also known as Mifepristone, M&M, Non-surgical Abortion or Medical Abortion):
Mifepristone abortion is an option up to 8 weeks LMP. Prescription Mifepristone is taken in pill form at the clinic. It causes the end of the pregnancy. Then 24-72 hours later, the woman uses Misoprostol causing the uterus to contract and expel the tissue. A follow-up appointment is required to make sure the abortion is complete. Occasionally more than one follow-up appointment is necessary. To use this method, women must live within 2 hours of a hospital. Some women prefer The Abortion Pill because the process feels more natural and private; they can decide where they are when they go through the experience, such as staying home for the weekend. Side effects of the second medication include cramping, bleeding, diarrhea, nausea, etc.
Vacuum Aspiration:
In the first trimester, usually 6 to 13 weeks, vacuum aspiration is the procedure used to empty the uterus. This traditional first trimester abortion involves three main steps: (1) an injection to numb the cervix, (2) insertion of a soft flexible tube through the cervix into the uterus, (3) suction created by an aspirating machine to remove the uterine contents. It takes less than five minutes to complete.
IPAS Syringe - Early Abortion with Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA):
As soon as the pregnancy can be detected by ultrasound (typically 4-5 weeks), an abortion can be performed using a manual aspiration device called the IPAS Syringe. Similar to the suction aspiration procedure, the IPAS system consists of thin flexible tubing, but instead of using a machine to create suction, the suction is created by a handheld syringe. The procedure usually takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Aftercare is the same as with suction aspiration. Availability of this procedure is based upon doctor's discretion. Abortion by syringe is sometimes referred to as the quiet abortion.
D & E (Dilate and Evacuate):
From 13 to 24 weeks, Feminist Women's Health Center uses the Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) procedure. Appointments are made for 2-3 consecutive days. On the first day, an ultrasound (sonogram) is performed to determine the size of the fetus. Then, the abortion procedure is begun by numbing the cervix with injections and inserting dilators into the cervix. Overnight these dilators gently expand, opening the entrance to the uterus. The next day, the cervix is again numbed, the dilators are removed, and the doctor uses special instruments to evacuate the uterus removing the pregnancy. The final step is suction using the aspirating machine. In more advanced pregnancies, additional dilators are inserted on the second day and the fetus is removed on the third day. The medical procedure lasts about 10-15 minutes.
General Anesthesia:
In Renton, general anesthesia is an option for either first and second trimester procedures. With general anesthesia, the woman is unconscious during the procedure (5 to 15 minutes) and afterward she has no memory of the events. The type of anesthesia we use is administered intravenously, through an IV in the arm, by a licensed nurse anesthetist. It is fast-acting and consciousness quickly returns when the procedure is over. Afterward, the client relaxes for 1-2 hours before she can leave the clinic and she must not drive afterward. There is an extra charge for general anesthesia and not all insurance plans cover it.
Local Anesthesia / Conscious Sedation / Comfort Sleep
Several anesthesia options are available to help make the abortion as comfortable as possible.
All abortion patients have access to a 24-hour hotline to call with questions or complications between appointment days or after the abortion procedure.
2006-09-08 08:35:08
answer #4
answered by c0mplicated_s0ul 5
No I would not put my child up for adoption. For some people that is the best option for them. I admire them for being strong enough to go through the pregnancy and give their child a better life with someone else. I do not believe in abortion. Some cases when rape is involved then I understand a woman getting an abortion. And if someone has an abortion it needs to be done as early in the pregnancy as possible.
2006-09-08 08:31:22
answer #5
answered by Kelli 3
no i wouldnt put my child up for adoption yet alone abort my child. then again it depends on the situation a person is in. a person cant really know the meaning or putting ur baby for adoption or abortion until u r put to the actual test then is when reality hits u and u can change ur views i personally dont think i would but if i may never know how my situation might be when i get to it.
2006-09-08 08:32:59
answer #6
answered by L@ GUEREJ@ 2
I'm pro-choice so I have no problem with abortions. I suppose I'd out a child up for adoption, Lord knows, I wouldn't keep the thing. There's something about dumping another child on the overburdened social services to spend a life messed up trying to find out where it came from that is undesirable though.
2006-09-08 09:28:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I faced this question once and no, I couldn't give my first born away. Whether it was best for the baby or not, I would have been selfish and kept it. So I choice to not have it. Later in life, after I had my children, I totally could do it if I felt that was best for the baby. By then I had learned it wasn't about me, but a child that deserves only the best in life. Because MY children deserve the best. (as will yours I presume)
Saying someone is for abortion is the wrong way to put it. NOBODY is "for" abortion. Abortion is a tragedy, plain and simple.
Unfortunately in a world where 1 in 5 children is abused, 1 in 4 lives in poverty, and crime rates are rising, unless we can find a way to protect all children from these painful lives, abortion remains a necessary evil.
Our society does a very poor job of protecting those who need help. Welfare may exist, but the level of life it provides for is not reasonable, and the supports that are supposed to allow women to work off the system are failures. The gap between qualifying for financial help and being able to survive without it is huge, thus many women have no choice but to remain at the bottom less their financial circumstances get worse as they try to do better.
Only 1 in 3 women in this country gets child support and the typical few hundred dollars a month doesn't support anyone adequately. And yet improving these numbers doesn't seem to be a priority either in forcing the government to collect it or in raising more men who feel it is their moral obligation to insure that any children they produce ARE secure and safe.
And yet our society keeps turning a blind eye to prevention. The Christian right screams "abstinence only" while fornicating around just as much as any other group. Did you know that teens who have taken a chastity pledge to marry are 60% more likely to engage in anal sex, which exposes them to many diseases just to avoid losing that precious virginity?
So all these two-faced religious zealots think that by keeping their kids ignorant of how to prevent pregnancy, they prevent sex despite plenty of evidence to the contrary. All they've succeeded in doing is to create more sexually active teens who aren't using birth control, because to do so would be an acknowledgement of sin.
So...I'm not "for" abortion, however I militantly believe it needs to remain a woman's right to choose. Ultimately only that woman and her fetus live with the end result, and as a parent, it is her job to decide what is best.
No life IS better than life in hell.
2006-09-08 08:38:45
answer #8
answered by Lori A 6
Both are EXTREMELY hard decisions. But depending on the situation (hopefully your smart enough to know what kind of situations) should abortion be considered.
If you're gonna bring a child into this world and cannot provide for him/her the way they need, then I would strongly suggest adoption. That child does deserve a chance to be successful in life and if you cannot provide that chance, it doesn't make you a bad person but it would if you kept that child not being able to provide and giving them a chance at life.
2006-09-08 08:35:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I would never put my child up for adoption or have an abortion. Things happen for a reason.
2006-09-08 08:41:02
answer #10
answered by angelbaby 7
I wouldn't put my child up for adoption. But some woman have no choice. I'm against abortion for myself personally. I feel every woman has a right to make the decision for herself!
2006-09-08 08:28:40
answer #11
answered by JS 7