I would be thrilled. I think if we were able to get more of the terrorist leaders we wouldn't have so many problems because of people being afraid to take over their places as leaders. I think, however, the troops and their families would be the happiest since there wouldn't be as much need for our soldiers over there anymore.
2006-09-08 08:29:37
answer #1
answered by shea_8705 5
So what if Bush had him all along. I will always be happy when the enemies of my country are caught or captured. The public doesn't need to know everything like they think they should. If Osama was killed in 2005 and we found out in 2006 so what...dead is dead. Of course I guess Democrates need time to think of more excuses or conspericy theories. I'd laugh my head off if this came true....
2006-09-08 15:32:58
answer #2
answered by Mark S 3
Caught? a little glad
Killed? YES
I personally thing he lives in the west wing of the White House. A liberal told me so. He also told me it will be in 2008 before Osama is 'caught' as he is walking the presidents dog on the south lawn with pooper scooper in hand. But hey you didn't hear that from me.
2006-09-08 15:41:19
answer #3
answered by bluefalcon_gillis 3
I would be glad when the Ministry of Information stops playing 10 year old videos of CIA agents dressed in robes fighting each other on Area 51.
2006-09-08 15:25:01
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I don't know how elated I would be if Osama was captured. I believe that there are a lot of his followers that are just as and/or more dangerous than he could ever think of being. It's actually quite frightening to think that it could be possible but trust me it is very real and not a threat.
2006-09-08 15:30:20
answer #5
answered by crazylegs 7
Oh, you are a hero?
Please do it for the sake of the country and humanity. Let Bush say whatever he wants, but people will know that you did it.
And I would be glad, if you did it and will call you to get facilitation from my countrymen. OK, namsaev?
2006-09-08 15:28:57
answer #6
answered by Electric 7
Yes - he should be one or the other already. Saddam had nothing to do with 911 - the event that triggered all this bloodshed and they've got him but not the lunatic that is responsible.
2006-09-08 15:28:11
answer #7
answered by LongJohns 7
I would throw a naked party for my friend's sister's boyfriend's neice's mother if Osama is killed today.
Seriously, it will probably be the happiest day for me.
2006-09-08 15:26:26
answer #8
answered by Pluck That Chicken 2
Osama has always been a large proble for the u.s. and untill him and the restof his group
2006-09-08 15:30:11
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i rather him be caught then killed. death will be TOO easy for him. give him a trial (even though he obviously wont win) just like sadaam and he'll go crazy... let him see who the real monster is: us or himself...
2006-09-08 15:37:40
answer #10
answered by john s 3