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stand up for what is right and condemn those who commit crimes

2006-09-08 07:18:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

11 answers

We are the cause of many of Isreal's agressive acts... we act through isreal, to avoid domestic and international trouble

2006-09-08 08:23:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Do you prefer Hezbollah's brand of "democracy" which is to kill all those who are not Islamic and then hide behind Lebanese civilians, whose lives are apparently worthless?

You are an antisemite if you ignore all the atrocities that the enormous and numerous Muslim states surrounding Israel have committed.

Why are you ignorant to all of the terrorism that Arab Muslims create against all non-Muslims? You are either a Muslim yourself or have a death wish. Either way, when the Muslims win, all of us non-Muslims will be eradicated.

2006-09-09 14:42:12 · answer #2 · answered by writer 3 · 0 0

The days of indiscriminate support are over the day Bush is gone. Even the Republicans and the Israelis will rejoice.

2006-09-08 14:26:28 · answer #3 · answered by zclifton2 6 · 2 2

I agree, stand up and denounce those that commit crimes such as: attacking Trade CenterTowers. Attaking one country from inside another country. Using civilians as cover to fire rockets at another country. Blowing up themselves to kill anyone who loves freedom. Killing innocent women and children in the name of Allah.

It appears to me that Israel is the only country in the middle east that stands for freedom and they have to keep fighting for their right to exist!

2006-09-08 14:31:17 · answer #4 · answered by jerry39 2 · 1 1

The US can't even stand up and comdemn those in our own country who commit domestic crimes. How do you expect them to enforce something as nebulous as international policy?

But I agree that the US should stay out of all foreign conflicts, unless specifically invited in by one of the sides.

2006-09-08 14:21:31 · answer #5 · answered by coragryph 7 · 2 2

What exactly is it that you would want them to do? Sanction them for something? What? There are a lot worse countries out there than Israel. We still do business with them and call them allies.

2006-09-08 14:35:53 · answer #6 · answered by Stand 4 somthing Please! 6 · 2 1

no one should indiscriminately support anyone, it is not illegal to use your brain and think for youself,people need to stop being afraid to do this,it is not a crime

2006-09-08 14:23:33 · answer #7 · answered by Dianne 1 · 3 2

YEAH, like HEZ-BOZOS, HA-MESS, All Qrazy, "Palestinian" Liars dis-Organization, Sodam Insaine & (deceased) Company, Ama-dummy-jihad, O-som-a-been-looser.

Did I leave anyone out?

2006-09-08 14:29:17 · answer #8 · answered by Linn E 3 · 0 3

We did, that's why we are in favor of destroying the hezbolosers and the muslims and arabs!

2006-09-08 15:45:53 · answer #9 · answered by Steelers1 3 · 1 1

Because not ALL of Israel's actions are acceptable.

2006-09-08 14:22:20 · answer #10 · answered by mymadsky 6 · 3 2

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