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they plan to enlighten us after recapturing the house, senate and presidency?

Clintons words not mine.

2006-09-08 07:10:41 · 20 answers · asked by Super Shiraz 3 in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

Have you listened to democrats talk... their socialist agenda is not very well hidden.

2006-09-08 07:16:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 9

Well, I did not hear the news story - you'd give alot more credibility to it if you could have provided the date, time and channel or radio station where you heard the broadcast. Nothing would suprise me coming from Hilary though. She's like most politicians, trying to be everything to everybody and look like the answer to everyone's problems. I do know one thing - the democrats will be sorry if they make Hillary their primary candidate for the democrats because - it's not news to the average American that she's not popular enough to win an election - especially bringing a husband who is a louse back into the political picture with her. He'll probably have more reasons to fool around if he's not President and in the White House. Where might we find Bill during the next terrorist attacks? Perhaps behind closed doors with some chick - certainly not focused on important matters of true importance. With Hillary in office - he is not going to be helpful or supportive when it comes to truly important things - he's the one who was in on the Oslo agreement - come on - making peace with terrorists like they are trustworthy and rational people - what an idiot! How naive could a guy be?

2006-09-08 14:20:17 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 1 3

what "socialist agenda" you don't even udrestand what you are talking about whatsoever.

The Democrats are liberals not radicals and are nothing more than one half of the business class party that dominates the US.

Go read a book. End your behavior of blindly accepting doctrine fed to you by the Republican Party. Look a the facts for once.

2006-09-08 14:15:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

It is not a secret any more that the Republican Party has a Fascist Agenda, not after 6 years of the Bush dictatorship.

2006-09-08 14:19:30 · answer #4 · answered by courage 6 · 5 1

There is no substance in your claim. Google and see if you can find this on a reliable news source.

I notice you have dusted off that old label that Democrats are socialists which is untrue. Do you know what Socialism is?

You should read more and not get information from rumors and propaganda.

2006-09-08 14:16:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

I don't know what you're talking about. But yeah, the "socialist agenda" is pretty obvious, don't you think? Ever heard of socialized health care? That would be the brain child of the Democrats.

2006-09-08 14:30:33 · answer #6 · answered by sirhellkow 2 · 0 3

I watched a whole hr. of her interview on Nightline last nite,
with Cynthia McFadden.
I didn't hear her mention one word of a socialist agenda,
or anything else you think you heard.

2006-09-08 14:15:24 · answer #7 · answered by Calee 6 · 6 1

Hey, shut up dummy, do you remember this? Or are you just ignorant like the rest of your buddies? Who was whining then?


2006-09-08 14:35:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0


What are you smoking now?
Please show us links to reliable news sources, not some comic books. Your credibilty keeps finding new lows.

It's a race to the bottom between you and GWB.

2006-09-08 14:14:59 · answer #9 · answered by Tom-SJ 6 · 11 1

heh look, I can make stuff up too.

Bush plans on not giving up his office after 2008 and will set himself up as dictator.

Bush's words, not mine.

2006-09-08 14:26:39 · answer #10 · answered by beren 7 · 5 0

I wish you would've provided a link. Cuz you KNOW you're going to get flamed by pinko Dems for your assertion.

At the very least, you should've pointed to examples of her duplicity such as suddenly adding the Rodham after Bill got elected (wouldn't have wanted to appear too liberal during the campaign), and to her sudden involvement in policy affairs with her disastrous health-care plan that (thankfully) got blown up in Congress.

This viper will say whatever it takes to get elected, and her true colors will come out once she's in.

2006-09-08 14:15:32 · answer #11 · answered by Lawn Jockey 4 · 3 6

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