Yes, I think so. He seems to be a man of principle.
Another politician I like is Joe Lieberman.
2006-09-08 08:29:08
answer #1
answered by Sean 7
I don't think so, at least not from my perspective.
IMO John is a man who wants to walk right down the middle of the road. Theoretically that is great, in actuality you end up getting hit from both sides. Additionally, those who put you there have absolutely no idea what you might do next.
I am a very conservative voter but I am registered as one of those people with no political party affiliation. Even with my conservative posture I would prefer an ultra-liberal to John. At least I can make an educated guess which way a liberal will go. John just seems like a wild card that I would just as soon not have in the deck I am playing with.
I will say, I have a great deal of respect for anyone who survived the Hanoi Hilton. I never vacationed there but I was in country and like all of those who were, I was subject to being captured and imprisoned. I am grateful I was never tested as John was...
2006-09-08 14:42:11
answer #2
answered by gimpalomg 7
At one time, I had a lot of respect and admiration for him. He is a thoughtful person who asks tough questions of the administration, takes a realistic and often contrarian view of the world, and acknowledges his past failures (eg taking donations from Charles Keating.)
What disturbs me is how Sen John McCain is beginning a dialog with the far right fringes of the Rep. party.
What was the reason he felt that he needed to go visit Bob Jones University? If he needs to cozy up to the Religious Right to win their votes for a presidential run, then he has lost my respect.
An independent voter
2006-09-08 14:10:09
answer #3
answered by Tom-SJ 6
There are a number of good points about John McCain and a number of bad points.
On the good side, he does have a clear set of morals.
On the bad side, he has occationally put aside his morals in favor of his political party.
I don't know if he would make a good president. Of republicans he would be one of the better canidates, but he has taken actions I most definitely did not like in the past. So I will say that if I have to pick a republican loyalist, McCain would be on the top of the list.
2006-09-08 14:11:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
He is no longer the John McCain of the Straight Talk Express. Now he's become just another political hack.
2006-09-08 14:04:31
answer #5
answered by Brand X 6
Nope he wouldn't be a good one, one reason is he showed us his real self when he worked on the campaign finance reform bill, this bill was suppose to reform a nasty situation in our election laws and it actually made it worse. So no he is not worthy, yes he did his duty as a soldier and thats cool but he is just as bad as many of the bought and paid for politicians.
2006-09-08 14:06:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I agree with Brand X - but I do think he would be a GOOD president, just a lousy candidate. I don't agree with many of his positions, but I admire his stands on the environment, immigration, and torture - especially coming from a Republican.
2006-09-08 14:08:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No. As an Arizona resident, I can tell you first hand he has done nothing to represent our views. He is a grand-stander who does no actual work. He's horrible.
Don't vote for him for President, heck don't even re-elect him as a Senator.
2006-09-08 14:52:35
answer #8
answered by RAR24 4
I don't trust him
As a former US Marine I have suspected his years as a POW were less than exemplary.
How do you survive that long when All the loyal Soldiers get killed after they refuse to give information to the enemy.
Please prove me wrong
Go big Red Go
2006-09-08 14:10:45
answer #9
answered by 43 5
He would be great, but he needs to get tougher on illegals..I think him and Rudy will duke it out in the primaries, then join forces for Prez and VP ..It's gonna be great...Lights out again for the Dem's
2006-09-08 14:29:29
answer #10
answered by itsallover 5