The technical definition of bumpsteer is a change in toe angle caused by the suspension moving up or down. Bumpsteer is built into the geometry of the suspension and steering system, and has nothing to do with turning the steering wheel. The effect of bumpsteer is for the wheel to toe-in or toe-out when the suspension moves up or down. This toe change or “steering” occurs any time the suspension moves, whether it is from body roll, brake-dive, or hitting a bump in the road. Bumpsteer is undesirable because the suspension is steering the car instead of the driver.
2006-09-08 04:22:46
answer #1
answered by Lee 2
That is when your front tires hit a bump, they will turn the wheel a little bit. This option in a car minimizes the effect that a bump has on steering. Some car companies offer this as an option for safer driving.
2006-09-08 04:22:01
answer #2
answered by Darin S 2
Also can happen when the suspension bottoms out without absorbing all the force, the remaining force acts on the chassis to steer the car.
2006-09-08 04:23:50
answer #3
answered by strawman 4
You mean a bum steer. Given misinformation.
2006-09-08 04:21:59
answer #4
answered by starting over 6
Do you mean a bum steer ?
Thats when someone steers you in the wrong direction or in other words gives you bad/wrong/inaccurate advice.
(something you'll never get @Yahoo!Answers.........LOL! :-)
2006-09-08 04:38:29
answer #5
answered by Vicky 7
duff information
2006-09-10 04:00:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous