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I asked a question before asking how do i know of im def preg, well i didnt elaborate very well. For the past couple months ive been living with my bf and weve been together now for over 3 months. The scenario im in is. My breasts have been really sensitive lately and ive been eating a lot. more then usual and i get cravings for things i usually eat. but i have no problem now eating a whole store bought pizza. by myself. we have had protected and unprotected be he has never came in me, he is very cautious about that. We have a great rellationship.But ivebeen having horrible pains in my right breast and it hurts to wear a bra sometimes. I usually sleep all the time ne ways, but recently i get tired really easy. im scared for the outcome and so is he. We are not ready to have a child. I dont know how to handle this. But i am completly againt abortion and him and i are talking over this very well. what else can i do?

2006-09-08 03:45:58 · 3 answers · asked by CrystalRose 3 in Health Women's Health

3 answers

Wellll, my Dear I am sorry to inform yoou but unprotected sex means a HUGE chance of becoming pregnant. Where anyone got the idea that a man is not producing sperm that are going to be in YOU by Not ejaculating IN you when He is IN you is beyond my comprehension; pre-ejaculate contains sperm. What in the world do schools teach you these days; obviously nothing very helpful because I have seen this same question in here every week since I started answering questions. This should be posted at the top of every yahoo answers page PRE-EJACULATE CONTAINS SPERM!!! argh..

BTW: I am truly sorry you had to find this out this way.

2006-09-08 04:01:20 · answer #1 · answered by Mod M 4 · 0 0

Hey some unknown facts about us guys. is that we have what is called. preejaculations and silent commings. Meaning even though a guy might not have the orgasim he can still come. Yah! so if he's little juice some how seeps out and you happen to be in that right state of mind and things go well together.. Your best bet. Take a Pregnacy test...Go to your doctor and talk to them thats what they are for. and hey the breast thing could be umm Cancerous ...or who knows. But I'd go to a doctor. They are usally smart with them things.

2006-09-08 10:50:44 · answer #2 · answered by ashtonw05 3 · 1 0

Even if he isn't cumming inside of you doesn't mean that sperm has not made it to an egg....There is a very low number of sperm in pre-ejaculate, which will seep out while he is in you before he cums and although the chances are very, very slight, you could have gotten pregnant...If you don't get your period, take a pregnancy test. Good luck!!

2006-09-08 10:52:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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