I asked a question before asking how do i know of im def preg, well i didnt elaborate very well. For the past couple months ive been living with my bf and weve been together now for over 3 months. The scenario im in is. My breasts have been really sensitive lately and ive been eating a lot. more then usual and i get cravings for things i usually eat. but i have no problem now eating a whole store bought pizza. by myself. we have had protected and unprotected be he has never came in me, he is very cautious about that. We have a great rellationship.But ivebeen having horrible pains in my right breast and it hurts to wear a bra sometimes. I usually sleep all the time ne ways, but recently i get tired really easy. im scared for the outcome and so is he. We are not ready to have a child. I dont know how to handle this. But i am completly againt abortion and him and i are talking over this very well. what else can i do?
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