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Macedonia was divided in 1913. Macedonians that were still living in the part that greece took over were stripped of their human rights! Why? They had to change there last names and they were not allowed to speak the Macedonian language! Greeks changed names of cities,villages,lakes and rivers! Schools would teach greek! Macedonian language and names were wipe out!

2006-09-07 21:33:51 · 9 answers · asked by SOLUN macedonia 3 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

9 answers

Because the Greeks were claiming that land for themselves and had no desire to see a recreation of a Macedonian state.

2006-09-07 21:44:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 9 10

These kind of issues are so sad.

It has to be accepted by all sides that there are many different kinds of "Macedonians". There are Greek speaking Macedonians, Slav-speaking Macedonians (of Bulgarian or Serb or their own seperate South Slav group) and Albanian Macedonians.

The Balkans are a small, delicate and beautiful place. You guys all must learn to live together in peace.

2006-09-08 08:40:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 6 6

Because in Greece national minorities haven't human rights.
In time of Alexander of Macedon they were in Hellenic Federation with Macedonia, they fear of Macedonian Hegemony like in that time. And they already made Genocide in 1946 with Macedonians, I don't know why they still fear.
"Greeks"aren't descendants of Ancient Greeks, they are more from Georgia, and in Ottoman Empire they mixed with Turkish.
For Prosopeio: I know where is Georgia, Byzantine Empire take people from Georgia and settled Greece. Ottoman Empire made genocide in Greece, in villages, brade first slept with bey, after that she married. Interesting, you think you haven't Turkish in Greece?!
I don't know how much this question have relation with Alexander of Macedon. You mean because for you Alexander is Greek , Macedonians haven't human rights in Aegean Macedonia?! And Greeks and Bulgarian are smarter and can admit self someone to say what is he?!Alexander also said that he is Persian for Persians and married Persian princess. After occupation of Persia he also clothed in Persian clothes( Encyclopedia Britannica), but that not made him Persian, he was Macedonian.

2006-09-08 18:52:23 · answer #3 · answered by Denicia 6 · 7 7

I have to agree with Amethist777. Even a Greek anthropologist wrote a book: Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood in Greek Macedonia. (Anastasia Karakasidou).

2006-09-11 19:01:46 · answer #4 · answered by Karolina D 3 · 7 7

Yes it is so sad....People were not able to speak their native language , it they did and get caught, it's the end for them....
I have heard stories from my grandmother....and i can still listen to SO CALLED Greek people,talking the language passed on from their grandmothers,the pure Macedonian language.....
And every time I go to Lerin(Florina),they just stop when they her a sound of my language, the Macedonian language, and just come to say hi, and chat........
Makedonskiot jazik ne izumre,i nikogas nema....

2006-09-11 12:20:28 · answer #5 · answered by Capricious 4 · 10 8

amethist sayd:

Yes it is so sad....People were not able to speak their native language , it they did and get caught, it's the end for them

the answer is
how the slavomacedonians have theys own political organization in the greek state if its is forbitten to speak your slavik language?

i dont know what your grand mother sayd i know that here is everyone free to speak any language.
the anciend texts of the aristoteles (the teacher of the alexander the great is in the greek language).

the anastasia karakasidu has shis own motives to write against greek. she is married with a yugoslavian man (from FYROM?).
and she has contacts with the local "slavomacedonian" political organization.

so find your own history.

2006-09-13 08:14:11 · answer #6 · answered by Pytheus Oracle 1 · 5 10

so you think that macedonians have slav origin?
let see what alexander had say about his origin.

"For I (alexander)myself am by ancient descent a Greek, and I would not willingly see Hellas change her freedom for slavery." (Herod. IX, 45, 2

"Tell your king (Xerxes), who sent you, how his Greek viceroy (Alexander I) of Macedonia has received you hospitably." (Herod. V, 20, 4 [Loeb])

The country by the sea which is now called Macedonia... Alexander, the father of Perdiccas, and his forefathers, who were originally Temenidae from Argos"
(Thucydides 99,3 (Loeb, C F Smith)

"The Macedonian people and their kings were of Greek stock, as their traditions and the scanty remains of their language combine to testify."
` {John Bagnell Bury, "A History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great", 2nd ed.(1913)

Bulgarian historians say FYROMians are of Bulgarian origin and their language developed from a Bulgarian dialect," which Skopje denies (but Bulgarians, Serbians and Greeks know that is Bulgarian dialect baptized Macedonian (sic). But Sofia was also the first country to recognize FYROM's independence from the former Yugoslavia in 1991 and now favours its joining the EU.

According to: Stefan Nikolov of the Agency for Bulgarians Abroad. (August 2006 AFP)

"Every FYROMIAN national who does not claim Albanian or Serbian origin has the right to declare a Bulgarian origin." This is an individual act in accordance with the historical reality of our common ethnic origin,”

The speech of Alexander I, when he was admitted to the Olympic games
"Men of Athens...
Had I not greatly at heart the common welfare of Hellas I should not have come to tell you; but I am myself Hellene by descent, and I would not willingly see Hellas exchange freedom for slavery....
If you prosper in this war, forget not to do something for my freedom; consider the risk I have run, out of zeal for the Hellenic cause, to acquaint you with what Mardonius intends, and to save you from being surprised by the barbarians.
I am Alexander of Macedon."
(Herodotus, The Histories, 9.45)

is wery good your try to make propaganda. but there is a verse here in greece.
"when the humans dont speak. the stones speak for them."
well the acient ones have left a wery great colection of text...

sory but the peoples of fyrom have slav and albanian origins.
the alexander was Greek.
its preety sad for a country to shame for his own tradition and to try to steal ones others.

The Slavic peoples are a linguistic and ethnic branch of Indo-European peoples, living mainly in Europe. Since emerging from their original homeland (most commonly thought to be in Eastern Europe) in the early 6th century, they have inhabited most of eastern Central Europe, Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Many have later settled in Northern Asia or emigrated to other parts of the world.


answer to rouse
rouse sayd "Because in Greece national minorities haven't human rights. "Greeks" haven't right to say that they are descendants of Ancient Greeks, they are more from Georgia, and in Ottoman Empire they mixed with Turkish."

the ottoman empire has laws about the mixing of races.
they dont wanned to mix their descent with greek.
if some turkey make childrens with a greek woman he took the children from here (so the turkish peoples have greek DNA and not the greek ones turkish.)
if some man have afairs with turkish woman he has two options.
to die or married her and became a turkish.
so when the turkish empire left the greece the greek who married the turkish woman he left too and his family.
about georgia i dont know its preety far. its funny that you say. this show to us that you have not so much geographical knowlege.
georgia is in the former U.S.S.R
the greece is in balkan.
so open some book :)

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2006-09-10 08:32:25 · answer #7 · answered by Prosopeio 2 · 7 9

Of course this is a propaganda question based on completely unhistorical, fanatic, and untrue views.
Macedonians (the real ones of Greek-Macedonia) like every other Greeks, and like every one that leaves in Greece, share and have as a privilege, every human and political rights!
The asker is referring to Slav-Macedonians or Slav-Macedonians of Bulgarian descent. In real (Greek) Macedonia there are only a few hundreds that claim to be of Slav-Macedonian (or Bulgarian ) decent.
According to the demographic research and censuses before and around 1913 (which the asker likes to mention) the geographic area of the ottoman province of Macedonian was identified as predominantly Greek by almost every researcher and historian of that time such as French F. Bianconi in 1877, by Englishman Edward Stanford in 1877. French scholars Ami Boué in 1840 and Guillaume Lejean in 1861, Germans August Heinrich Rudolf Griesebach in 1841, J. Hahn in 1858 and 1863, August Heinrich Petermann in 1869 and Heinrich Kiepert in 1876, Slovak Pavel Jozef Safarik in 1842 and the Czechs J. Erben in 1868 and F. Brodaska in 1869, Englishmen James Wyld in 1877 and Georgina Muir Mackenzie and Adeline Paulina Irby in 1863, Serbians Davidovitch in 1848, Constant Desjardins in 1853 and Stefan I. Verković in 1860, Russians Viktor I. Grigorovič in 1848, Vinkenty Makushev and M.F. Mirkovitch in 1867, as well as Austrian Karl Sax in 1878 published ethnography or linguistic books, or travel notes, which defined the Slavic population of Macedonia as Bulgarian. None of the above discovered any traces of any non Greek “Macedonian” nation!
The official Ottoman census of the Hilmi Pasha (1904) gives the following numbers:
Vilaeti of Thessaloniki Greeks: 373,227 Bulgarians: 207,317
Vilaeti of Monastiri (now called Bitola!) Greeks: 261,283 Bulgarians: 78,412
Santzaki of Scopje Greeks: 13,452 Bulgarians: 172,735
As you can see there is no trace of any non-Greek Macedonian or non-Bulgarian Macedonian.
Of course all the names that are used in real (Greek) Macedonia are the ones that were used by the ancient (Greek) Macedonians and are of course pure Greek such as Aigai , Pella, Thesalloniki, Veroia, Oresteias, Philipoi, and hundreds more like Anthemous, Almopia, Amphaxitis, Bisaltia, Botiaia, Chakildiki, Edonis, Elimeia,Eordaia, Krestonia, Lynkests, Mygdonia,Odomantis, Orestis, Pelagonia, Pieria, Sintiki, Thassos, Tymphaea and more!!
In recent years a political party appeared which was a coalition of an extreme left party (called OAKKE “group for the restoration of the communist party of Greece), with few gay/lesbian activist groups, and a small group of people claiming that they were Slav-Macedonians of Greece.
That coalition used the name rainbow and it expressed views of the extreme left and tried to link every unprivileged group to their cause.
That party received in the area of real (Greek) Macedonia the total amount of 2,955 votes (0.008% of the votes). In the election of 2004 the party did not participate!
As any clever person can see there isn’t any Slav-Macedonian minority in Greece but there is definitely oppressed Greek population in FYROM.
I have to mention though that the asker dose not represent the official vies of the Slav-Macedonian government and his opinion should not be used as an excuse to insult the Slav/Albanian Macedonians in general.

To (I consider her my friend) Karolina:
Have you actually read the book of Ms Karakasidou?
If you have read it you will see that it refers to a period of 1870 - 1990 and it refers to a specific village and not for entire Greek-Macedonia. The book refers clearly about a village Guvezna and now known as Assiros were altered from an Ottoman cocktail of Turks, Slavs and Greeks to the mono-ethnic culture present of today. She never mentions any “Macedonians” but she is mainly referred to Slavs of Bulgarian origin! She also explains that the main procedure of homogenization was the exchange of population between Bulgaria and Greece.
She clearly states that the Slavs mainly moved in Bulgaria while at the same time the Greeks of Bulgaria and the Greeks of Monastery region (present day Bitola in FYROM) moved in Greece.
The Greeks of FYROM were also forced before and mainly after the Second World War to move to Greece or to hide their identity (under the communist dictatorship of TITO).
Don’t forget that the Ottoman census of Hilmi Pasha (1904) indicates that at the
Vilaeti of Monastiri(present day Bitola) Greeks: 261,283 Bulgarians: 178,412 and the
Santzaki of Scopje Greeks: 13,452 Bulgarians: 172,735.
Can you please answer me are all those Greeks now?
As for the Turks, there was also a (painful for the Greeks) exchange of population between Greece and Turkey. 450.000 Muslims left Greece for Turkey and at the same time 1.500.000 Greeks left Asia Minor and came to Greece!
As you can see there weren’t any references about “Macedonians” in Greece but only about Slavs. There wasn’t any organized ethnic cleansing but an exchange of populations (either by war or by international treaties) between Slavs (either in Bulgaria or Yugoslavia) and Greeks.
Those that remain, especially the Greeks of FYROM and Bulgaria and the (very few) Slavs in Greece, suffered the usual oppression of the cold war in any of the 3 states during the 50es and 60es.
So remember each time you wonder about the Slavs of Greece always remember the Greeks of Monastery (Bitola)
(Also I would like to mention that Karolina is a kind person that tries to use arguments and post documented answers and although I disagree with her I enjoy discussion with her! What a difference from the hate comments of few of the others)

2006-09-08 04:50:35 · answer #8 · answered by ragzeus 6 · 9 11

Why are you trying to start a political flame war?!


2006-09-08 04:39:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 8 10

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