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reasons why some mom dont want to breasfed.

2006-09-07 20:51:10 · 12 answers · asked by chelo rivera 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

12 answers

What Kalirush said.

The misconceptions out there about breastfeeding are mind boggling.

You CAN drink wine and beer and alcohol in moderation while nursing. You DO NOT need to wait some insanely long time to nurse (only around 2 hours......not the 24 hours I commonly see recommended here!) and you DO NOT need to pump and dump unless you are engorged.

You CAN have caffeine and chocolate while nursing.

You CAN smoke while nursing. Sure, it would be better if you could quit smoking all together, but if you are going to smoke, it's still better to breastfeed. As a matter of fact, the breastmilk can help to counter some of the bad side effects of living in a home with a smoker.

You DO NOT need to eat a perfect diet while you are nursing. Unless you are severely malnourished and/or dehydrated, your body will make milk for your baby.

You DO NOT need to avoid certain foods while nursing unless you notice that YOUR baby has a problem with something in your diet.

Tons of other things that get asked about -

PREGNANCY is what changes your breasts, not breastfeeding. Even women who never give their babies a drop of breastmilk will still have breast changes during pregnancy and postpartum engorgement. So they'll still get saggy breasts and their baby will get second-rate nutrition because their mother is vain and thinks her looks are more important than her child's health.

Mothers with inverted nipples CAN nurse. Sometimes they need to use breast shells or nipple shields, but they CAN do it.

Discomfort is normal early in the nursing relationship but true PAIN is NOT NORMAL!!!!! Pain is your body's way of telling you that something is WRONG! If a mom is in pain when nursing then something is WRONG and she needs to see a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and/or a La Leche League Leader to check her latch and help her solve the problem. A LLL Leader will help her for FREE and may even make a home visit!

MANY prescription and over the counter drugs ARE safe to take while breastfeeding. You need to be sure you get the most accurate information from "Medications & Mother's Milk" by Thomas Hale.

If they are "worried about their figure" then they should know that breastfeeding burns 200-500 calories per day! And it is safe to diet (sensibly!) once your baby is at least 2 months old.

Working mothers can pump when they are apart from baby or they can combine breastfeeding and artificial feeding.

I am not aware of ANY religious belief systems that say not to breastfeed? If they are Christian, how do they think Mary fed Jesus? Muslims are instructed by the Quran to breastfeed for 2 years!

Artificial baby milk (formula) will never be able to replicate the perfection of breastmilk. First off, breastmilk is a LIVE SUBSTANCE (like blood or plasma) that changes to meet the needs of each individual baby!

Did I cover most of the excuses?

2006-09-08 05:00:12 · answer #1 · answered by momma2mingbu 7 · 0 0

Some people object to putting a body part in the baby's mouth. They see it as creepy when there are clean, sterilized, bottles that just seem nicer.

Some people don't want to feel like cows.

Some people kind of have that old Victorian thing that since they can afford to buy nice bottles and formula (not that they had formula back then) for their baby they don't need to feed their baby the way cats and third-world-country women do.

Some people are entirely comfortable with the idea that a good mother who bottle-feeds her baby and holds him/her securely and often and with warmth will can have a healthy, happy, non-over-fed baby.

Some people feel that their bodies weren't their own during pregnancy (not as far as what they ate went, but just in terms of not being in control of what was happening), and they want to return to their old selves as soon as possible.

Some people worry that if the quality or amount of breast milk isn't up to par the baby may suffer from failure to thrive, and if not that then maybe just hunger and crying.

Some people just find it gross and disgusting.

Are any of these reasons necessarily good ones? Maybe not. But they're the ones most people I know have given.

2006-09-08 04:12:21 · answer #2 · answered by WhiteLilac1 6 · 0 1

Alot of women don't want to breastfeed in part because of rampant misinformation about breastfeeding- stuff like:

-Your breasts will sag (pregnancy does this, NOT bfing)
-You can't bf if you work (pumping is feasible for many women- not all, because of terrible work conditions in the US, but for many)
-Your diet will be limited (this is not true for most bfing women)
-You can't have caffeine/alcohol (both are okay in moderation)
-It will hurt (it might, but most women will only have minimal pain and only in the beginning)
-Formula is just as good anyhow (it *isn't*- it's only mostly nutritionally adequate, and it totally fails to provide a newborn the immune protection they need in early months.)

Many women also have psychological hangups about bfing, most of which (I think) come from the inability to see breasts as both a sexual object and something to nurture with. This leads to the "I don't want to feel like a cow (and therefore not a grown woman and a sexual being)" thing, and also to shame and embarrassment about nursing in public. If you refuse to nurse in public, you're more likely to wean early or not nurse at all, because (quite frankly) staying home all the time is not fun.

There are also plenty of women who would like to breastfeed but end up formula feeding, mostly because of sabotage by medical professionals, most of whom know *nothing* about human lactation, and give women terrible advice.

2006-09-08 10:49:14 · answer #3 · answered by kalirush 3 · 3 0

I wanted to breastfeed. However I had to have a Csection and then lost so much blood and had to have a blood transfusion. Then I got really sick from the blood transfusion. So with being so sick and in so much pain, breastfeeding just didn't work for me. My son latched on a couple of times and I really tried at first but when I got really sick, I just couldn't do it.

That was my reason.

2006-09-08 09:05:26 · answer #4 · answered by Lisa 4 · 0 0

hi there!!
some people just either dont feel comfortable or its not for them..i no when i had my son it wasnt the thing for me,but different people have different views and oppinions on this.people think it brings them closer to there baby as a bond between them others think its better for there baby and emmune system its entirely up to the mother and how she feels when the baby arrives or she may have alrewady made her decision beforehand...

2006-09-08 06:23:21 · answer #5 · answered by helen 2 · 0 0

Because when breastfeeding your should still not drink alcohol, drink caffeinated beverages and take many prescription and non-prescription medications.
There is also a large social stigma against breastfeeding in public in the united states.

2006-09-08 03:54:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They don't want their boobs to droop.
They don't have time to breastfeed.
It means they can't indulge in wine, chocolate, spicy food.
They might not be able to for various medical reasons:
inverted nibbles, pain when child is sucking etc etc

Hope that helps.

2006-09-08 03:54:08 · answer #7 · answered by Shine 2 · 1 1

Don't want to feel like they always have to have a baby clinging from them; want freedom.
Doing drugs or alcoholic.
Going back to work.
Don't have the time or patience.
Don't want their breasts to become saggy or other problems they think might happen.
Religious beliefs.
Just don't want to 'cause seems digusting to them.

2006-09-08 04:04:13 · answer #8 · answered by blood_hooks 3 · 0 1

I wanted to but its a whole different story when my son was born it is very difficult

2006-09-09 21:57:58 · answer #9 · answered by Heather H 3 · 0 0

Statistics show that women who breastfeed (esp. long term) are more educated.
It's called 'reading' and some chicks don't bother.

2006-09-08 11:42:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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