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I just went to http://www.govtrack.us/congress/votingrecord.xpd. That site lists for me the voting records of my federal representative and state senators. Why is the federal Government voting on such things as:

Sep 6, 2006-H.Res. 875: Congratulating Spelman College on the occasion ofits 125th anniversary.

Sep 6, 2006-H.Res. 605: Recognizing the life of Preston Robert Tisch and his outstanding contributions to New York City, the New York Giants Football Club, the National Football League, and the United States.

Jul 25, 2006-H.Con.Res. 384: Recognizing and honoring the 100th anniversary. of the founding of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated, the first intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity established for African Americans

Jul 25, 2006-H.Con.Res. 449: Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the historic 1946 season of Major League Baseball Hall of Fame member Bob Feller and his return from military service to the United States.

2006-09-07 20:18:51 · 6 answers · asked by msfyrebyrd 4 in Politics & Government Government

6 answers

First one must understand our system of government. Do you have about 16 years to spend in various colleges and universities? You'll probably have to attend ones out of country as well because the universities here are liberal bastions.

Secondly, one must understand that since Lincoln usurped the Constitution and started the Civil War, the rights of the people have been trampled, the rights of the states have been trampled, and the federal government has grown more and more out of control and reached further and further beyond it's Constitutional powers.

We elect so called representatives to go to Washington DC and represent us. Great in theory but in practice all they usually represent are the "party line" and the interests of those who they figure will dole out enough money to get them re-elected. The only real job of a Congressman or Senator in DC is to get re-elected. They begin working on their next campaign before they even step foot into their offices after election.

However, since we send our legislators to DC "full time" (the recesses and breaks and "home visits" that they take are rediculous to any person who actually WORKS for a living) they must do legislation.

NOW HERES THE REASON THOSE THINGS YOU ASKED ABOUT ARE PUT TO THE FLOOR.....If your representatives actually kept busy and writing MEANINGFUL legislation, they would probably piss off a lot of their constituents. Well, the money of the special interests is what funds the campaigns but they HAVE to keep your vote and that's what the money is for.....to propagandize you into voting for you. It doesn't matter how much money they have, if you don't vote for them because you're pissed....they're out of office, out of power, and have to go.....WORK.

SO.....they waste their time and your money writing up the dumbest crap you've ever heard of and presenting it on the floor and using all the pomp and circumstance they can muster to sound all officious and important to the cameras of CSPAN.

WHY....because if they write that meaningful legislation, they and all their colleages will have to vote for or against it and THEN they have a voting record on something important. No one cares at election time that Senator craphead voted for or against congratulating Spelman College.

The solution my friends is a revolution. The Constitution of this formerly great nation not only states that we are to change the government when it is non responsive to the people but it OBLIGATES you to do exactly that.

There are a myriad of other wastes of your dollar in the form of government idiocy.....

The requirement for a "permit" to exercise Constitutionally guaranteed rights. A permit which costs a dandy sum in most locales.

Welfare. A great idea for a "rich" nation to help those who hit hard times to weather the storm and get back on their feet. Unfortunately the federal government and it's courts have usurped the rights of the States (and the people) by mandating all manner of "rights" and "benefits" that MUST be paid. The Constitution does not grant the federal government this power.

Ever wonder why your medical treatment and medications cost so much? Government regulation compliance is 60% of the cost of your doctors or hospital visit as a national average. The cost of your medications is estimated to be 50-70% higher than if the industry regulated itself rather than the federal government.

Guess what? The Constitution grants CERTAIN powers to the federal government and SPECIFICALLY states that all other powers are retained by the States and the People.

That went out the door with the Civil War which violated the Constitution and Posse Comitataus (spelling) which requires the State Governor to request federal military to take civillian action. That just one minor trampling of the Constitution at that time. Your school teachers told you the Civil War was about slavery, it was not. It was about States Rights and the rights of the People being superior to the federal government.

We lost that one and have been losing ever since.

So, the answer to your question is.....because they've been doing it since the Civil War and it isn't going to change until we take our Constitutional obligation to replace them. There is a reason for the second amendment. At the time the people and their arms kept the government in control because they were the military. It may be too late now.

2006-09-07 21:20:12 · answer #1 · answered by StaffSergeant C 2 · 1 2

And why is it that Anthem/Well Point, Citibank and the rest of them can charge usury interest rates and raise premiums without a peep from Americans? You seem to resent the least little appearance of government financial inefficiency but excuse being slapped around by corporate thugs who are taking the money from your pocket and, as either large institutional investors or as individuals investing their bloated salaries, drive up the prices of the goods and services we depend on while obliterating our jobs. Stockholm Syndrome? Yes, I know it's not your Congressman or mine. The parties all point at the other party and no one's responsible for the waste. Yeah, right. It's all of them but we keep electing them and they keep doing a piss-poor job. You'll find the real culprit, the person who shoulders all the blame, when you look into a mirror.

2016-03-27 02:26:02 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Government is the master of wasting tax payers money no matter who we elect, the government is a money spending machine, it spends even if no one is occupying the white house or senate, the only way to slow this machine is to reduce taxes on every working person in America.

2006-09-07 20:26:00 · answer #3 · answered by GodBlessAmerica 1 · 0 0

Your money ceases to be yours from the time it becomes a tax receipt.

If you are asking how to stop politicians from acting for purely political reasons, the answer is that it is not possible.

2006-09-07 20:21:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Appeasing their constituents. They waste tax money since they can do it,thus they will never stop unless an amendment is adopted.

2006-09-07 20:24:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

because if they don't. Someone will put in his two cents and say a law was passed without representation!

2006-09-07 20:23:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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