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15 answers

Circumcision is not medically necessary unless there's a problem with the foreskin. Some religions/cultures require it but people have also been questioning the validity of this. Note that about 80% of the world's male population is uncircumcised, so if that's any indication, circumcision is not necessary.

Circumcision offers no real advantage over the uncircumcised penis unless the foreskin has some serious problem. Problems can arise such as severe phimosis where the foreskin is too tight to the point of pain upon erection. Really frequent infections/irritations of the foreskin. Most of the time circumcision isn't necessary, but in severe cases it's probably best. Anyone who has a circumcision for real medical reasons will of course claim it's better afterwards. Yet only like 5% of uncut guys will have problems, and only a fraction of that percent is severe enough to warrant surgical intervention.

Being circumcised is not necessarily cleaner, it doesn't make one significantly less or more prone to infections/STDs (there are many conflicting studies and views) in general, and it has risks and complications on its own (particularly infant circumcision). This can be anything from excessive bleeding to local infections to skin bridges to amputation and worse. Complication rate is estimated between like 3% and 10% by most articles, and serious complications are rare. The circumcised penis has less sensation from a physiological point-of-view, since the foreskin has lots of nerves (but sensitivity is all in the mind).

I think ethically circumcisions shouldn't be done on infants for non-religious reasons. It presents risks and complications of its own, and there's no point in removing something that will probably never cause any problems to begin with. What would happen if a person was unfortunate enough to suffer a complication from circumcision when without the procedure, he probably would've been perfectly fine? If it's not broken, don't fix it as it goes.

2006-09-08 06:52:25 · answer #1 · answered by trebla_5 6 · 1 0


1. Possible deformity of the penis from doctor screw up such as miss cutting and infection.

2. Possible loss of the penis from doctor screw up such as miss cutting and infection.

3. Possible death because somebody thought a foreskin was "yukky", or that "he should look like dad"

4. Possible injury to the now unprotected glans (tip). This hurts worse than having a thumbnail ripped off, or appendicitis or rectal surgery. I know I have had all of these.

5. It gets sore from running, walking, cycling, climbing, and working because of friction against clothing.

6. Loss of sensitivity in sex, you pound for an hour and still can't get off so she tells you to "get off-me" and it will be about two weeks before she will let you back in the saddle.

7. Son will put Ma in the old folks home because that will be easier too.


1. You don't have to wash your penis when you are in the shower anyway. This will save you 2 seconds every time you shower, times 365 days a year, and assuming 75 years of showering that's 2X365X75=54750 seconds. That's 912 1/2 minutes or almost 15 1/4 hours over a lifetime! The possible loss of the penis is well worth the time saved cleaning it.

No circumcision before age 18.

His body. His choice.

2006-09-10 10:06:58 · answer #2 · answered by cut50yearsago 6 · 1 0

since circumcision started as a totally made up ritual, it is barbaric torture.

besides being extremely traumatic and basically sexual torture for a newborn baby, it's totally unnecessary. Most people in the states have few clues about how to care for infants with foreskins which is basically to leave the foreskin alone. the human body is designed to have that protection there and attached to the glans for around 9-15 years. the penis, like the vaginal canal, is basically self-cleaning and should not be disturbed.

advantages: it's the way the human body has evolved and adapted to life on this planet for millions of years. that should be enough for you already. sexual intercourse is better and more intense. news flash: for the female as well. so, natural, normal, better sex. ok?

disadvantages: sexual torture to an infant. now THAT should be enough to ANYBODY that's sane. but if you want more... complete sexual satisfaction and sensitivity can NEVER be achieved as the surgery removes milllions of sensory receptors on the penis, the glans as well as the foreskin. serious chances of a lifetime of disfigurment and chronic pain and discomfort as well as infections and possibly more surgery. the possibility of an unusable penis. as well a history of totally needless infant death. so, let's see, torture, worse sexual pleasure, disfigurements, discomforts, infections, mutilations, death...

so, to start a ritual just as wierd and sick, why don't you start a movement to chop of every baby girl's vulva lips in the states. there are several countries that already "circumcise" girls. some "help" the girls by removing their lips, clit hoods,and sometimes the clit. that way the parents can keep her cleaner, she can easily remove her smegma when she gets older, or maybe she can look "neater" for the boys when she has sex. so, cleanliness. hygene, neatness... sounds like the same load of crap that was sold about boys decades ago doesn't it??.

just say no. hell no.

2006-09-08 04:27:51 · answer #3 · answered by Clit_Lvr 2 · 1 0

cHRISTIANITY specifically discourage circumcision as of no value under the new covenant of Jesus Christ.

However, from the secular perspective - it looks so cute, makes the penis more sleek, neater looking, more defined in form, and emphasizes the glans.

Cut penises never get sloppy wet with urine dribbling out on the foreskin, and pre-kum or semen residue. Or smegma, which smells like stale fish.

But, over the years, the glans get calloused somewhat, from constant rubbing against underwear, whatever. sensitivity fades a bit. Orgasms take longer to come.

What you must knows is that nowadays it's all about a stylistic preference - just like Cuffs or NO-Cuffs on mens' pants. Like a hairstyle, it's a personal choice of how your want to look.

If done at birth, it tends to make the glans somewhat rounder , more fuller. It's very sexy & hot looking on a guy. Above all they do it to please the ladies. It's that simple.

2006-09-08 03:11:10 · answer #4 · answered by blackbird 4 · 0 1

no it's not it actually started with the bible. I didn't have my boys circumcised , their dad wasn't and to tell the truth it is better that way in the bedroom. The only thing you have to be concerned is keeping him clean underneath, and stretch the skin. Other than that it's not a bad thing.

2006-09-08 03:05:27 · answer #5 · answered by really???? 3 · 0 0

RELIGION--If God intended boys to not have "skin" He would have made them so.

HYGIENE--Use a new invention, soap and water!!! Women produce much more “smegma” because of physiologic and anatomical reasons, and how would you feel if they cut your vulva lips??? Women, why don’t you answer my question, are you afraid? Baby girls are more likely to get urinary tract infections and no one suggests we surgically alter them at birth to reduce the risks! Just one of many double standards and laws that always treat men worse.

MEDICAL REASONS--No medical reasons. A extremely small chance of a complication do not justify the removal of the foreskin, if so, why don't we remove the tonsils and the appendix when a child is born, and the chance of complications of the tonsils and the appendix is much greater. Talking about complications, in fact many baby boys die each year from circumcision and related complications.
EVEN if phimosis occurs, instead of chopping it off like barbarians!, use Conservative Treatments like:
-Topical Medication(non-traumatic and non-destructive)
-Dilation and Stretching(non-traumatic and non-destructive)
-Combination treatment(non-traumatic and non-destructive)
-Preputioplasty is the medical term for plastic surgery of the prepuce or foreskin(many methods).
If you want more detail on Conservative Treatments, go here:

SEX--Foreskin actually enhances the sexual experience for men because it constantly moves over the head of the penis causing more friction and pleasure. Men will also lose much sensitivity to the glans if circumcised.
Circunsized men will have to deal with disconfot and dry glans.
The foreskin have those functions: protective, erogenous, sensory, and sexual physiologic. After all, why would you want to lose all of those “Meissner corpuscles”, the same nerve complexes which provide fine touch to the fingertips?
It is there for many reasons, that is how a man should be(it is natural).
If women like it better circumcised because it looks better(strange, not natural) or gives them more sexual pleasure(strange, not natural), then too bad, they do not have the right! All men do not like mutilated vulvas, and all men like breasts with nipples, they do not like mutilated breasts, etc, etc, etc, because that is the way those organs are supposed to be, it is natural. Interesting, isn’t?!!!

If that was a common practice to do that to baby girls, all the women would be in a big uproar about it(and men too!, men are not like women), but it’s ok to mutilate little boys. The great majority of the ones that agree with circumcision are women for their stupid selfish reasons. Even court cases reported in which mother and father fight because the mother wants to mutilate the son, it is always the mother!. You women should be ashamed to that to your son. Men that are not circumcised, will not get circumcised when adults, they would scream, kick, fight and run, if someone tries to mutilate their privates area, just like you women would run too if someone tried to do that to your labia. Men that where circumcised do not realize what they lost because never had one, and most of them that do realize try to justify it so they do not feel bad about it. Many circumcised men feel very bad emotionally because of what was done to them to such a private area.
It is mutilation of defenceless children in the most private spot, genital mutilation.
It is cruel and barbaric.
It is a human rights violation.
It is not the parent’s decision; it is the parents decision if they want to abuse him, rape him, or to kill him?.
I do not even agree that it is ok if an adult man wants to get circumcised. I think it is wrong, because if a man wants to lose a finger, the Doctor can not do that to him. Think about it, think, think. And by the way, adult men that decide to get circumcised, do it because they know most women like it, they just do it to be more accepted by women.
I think it is just like slavery and all other barbaric acts of the past, it was accepted because it was common practice or tradition, everyone accepted slavery without questioning the facts, but it is not accepted anymore in a modern and fair and civilized society. Circumcision must not be allowed, BY LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many other reasons not to do it, check it out:

2006-09-10 14:41:44 · answer #6 · answered by miniboi6666 2 · 0 0

Cut - cleaner, religious thing, traumatic/painful for infants to have done

Uncut - hygeine issue (smegma), much more sensitive (in a good way)

2006-09-08 03:06:50 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

It is a preference. The big up side for it is its easier to keep Mr Happy clean.

2006-09-08 03:04:04 · answer #8 · answered by art m 3 · 0 0

1) requirement for a christian
2) women love it
3) get rid of smelly stuff
4) you'll love it the look of it.

2006-09-08 03:03:06 · answer #9 · answered by Urban Hermit 4 · 0 1

its not necessary but its suggested. removing the foreskin helps you keep it clean.

2006-09-08 03:02:06 · answer #10 · answered by apolloandi 2 · 0 0

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