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What do you think of gay people in terms of the bible saying? is there a truth behind this? and if there is descrimination then why gay cannot live normal like str8 men/women do? and in the first place we are the same as human right?

2006-09-07 16:33:35 · 16 answers · asked by brian_chris 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

16 answers

i agree with you entirely. The bible is a very old interpretation from when times were much simpler than they are today. As people eveolve and as technology advances, the bible needs to be updated as well. God does not hate somebody for loving another person

2006-09-07 16:38:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm also gay and Christian. You're not going to find a concrete answer to your question. There are certainly a few scriptures (like 3 in the WHOLE Bible) that when taken in face value (and out of context) suggest that homosexuality is a sin. I believe that if you take the Bible as a whole (and not pick and choose scriptures) then you will see that there is nothing wrong with it.
This is an incredibly personal question. I wouldn't believe anybody's answer (including mine) just because it was found on Yahoo. Instead, it's something you should think for yourself about. Do a lot of praying and read the Bible (not just Leviticus and Romans). Good luck and God bless you!

2006-09-08 01:13:05 · answer #2 · answered by Isaac 2 · 0 0

You know your so right! I'm am doing a report in college about gay rights and marriages and this is just ridiculious.
The only difference is what you do in your bedroom and that's nobodies business! being gay does not say anything about your morals, values or anything else. they must get to know you to see if you are a compatable friend or soul mate.
And back to the bedroom issue, well heterosexuals do so crazy stuff too and everyone has their own likes, but when It's put in public light, then everyone says "Oh, not me".
About the bible.... It's sad because after all this time (I'm 30) and anaylizing history, my opinion is that the bible was made to civilize humanity and what better way than one that no one can prove! I lived both live styles I know and with or without the church I am pure at heart!
Although, I do wish that our God would show us the right way..... But check it out for your self, look at the history, look at what religons say (they only try to strike fear and hopefulness).
If a child dies they say" it was gods will or god had nothing to do with that" and if he lives " oh, glory to god, you see what he does" YEAH RIGHT!!
So my answer to your question would be no, there is no truth to it!
About discrimination, look it up, people have no bases on their objection to it .
Child adoption - both have hurt kids, there is no proof that kids are better off with heterosexuals.
Relationship- both are messed up
Sex- both do it without respect
So what the bottom line IT DEPENDS ON THE PERSON NOT THE SEX!!!
Be proud of who you are, sweetie!!

2006-09-07 23:48:31 · answer #3 · answered by ryesiempre2812 1 · 1 0

The true sin of Sodom and Gomorrah- mentioned in the Bible- is INHOSPITALITY TO A GUEST. See my Best Answer on that question.
In many cases, the Bible is neutral or even positive towards gay relationships. (David and Jonathon, anyone?)
I love the Lord with all my heart and I am a gay man. I see no incompability. But let us remember that the Bible is not to be swallowed whole; it is a flawed document written by flawed human beings.

2006-09-08 00:22:37 · answer #4 · answered by Mr. Fancy Pants 3 · 1 0

The Bible was written years ago has under gone number of translations from the original version. Things have been added or changed due to changes. If one takes the Bible as it is written all are sinners and will end in hell.

2006-09-08 04:36:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


Ok yelling over, the bible has been used to justify countless atrocities, not exactly a book I'd lay my immortal soul on. I have no want desire need or any other variation thereof that would make me want to live the shallow self-absorbed narrow-minded lives that I see many straight people leading, I want my rights to be equal because I am a living breathing human and I deserve them, not because I fall into some narrow-minded biggots view of what groups deserve rights, I deserve them because I exist.

2006-09-08 01:18:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

in Leviticus the bible does say that to be gay (not in these precise words) is an abomination & this means that it is something God hates
but all sins are equal, so to be gay is equal to stealing & breaking the laws of the land and any other sin....so if a Christian is ok with speeding or resturant dining on the sabbath, then they should also be ok with being gay.
but i don't think anything at all about it, i am nobody's judge nor do i try to be

2006-09-07 23:40:27 · answer #7 · answered by Cap'n Donna 7 · 0 1

well this is just my perspective of it. it does say it is wrong in the bible and i don't support gay marriage. i will however accept it unlike most people. while i don't support gay marriage i do support human equality, that no matter who you are you should be treated no differently than anybody else. that would be more along the lines anyways of what God wants, instead of people who discriminate against gay people because of what they are.

2006-09-08 00:03:46 · answer #8 · answered by Free Your Mind 2 · 0 0

The Bible is a book which was written by men. They may have thought that God would be offended by certain things, but somehow I have my doubts that an all-merciful God would be less merciful than I would be.

2006-09-08 00:07:06 · answer #9 · answered by Dragon 7 · 0 0

the bible is a fictional book written by some drunk people at the pub one night
anyone who believes that bollocks needs a head check

2006-09-07 23:37:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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