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16 answers

Oh, it may take as long as 25 seconds. Today's media is more polarized than it has ever been. The Republicans are going to be pissed off that they lost the election so they will want someone to blame, they can't blame themselves. So they will start saying that the Democrats have messed up the war in Iraq, no matter what the Democrats do, they will be considered to have done it wrong. Soon, before you know it, the Republicans will be finding some excuse that the war is all the fault of the Democrats; "If Bill Clinton hadn't just bombed Iraq, if he had really done something that mattered, then we wouldn't be having this problem now." Oh please, I am tired of the blame game.

When George Bush senior, the only Bush to have really been president, stopped the Iraq War I was mad. I was in Germany in the time, in the Army and pulling endless guard duty. Of course it was in the German mountains so it was cold, and most of my guard duty was at night. My life had been disrupted, and I had to kiss any time off goodbye. It was a small price to pay though, and there were a lot more people risking their lives in Iraq. Comparing my situation to theirs was like comparing a thorn in the foot to a knife through the foot. I supported the war because it was the kind of thing that Americans did. We were responsible for the UN and we tried to fight the war to end all wars. Americans think that weaker nations should not have to worry about larger nations trying to control them. Also the Middle East, and its oil reserves are too important to mess with. If Iraq was allowed to get away with invading Kuwait, then what would stop the whole region from going to war. War only makes profits for the suppliers of weapons and ammo, and the suppliers of coffins used to bury the dead.

George Bush, at the advice of Collin Powel, stopped the war and let the Republican Guard slip away. Now we know why; the Islamic Nations in the Middle East are all walking on a tight rope. If Saddam Hussein fell from power then we would have another religious controlled state; ala Iran and Afghanistan. The Shiites really hates the Sunnis, and nobody likes the Kurds. Soon after Saddam stopped sitting, hard, on the three sects they began to rise in rebellion and civil war. Only a religious leader would have enough respect to stop the violence. The Shaw of Iran was a brutal dictator; he had to be to prevent civil war from tearing his country apart. He was one of the few friends we had in the region so the US supported him. When he fled to the US and gave up power the Iranians were very angry, and saw the US as the country that were supporting all the cruelty of the Shaw. The country would have descended into chaos if a religious leader hadn’t taken over. The Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds may not like each other, but they all listen to the Imams, no matter what their affiliation. Iran now has a semi-democratic government, but technically the religious leaders are still in control; only the Imams can keep the peace. This is why the Talibin arose in Afghanistan, no other group could make all the citizens work together and stop killing themselves. They are still trying to each other and the US troops, but we don’t hear about it on the news very much, only the body count.

George Bush Junior only made it worse. He wanted to invade Iran to finish Daddy’s war. His staff was looking for a reason before 9/11, but they didn’t have a good enough excuse. After 9/11, based on the word of only one tortured person they built a case that Saddam had weapons of destruction aimed at the US. Since Georgy Porgy had invaded the region already (Afghanistan), he decided to go for the “Hat Trick” and hit Iraq to. He came in with insufficient forces (thanks to Donald Rumsfled's new theory of troop deployment), he disbanded the Iraqi Army and their police force (because no one thought about what would happen after the war was over), and then the troops didn't secure the ammo dumps. Then nothing was done to address the potential civil war. Bush Senior was the head of the CIA before becoming president so he knew what was going on in the Middle East. That’s why he left Bagdad alone. He had crippled the Iraqi Army and kicked them out of Kuwait, if he continued the war then he would have hung a huge problem on the necks of all Americans. Bush Junior was the governor of Texas, which is a figurehead role. After the US Civil War Texas rewrote the State Constitution to give all the real power to the Lieutenant Governor. Before that he was a party animal in college, and dodged service in Vietnam by pretending to be in the National Guard (yes, he enlisted and even tried to follow daddy by being a pilot, but he didn’t take it very seriously). Now we learn that Bush Junior never listened to or asked for advice from Bush Senior. He was afraid that it would look like daddy was in charge, not junior. So Bush Junior lets Dick Cheney run the country instead.

Cheney knows that history cares very little about the Vice President so he doesn’t care about Bush Junior’s approval rating. He keeps telling junior that they don’t matter, and they are so low because the country is at war. So the figurehead president is happy and takes another vacation at his ranch in Crawford.

After all this I will be happy to see a change in administration. I back Bush Junior on only two issues. We should stay in Iraq until the Iraqi government can control the nation, and we should have a liberal Guest Worker program. If George Bush were really president then he would have pushed the issue. He is the political leader of the party that has control over both houses of Congress, yet his idea was shouted down. If that happened to a real president then he would have lobbied Congress, and if that failed he would appeal directly to the people. Instead Bush Junior went to Crawford so Cindy Sheehan can yell at him.

As I see Iraq now, the terrorists started the insurgency to continue their fight against the US. They care as much for the Iraqi people as they cared about the people in the World Trade Center on 9-11-2001. The terrorists are getting killed and their ranks are beginning to thin a little, but the budding civil war will supply more than enough people to continue their proxy war against the US. The biggest problem with terrorism is as you fight them innocents get hurt, and some of those innocents, or their family members, turn into terrorists so the problem never goes away. Fighting terrorism is a poor way to deal with the problem, unless you can cut off their support from the people.

Currently I don’t see an end to the problems in Iraq. We will stay there for another 2 years under Bush, and a few more months under the Democrats. The government will stabilize a little, but the civil war will only get worse. The best thing we can do is to pull our mangled hand out of the bloodbath before we lose the entire arm. If we wait and give the democratic government more time to try and take control then they will do better, but Americans won’t be able to control their rage for all the dead soldiers. Soon after the US starts to pull out the civil war will only explode. Then after the US has withdrawn as much as it can, the terrorists will come back into Iraq in force and try to install a religious, anti-US, government. By that time the civil war would have hurt the government and the people enough that a religious government would seem like the best idea. Bang, we will have another Iran. The Republicans will pick up on that and lay the blame on the Democrats. They will paint history to show that our withdrawal caused the Iraqi government to fall. They will neglect to see that the government is doomed anyway. To keep it stable the US would have to commit to present troop deployment levels for the next 5-10 years. That is as likely to happen, as I am to suddenly start growing younger. The country won’t stand for it. Democracies don’t have much patience for a war, especially for one that they seem to be losing.

American’s hatred of the Iraq Invasion will drive the Democrats into office; it may even give them a majority in Congress. Nobody complains harder than the group that just lost power, so the Republicans are going to be looking for something to blame on the Democrats and the war is already unpopular. Many Republicans will feel that the war pushed them out of office, so they will “play corporate judo” and turn that issue onto the Democrats.

2006-09-07 17:12:50 · answer #1 · answered by Dan S 7 · 0 0

i do no longer hear Obama blaming Bush very many times, besides the fact that it is actuality that he inherited a devastated financial gadget from him. He additionally inherited 2 wars, one in each of it is truthfully ineffective. those are the info. Bush had little to blame Clinton for. Clinton left us with a solid financial gadget, after he additionally inherited an financial mess from Bush's father. those are info. The final 2 Republican presidents left place of work with a large number that a Democrat had to freshen up. The final 2 Republican presidents had approval rankings around 30% or much less. those are info.

2016-10-14 10:50:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh I'm sure. People have short memories, and whoever is in the whitehouse gets the heat. It's an immuturity [won't get into cause there are some therories] like our great white father in Washington is responsible for all that goes wrong and our problems. Like the price of gas.

2006-09-07 16:00:45 · answer #3 · answered by longroad 5 · 0 0

Well since all Democrats talk about is pulling the troops out then won't they just do that so we can get attacked again? Then everyone will probably still blame Bush.

2006-09-07 16:05:59 · answer #4 · answered by Luekas 4 · 0 0

Love the avatar!!!!!! Do you want the question answered in hours, days, or weeks? The Republicans will refuse to admit that the idea was ever Bush's - first full day of the new Democratic administration.

2006-09-07 15:57:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They are already blaming the democrats. Thats all they do is blame the democrats and the democrats are not even in power and haven't had a majority in ten years.

2006-09-07 16:03:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They're already blaming Clinton for 9/11 -- watch the mouse channel aka GOP-TV and they're pissed that Clinton is defending himself against the lies. You can have your pick of the pug litter at abc.com

2006-09-07 15:58:48 · answer #7 · answered by Reba K 6 · 1 1

Huh ? They're ALREADY trying to blame the Dems for it !

2006-09-07 16:07:29 · answer #8 · answered by Vinegar Taster 7 · 0 0

i give it 2 days 7 hours 27 minutes and 19 seconds, give or take a couple of hours.

2006-09-07 15:56:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not going to happen in 08. Who you got? Hillary? Kerry? Gore, for god's sake? Get someone legitimate then ask this question.

2006-09-07 15:57:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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