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If you say to yourself "Arabic terrorists" please don't respond. I'm trying to peace together all of the legit info and figure this out for myself. Things to consider:
*Why did Silverstein renew his insurance on WTC just a month before the attack of $4bil?
*Why are there no signs of a plane hitting the Pentagon other than a small portion missing?
*Why are there no remains of a plane even hitting the Pentagon.
*Why was there an unnanounced drill a week before 9/11 that lasted more than 2 hours?
*Why was Bush not surprised when he was whispered the news while reading w/children after his 3 wk vacation?
*Why were there bombs going off within the WTC after the planes crashed and who could have done it unless it was during the drill the wk before?
*Why did 4,000 Jews conveniently miss work that day in the WTC?

*My roommate is Muslim, my boyfriend is Jewish and I'm Agnostic. I hold no prejudices.

2006-09-07 13:28:00 · 17 answers · asked by PlasticTrees 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

*How did the hostages on plane make phone calls when cell service is impossible at that altitude?

2006-09-07 13:28:58 · update #1

All information given in this question is true. Research it if you have no idea what I'm talking about.

...Why did Bush fly the Bin Laden family out of the US "for safety"?

2006-09-07 13:31:20 · update #2

Common sense: I agree as well. My friends boyfriend works for NASA and still believes we landed on the moon.

2006-09-07 13:36:58 · update #3

BlueDucky: your username describes you. Simple and simple minded. Spell correctly then think about grammar.. then MAYBE someone will take you seriously in life.

2006-09-07 13:44:15 · update #4

17 answers

All of your questions are quite legitimate, and it is extremely pleasing to see someone who is doing logical research into the question.

I offer you three web sites that answer many of these questions, and will hopefully progress your research.

The first is a site where the video of then plane hitting the tower has been analysed frame by frame, and shows that the video is a fake.

The second is an overall explanation of where the 9/11 truth movement has got to.
And the third explains why there were no planes involved.

I have worked on debates with the two Web-site authors, and I can assure you that their research is extremely thorough.
They have no axe to grind, and are simply in search of the truth.
Contact me if I can help with more info.

2006-09-07 14:38:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No, you are wrong. I don't know how to be any nicer than that. They are not true by any means.
1. I bet he renewed his insurance because he needed to.
2. There were signs of the plane hitting the pentagon, eye wittness accounts, and what not. Plus there were plane pieces.
3. Well, i already answered that one
4. Because, that is the way things work, my high school used to do those, even unannounced to the teachers
5. He was not surprised because he kept his composure, he had to think about what that meant,(whether it was an accident or terrorists). Only after the first one he did not act all surprised, the second he got a completly new look on his face.
6. There were no bombs Ok. I will explain. The smoke coming out is debris from the weight of the top part of the building crushing the rest of the building below. For example, put together a cheeseburger, put some ketchup and mustard under the top patty. Now smash it with you hand, but do it hard to simulate the force of the WTC. Notice how the ketchup and/or mustard comes out? Same physics
7. I don't believe you, at all, there are no TRUE facts on that.
8. That does not mean you hold no prejudice against the thousands dead after the attacks.

Google "screw loose change", just try it since you already saw loose change, trust me, you are sadly mistaken, i was also once, until i actually did the research, not reading things off of conspiracy websites.

I didn't think i would ever agree with Neddie, but she is right, OSAMA BIN LADEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-07 13:48:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attacks. He planned, recruited, organized, financed, and authorized the attack.

* Q on Silverstein: maybe it was because it was just time for him to sign that contract. According to http://www.nysun.com/article/39131, he has now been paying $10M every month because of that contract (he signed six weeks before the attack.) So you might be reading too much into that piece of news. With this contract, of course he would have to have an insurance to cover loss, as any business man would do. If you don't know much about insurance/business, please do read about it and then question the insurance coverage amount.

* Q on plane hitting Pentagon: again this was just another conspiracy theory full of fallacies. For those not knowing what the Asker was about, please read more @ http://www.abovetopsecret.com/pages/911_pentagon_757_plane_evidence.html.

* again Q on plan hitting Pentagon: see above.

* unannounced drill a week before 9/11 lasted more than 2 hours: I wish they have conducted similar drills before Katrina. Enough said!

* Bush not surprised when listening the news: Actually I'll not be surprised by anything President Bush does or says anymore. So why would anyone question about his reaction to this, I have no idea? That said, my answer would be this: he was in a room full of kids, and at the moment, I guess he needed a moment to collect himself and didn't even know how to react calmly in front of the kids. Everyone of us has experienced a few such moments, though definitely not of the same scale, a few times in our life, I would say. Facing something we have never experienced before, we would immediately at a loss of how to react properly. President Bush is also human, so I wouldn't question that.

* Q on bombs going off within the WTC after the plans crashed: there was no bombs. If anything that was just due to the impact. Anyone taking physics 1A would know that any collision would generate energy, which would then be absorbed by something else or generating following events. In this case the impact between a plane at high speed and such building (with so much concrete) would generate a lot of energy, leading to the subsequent explosion/heat & collapse of the building. For young audience, please wait until you take Physics 1A in secondary school to understand this.

* Q on 4000 people missing work on that day in the WTC? Again another conspiracy theory based either on rumors or spreading of incorrect statements/data. I am sure the Asker will not believe whatever I post here, based on the list of questions here, but for folks not knowing what the Asker is talking about, please read more @ http://usinfo.state.gov/media/Archive/2005/Jan/14-260933.html.
Yes I know; it is an article by usinfo.state.gov, maybe not reliable/truthful. But for the lack of any other official sources, definitely not from this Asker, many of us will have to rely on that for now, don't we?

I do believe the Asker about his roommate & boyfriend though.

May peace be upon us!

2006-09-07 14:10:18 · answer #3 · answered by Novice 4 · 1 0

Atta was directly responsible. He was the ring leader of that "cell". Where he got his marching orders? Probably bin Laden.

As to your other questions:

*renewing insurance on buildings you just bought (or leased) seems reasonable. The deal was for 3.2B; It seems reasonable to insure for $4B, especially considering the building has been previously attacked. This guy probably has as many lawyers as the insurance companies so he's got to keep them busy. They probably file all sorts of things that feed the fires of conspiracy theorists.

*The big smoldering hole in the Pentagon that was on TV that week was sure an amazing special effects show that fooled all of the news reporters on site. Sure looked real.

*Most of the remains were incinerated, but I believe there was wreckage. CNN is replaying the news of 9/11/01 in real-time on the web. I'm sure if you watch, you'll see the wreckage in the news footage. (Of course, they've had 5 years to alter the footage. Can you trust them?)

*I didn't hear about the drill, but considering the WTC was attacked in 1993 it seems responsible to have evacuation drills of some kind. If there was a drill, it probably saved a lot of lives.

*I thought Bush looked like somebody socked him in the face. Look at his reaction to Hurricaine Katrina. When something big happens he goes into shock and does nothing. Cheney or the Chief of Staff was probably running things on 9/11 while Bush finished getting schooled with the kids.

*Planes full of jet full will cause explosions. Fire in skyscrapers have unpredictable effects. Elevator tubes full of jet fuel and fire may cause explosions that sound like bombs. There have been no bomb materials found at the site to substantiate this in the least.

*Just because your boyfriend is Jewish doesn't innocuate your anti-semitism. Hitler was a Jew (his Mother) and I'm sure he'd buy your theory that 4,000 Jews "conveniently" missed work. People of all religions and non-religions died that day.

2006-09-07 13:59:06 · answer #4 · answered by JB 3 · 1 1

The Neo-Cons in the Bush Administration most likely did it. For more proof look at the following page:

"WHO" or "WHAT" are good questions, but the "WHY" is the most interesting. My research has taken me back thousands of years. It is so bizarre, that I hesitate to write it. Hang on to your hat, because you are going to journey into the world where mysticism, religion, Satanism, spirituality and quantum physics meet.

I'll start with the "election" of President G.W. Bush a "Skull and Bones" man. Once in office, he brought in an incompetent, but loyal to him team: they labeled themselves, the New Conservatives (Neo-Cons). With the help of other friends, that were already in place, planned the invasion of Iraq. This plan included the attack of the WTC buildings. It did this to get the support of congress and the nation, to attack Iraq: Like another Pearl Harbor. Read it from their own PENAC document. Pay special attention to the section entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" page 50 and the top of page 51, where it states we need a new Pearl Harbor attack to get the ball rolling.

Now, I could stop here, but allow me to outline and point out some interesting web sights that I have found. These will help guide you to an understanding of the events that have occurred and the ones that are probably to come.

I. What is this secret society called the "Skull and Bones"?
It's a group a satanic worshipers, whose members include G.W. Bush, his father G. H. Bush, his grandfather Prescott Bush and John Kerry. See list of members:

2.What is the "Skull and Bones" agenda ?
It's the "New World Order", "World Domination", "Globalization", and "World Slavery" all wrapped up into one.

3. Has any "Skull and Bones" member ever tried to force their agenda, on the U.S.A.
Yes, Prescott Bush (G.W. Bush's grandfather) attempted to assasinate FDR and install Hitler's Nazi model to impose Marshal Law, on the United States.

4. Where did the "Skull and Bones" secret society originate from ?
It's believed to be an offshoot of the "Thule Society"; a secret Satanic group from Germany of which Hitler was a member of.

5. Finally, where did all this secret Satanic stuff come from and what is the originators long long term goal ?
This is where it gets too bizarre, I will give you a link, that seems to explain it best. It's crazy, but remember, science is now in the process of accepting a multidimensional universe. If nothing else, enjoy a good read.

2006-09-08 19:49:02 · answer #5 · answered by Joe_Pardy 5 · 0 0

Guess who's brother was responsible for Security and who's contract expired on 911. The Presidents brother Marvin Bush. Yes there were several occasions leading up to 911 where the power and computers for Security were shut down for some reason or another.
The above 2 jerks have not answered your questions with any facts, they say they have facts, but they are liars just like their Mentor, anyone who looks up to Bush is some kind of white trash. Talk is cheap, where's your facts nit wits! Followers of the bouncing ball, wacko's

2006-09-07 13:50:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Huh? there became a great hollow the place the entire plane went for the period of the construction, inflicting a vast fireball. the place might you assume to ascertain those 2 holes? is this a lame troll, or a rather good greater lame Truther?

2016-09-30 11:01:57 · answer #7 · answered by spies 4 · 0 0

ok why did jews conviently as u say miss work that day? bec let me tell u y u ignorant fool. im a religous jew unlike uer bf who im assuming is not religous at all. theres prayer between rosh hashanna and succot said very early in the morning and therefore some jews who are chasidic were not there that morning other non chasidic sects of judisim that dont do this certain prayer,it was not bec they knew b4 hand it would happen,only g-d knows . i think u should think twice be4 u leap. As for Bush he was shocked ,how do u think he should have reacted to this serious situation wth kids around? geeze i think uer brain isnt working right. im sick and tired of pple like u who say dumb things. i hope that at least some of uer question was answered.

2006-09-07 13:42:30 · answer #8 · answered by blueducky 3 · 1 2

It seems to me that you already have your mind made up so is this really a question?.
BTW, before you start putting people down about their spelling consider this, the word is "piece" as in piece together. Not "peace" together.

2006-09-07 14:03:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Same reason that we faked the Moon landings.
Same reason that we are hiding Aliens at area 51
Same reason we denied & hid the Roswell spacecraft crash.
Same reason as most of the other conspiracies...
P.T. Barnum said it best...
"There is a sucker born every minute"
Consider that in your analysis of the facts...

2006-09-07 13:36:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

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