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list or explain coherently, why you hate bush. & what would b the right thing to do in ur opinion would b great :]

2006-09-07 12:39:43 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

16 answers

I'm against everything that Bush stands for and does.

- He believes in manipulating the public with propaganda in order to control the masses. Hitler believed the same yet he claims to be a Christian. The Christian faith believes in honesty and truth. How is manipulating the masses with false propaganda either of those.
- He is a false Christian. He was hired by his father in 1988 to learn how to 'sound' Christian in order to win the evangelical vote. And I have yet to find any record of him every being baptized.
- He knowingly lied to the American ppl and to Congress in the state of the union speech about Iraq's WMDs. (grounds for impeachment)
- He has destroyed my country's high level of respect all around the world. Now ppl actually hate us instead of admire us.
-His cowboy diplomacy has created more terrorists in this world than could have ever been imagined.
-He has gone around congress by using executive orders to combine religion with the state. These executive orders evolve around his Faith-Based Initiatives that MY tax dollars are paying for. To this day, no non-christian organizations have received any of those funds. (grounds for impeachment)
- He has ignored my country's laws and disobeyed the constitution repeatedly. (grounds for impeachment)
- He has used rendition to have prisoners tortured which is a war crime and violation of the Geneva convention. He is a war criminal. (grounds for impeachment)
- He is flat out an immoral man with an evil spirit. He believes in lies, deceit and power.... anything for political gain and to keep republicans in power.
- I truly believe that he is Cheney and Rumsfeld's pawn and Rove has no moral fiber whatsoever in his soul.
- Any party that 'admittingly' uses HATE to win elections... I can't describe the emotion I get about this... I think maybe nausea.
- Here recently, after the Supreme Court slapped him on the wrist about some things, he has decided to try to rewrite legislation rather than conform to our constitution. The same constitution he gave an oath to honor, protect and obey.
- He turned me into a murderer by using my tax dollars to kill 100,000s of innocent Iraqis. (grounds for impeachment)
- He is PRO-ILLEGAL immigration.
- he is all about helping the rich get richer. IE, his party sabotages the minimum wage increase by addnig in estate tax cuts for ONLY the rich.

How ppl believe this man is a Christian is beyond me.

2006-09-10 13:07:08 · answer #1 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 0 1

Well let's see...

He lied (or exaggerated) us into a war in Iraq with no plan on what to do after Saddam was kicked out, when Iraq was no threat to us

He spent so much time screwing around in Iraq, the Taliban is now regaining strength in Afghanistan.

Now with so many troops in Iraq, we are shorthanded to deal with the real threats of Iran and N. Korea

He raised the amount to CO2 that power plants could give off after a campaign promise not to do that.

He lowered taxes (which is a good thing) then he increased spending (a bad thing) and borrowed a ton of the money from China (a really bad thing)

The only bill he ever vetoed prevents research could hold the key to curing countless diseases on embryos that were going to be thrown out anyway.

He is alienating countries that have always been our allies and is increasing the number of countries that are hostile to us.

Those are for starters. I have more if you want them.

2006-09-07 12:54:37 · answer #2 · answered by arvis3 4 · 0 0

u really wanna know all my facts to hate him? ok here we go
right now i have 40 reasons in my ind, i'll only give u 15, if u want the rest fo them... mail me!

1-national debt under bush jr. has increased so drastically that the average american's estimated share of the debt will be an astronomical $24,000, compared to the $500 when dubya first took ofice

2-under bush jr. there are now 43 million americns with no health insurance

3-responsible for an unemployment rate of 6%, there are now 9 million people out of work in america, 3.3 million more than when he took ofice

4-he cut healthcare benefits for war veterans

5-he deserted his unit during vietnam and was reported awol for over a year from his asignment unit: the texas air national guard, also refered to by other militar outfits, the champagne division

6-despite a 13% unemployement rate among those aged 16-24, bush jr elikinated the young oportunity grants, so he could have that money to invade iraq

7-withdrew from the international criminal court

8- first president in US history to refuse united nations election nspectors (2002)

9-his proposed "free trade" agreements would result in the loss of US jobs to foreign markets and explotation of third world workers

10-john ashcroft

11-failed to fulfill pledge to get osama nbin laden "dead or alive"

12-after sending troops off to die in an injust and unprovoked war, he still has yet to attend any soldier's funerals

13-bush jr. is the first president in US history to enter office with a criminal record

14-choked on a pretzel and nearly lost his life while sittin in front of a TV

15- dropped his dog on its head



this is another stupid answer by:
Saint Jimmy

P.s: bush is a terrorist

2006-09-07 12:56:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I do not hate him and I support and respect him for the office he carries.

He has abused the powers of his office and used our troops to conduct the military over through of a sovereign nation.

2006-09-07 12:59:55 · answer #4 · answered by mymadsky 6 · 0 0

I don't hate him.. I don't hate anyone.

However I strongly dislike him....

*if he wasn't so dead set about going to war & not waiting to let our allies get on the same page we would not have as many casualities in Iraq
*he's made us the worlds #1 laughing stock
*he has lied to the American people at least 3X's---WMD, wasn't told about Katrina, sent our men/women to fight without proper protection
*he hides behind his so called Christian beliefs.
*he smiles & chuckles when talking about catastrophies that have happened to America & Americans
*he's an idiot.

2006-09-07 12:49:39 · answer #5 · answered by daljack -a girl 7 · 0 0

things have been terrible. he has a hitler mentality, instead he should be concerned with the good of mankind. bring the boys home. if you ask most americans why our boys are there or what the war is really about , if the truth be told no one really knows. its's not worth the bloodshed.

2006-09-07 13:03:11 · answer #6 · answered by Ms. Mo B 1 · 0 0

I don't hate Bush...he's our president and leader...we should all get behind him, forget the politically correct crap, get the bad guys, win the war, tighten the borders, make immigrants learn English, revere our American culture and if you vehemently disagree...please leave...by the way...the tax cuts are firing up the economy...

2006-09-07 12:47:29 · answer #7 · answered by just me 3 · 1 1

Because in my belief system, betrayal of an oath and abuse of power to harm others are the greatest sins. Bush betrayed his oath of office, and abused the power of his office. To put in into terms most people can relate to, Bush has commited hundreds of counts of brutal rape and then bragged about it.

The fact that he's also guilty of war crimes and other felony crimes under US law is a non-emotional reason to want him impeached.

2006-09-07 12:43:42 · answer #8 · answered by coragryph 7 · 1 3

First of all, he killed hundreds of men, most of the men are being killed in iraq not in afghanistan, so osama bin laden isn't a suffiecient reason for the war. The U.S army also killed 30,000 iraqi civilians who did not deserve to die. That is just wrong killing small school kids, it wasn' their fault where they were born and brought up.

2006-09-07 12:43:20 · answer #9 · answered by sakhi93 4 · 1 1

Because he is willing to get his hands dirty taking the fight to Islamic extremists that have been allowed (by previous administrations who shall remain nameless) to terrorize the world for too long....darn him!

2006-09-07 12:49:12 · answer #10 · answered by Ha! Invisible! 3 · 0 0

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