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If the planes into the towers were part of the bush plan. why did he not have WMDs planted in Iraq for the reporters to find? planted WMDs is alot easier than covering up a plan as complex as 9 11

2006-09-07 11:08:19 · 28 answers · asked by DaFinger 4 in Politics & Government Politics

understand the question before you jump to a conclusion, Bush could not have done either.

2006-09-07 11:30:02 · update #1

understand the question before you jump to a conclusion, Bush could not have done either. SJ just could not understand

2006-09-07 11:31:23 · update #2

28 answers

I hear ya. He did not plant the weapons because he honestly thought they were there as did most of the world.

2006-09-07 11:14:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Sit down, pull up a chair and grab a soda. For starters in 1991 we went before the world stage and declared solidly that Iraq no longer was a threat for WMDs. Desptie the fact (FACT) that big george during his reign of the CIA sold WMDs to Iraq. Then along comes littlebush and his team totally lied about Iraq and WMDs. Which is interesting because we knew that he didnt have them but there were 2.1 miles of half submerged ground-level quonset huts full of 5,000 pounders - 380 tons to be exact. BOMBS! that disappeared! (isnt that convenient) right from under the coalitions noses (2nd war not the first) all while we were looking for WMDs. The ties to the Saudis has never been refuted and Bin Laden is a Saudi not an Afghani. Him and his freinds have done business with the bushes and thier freinds for decades while targeting the american consumer. Look at the timing of the big SUVs and 10 cylinder hyper cars. And 9/11 is not at all that complex when you have the media throwing alot of bullsh%#&t into the path of discovery like "the terrorists trained at a flight training school in Ocala Florida..." to fly a jumbo jet, commercial airliner? Not bloody likely. Or the military was not notified of what was happening by the FAA. Also bullsh&%$t, we have spy satellites that can read the license plate of a passenger car and no one saw a 747 ram a 110 story skyscraper? Ok believe that if you want to. We also had two F-15s in the air over NYC AFTER the first tower was hit. Think about how much time before the second tower was hit. We also had two F-16s that were training over PA. It was reported on an AM talk show shortly after this tragic event that the two F-16 pilots were told not to engage, not to go into afterburner for the second plane. The patriot act was forced down our collective throats based on lie after lie after lie. Why lie if we are truly at war or under attack? Why and or how was the patriot act passed with no one scrutinizing it? Believe it or not many many americans simply sign on because of the word "patriot" never realizing this document legally shreds the constitution. You can be detained without representation or reason. So far it hasnt caught any terrorists but is being used in the lower courts to support illegal search and seizure (does any of that sound vaguely familiar?) The plan was to suck a massive hole in various budgets like homeland security, the war in iraq etc. Ask anyone who is presently serving in the military what has happened to thier pay and benefits? They've gone down, and they are not getting the equipment they need too, from reactive armor, to heavy plating to chin straps to chest protectors at a cost of 40 billion and climbing. So they didnt need to PLANT anything simply lie about it and the blind will pretty much accept it while allowing the goon squad the silence the rest of us. The country is visibly split in two, all you have to do is look around you. No secret documents, no conspiracies to uncover. Illegal immigrants, no gay marriage and on and on. Great distraction techniques, the bigger the lie, the more people are likely to accept it. That should sound familiar too.

2006-09-07 12:01:19 · answer #2 · answered by metalsoft@sbcglobal.net 2 · 1 2

Bush could no longer mastermind a one guy parade. IF and that i SAY IF there grew to become into governemental involvement it grew to become into way previous Bush. i could say they're not one of the above. There are relatively distinctive unusual questions on the subject of the full difficulty. the two that i discover exciting are SUPPOSEDLY distinctive the adult men on the airplanes the place later discovered alive in Europe. the full pentagon difficulty does not look right besides. i does no longer positioned something previous the government. You do understand that they are able to fly a airliner remotely. this is a actuality. So are they nuts. i don't understand. i think of the learn grew to become into crap very like the warren fee. with the help of how the only evidence you have of who grew to become into flying the airplanes is what grew to become into fed to you with the help of the government. So are people who thoroughly brush aside the possiblity of government involvement a. Lemmings. b. Retarded. c. products of a public college training that did no longer coach severe thinking skills.

2016-12-18 06:32:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Bush is Country dumb.. if you know what that means you'll understand if you don't .. never mind. As for weapons of mass distraction I have a theory (shocker) ... I believe they genuinely thought there would be some sort of weapons there. Obviously the roaming chem labs and such were an elaborate and foolish ploy designed to engender hostility for the administrations objective of invading Iraq ... but I do believe that they thought there would be something there to hang their hats on. Think about it, neither Darth Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld are stupid and we Know Karl (Turd Blossom) Rove is a media genius..albeit an "Evil" Genius.. why hang your butt out to dry ? makes absolutely no sense.. as for 9/11 the jury is still out, Bush a mastermind ..? Maybe but My guess would be that he is merely along for the ride on much of this. He does after all make the perfect puppet head.

2006-09-07 11:28:09 · answer #4 · answered by hardartsystems 3 · 0 1

A good question. There are SO many that need to be answered on both sides that would implicate AND exculpate Dumbya as a mass murderer of American people. The "9-11" Commission just scratched the surface. The Repukes certainly WANTED that to happen and guaranteed it would happen by time limit and budget. None of the new questions will EVER be answered without a Democratic Congress with subpoena powers to ask them. Dictator Dumbya is NEVERTHELESS evil and impeachable for THOUSANDS of other causes, so that he might NOT be guilty of the above would NOT, in a just world, save him. Down with Dictator Dumbya!!!

2006-09-07 11:34:02 · answer #5 · answered by rhino9joe 5 · 0 1

The Bush Basher patrol will like this question, as well as the fact that , oh , wait, we gave power back to Iraq as promised too, now we are still working on our plan not to leave our new democtratic country to self destruction but we are giving the power of choice that they didnt have back to them, oh, and thye will find a way to bash bush for that, they will probably go and change there arguements again like they do on a daily basis, they have more faults in there complaining than the planet.....

2006-09-07 11:21:20 · answer #6 · answered by lost&confused 5 · 1 1


Bush is not the mastermind behind 9/11.

A couple of guys named Osama Bin Laden & Sheik Aiman al-Sawahiri are.

2006-09-07 11:20:52 · answer #7 · answered by Ed A 3 · 2 1

there is no "mastermind" to the 9/11 attack. The attacks were planned by groups not by individuals. If there was to be a "mastermind" it would be the sum of Bush Sr., Cheney, Rumsfeld and the CIA.

2006-09-07 11:29:50 · answer #8 · answered by zonumb 2 · 1 1

I agree with you completely man! I don't even like Bush but I agree with you...No offence but Idiots think bush masterminded the whole 9/11 thing...come on..the can't even go 5 minutes with out stuttering like a retard..he is obviously the dumbest president we have ever had so to even think that he could plan something like that is completely Ridiculous.

2006-09-07 11:14:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

No, he's not the mastermind behind 9/11. Sheesh.

You have to talk to these people like they are kids!!!

2006-09-07 11:14:11 · answer #10 · answered by *~HoNeYBeE~* 5 · 2 0

I'm sorry But Bush could not mastermind eating Pretzels.

How on God's green earth could he organize a bunch of camel jockeys.

2006-09-07 11:53:40 · answer #11 · answered by 43 5 · 1 1

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