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I do not want to be a conservative or a liberal, I want to be me. But my personality makes me a conservative. Liberals, please help me understand you. I am not joking. For me an issue like abortion is simple, I see it as wrong. I, for the life of me, cannot understand how someone can support killing children. I know you people do not see them as children and maybe that is how you are able to support abortion, help me understand. I think anything can be achieved through hard work, liberals think everything is out of their control. They will blame the corporations or the government. I really do not have anything against gay people but I do not understand the liberal tendency to promote homosexuality as a viable alternative to a heterosexual relationship. Help me understand your motivations, please.

2006-09-07 10:40:44 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

28 answers

Well well, so pleased to see that your questions are just as ignorant as your answers.
Can a fetus live, breath, function on it's own? No. Therefore, it is still a part of the woman's body. Get it? If a woman wants to have a limb amputated, damn it, it's none of your business; just like the abortion of a fetus, which is still a part of her body.
"Lberals promote homosexuality" Ridiculous. Unlike narrow minded right-wing bible-thumping conservatives, we have simply learned to accept and embrace the fact that everyone is NOT the same; and their being different should not diminish their rights in any way. Who feels like everything is out of their control? What the hell are you talking about? Maybe you can help ME out with something: How did such bigoted, intolerant, narrow minded imbeciles gain such an absolute amount of power over a "free" nation? It truly boggles the mind. The biggest problem with conservatives views is that far too many of them are based on their absolutely annoying christian faith. When the hell will they realize. EVERYONE IS NOT A DAMNED CHRISTIAN! Why can't conservatives understand that? Stop reading so much Ann Coulter(an ignorant, intolerant *****), and start opening yourself up to other peoples ideas, and hardships. How many times did you use the phrase "You People" in your question? Assuming you mean liberals; those "people" founded this country; fleeing conservative tyrants in Britain; and they happen to be Americans, just like you! Learn some tolerance and Respect!

2006-09-07 11:17:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I am not a fan of any abortion, but there are several circumstances such as rape, incest and honest medical reasons where it is the right choice, just don't wait 4 months. In the first two months it is not even a fetus yet, it's just a bunch of cells they call an "embryo" and not really a human being, only a potential human being. I support abortion (liberals call it "choice") in this case. The next month or two it is technically a fetus which resembles a miniature human. It's not really a person yet no matter what anyone says, but it looks enough like us to make a lot of people squeamish about killing it. I don't support abortion in this case, but I don't condemn it either. For the next 28 weeks it's really a lot like a baby, but it certainly can't survive on its own. I don't support abortion in this case and I do condemn it. It's way too much like killing a baby. For the remainder of the term and especially in the last 4 weeks it is a crapshoot as to whether or not it could survive outside the womb. If you get an abortion that late then you're killing a baby and you're a pretty distasteful person.

If you opt for a partial birth abortion because you got cold feet then sorry, you're a murderer and you ought to go to jail, it's that simple.

As far as the gay deal goes, I have no problem with legal civil unions conferring similar rights as married couples have, but don't call it marriage, that's between a man and a woman, not a same sex couple. As far as adoptions go, gay parents are certainly better than no parents. I would always give the preference to male and female couple as that is what nature intended, it's just right and that's all there is to it. Sorry same sexers, that's just nature. I have had a lot of gay friends over the past 25 years and they were some pretty good people. I have also known some pretty bad ones and when I was an adolescent there were a couple of times gay guys tried to take advantage of me, unsuccessfully thank goodness. There are plenty of bad heteros too, guess that's a humankind sort of thing and not a sexual preference thing. I am very sick of the in your face homo-promo thing the liberals and some of the militant gay rights groups keep bombarding us with. Why can't those folks be happy with legal rights bearing civil unions and stop plastering traditional America with gay marriage? If gays are legally able to get "married" then I have to agree with the polygamists and say it should be OK for them to the do multiple wife thing legally too, just no kids for pete's sake. After all, in 99.99% of the species on this planet, the male's role is to impregnate as many females as possible to ensure the survival of the species, that's something natural which society has conditioned out of us humans over millenia. I'm monagamous, but I'm just being logical about it.

2006-09-07 11:11:28 · answer #2 · answered by OzobTheMerciless 3 · 2 0

Tony-You say you are a liberal but you hate high taxes. Impossible! You wonder why the present administration has collected more tax money than any other administration. At the risk of you thinking I am generalizing-the present administration has promoted and gained 2 different TAX CUTS. This gave the private sector more money for investing for business which put more people to work which provided a broader tax base (more people were paying taxes, but each person was paying less taxes out of their expendable income. This allowed more money to be spent buying "stuff". Do you understand this concept? It has been a conservative belief for many, many years. I also, dislike politicians lying to me. I am an independent but have voted Republican for many years because the Democratic party has been lying and using half truths, innuendos and total lies for the entire Bush administration and before. I get the idea that they are not giving you or me much credit for any brains at all. THAT'S WHY I SUPPORT THE REPUBLICANS AT THIS TIME. You have many conservative beliefs. Check out what I have said and then think about t how you are going to vote in the mid-term election and the one in 2008.

2006-09-07 11:31:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What you have to understand is that not all liberals, or conservatives for that matter, hold the same opinions on every issue. Furthermore abortion and homosexuality are issues which the religious right has pretty much taken and been able to brainwash people with for the last 30 to 40 years. And the way that they brainwash people is by promoting over and over again the naive belief that conservatives and Republicans are, by their very nature, simply more family-friendly, morality-friendly, and God-friendly. I could use up a whole other post explaining why nothing could be further from the truth, but for now I'll focus on the issues in your question.

I am, in fact, both a liberal and pro-life. I know it sounds like a contradiction in terms, but on the basis of my religious belief that God values all human beings equally, whether they are born or not, I am pro-life.

HOWEVER...that is my religious belief, and only my religious belief, which I will not seek to impose upon everyone else by overturning Roe v. Wade or bombing an abortion clinic. I certainly wouldn't counsel my girlfriend to have an abortion, or any other woman I know who would be considering it, but if they made the choice to have an abortion, I would not interfere.

You see, I believe that if people truly want to be be pro-life, with respect to the abortion issue, then they must also be pro-choice, and leave that undeniably moral choice up to the woman, her doctor, and her God. What kind of society would we be living in if Roe v. Wade were overturned? Do we really want to live in a society where, if abortion became illegal tomorrow, every woman who has ever had an abortion would be sent to death row pending execution by lethal injection, the gas chamber, or the electric chair? After all, that's what we do with people who murder people who actually are recognized as people under the law. And for whatever reasons conservatives who are anti-abortion are usually pro-death penalty.

If your belief that abortion is wrong has its roots in the Bible, then let me ask you to consider this: does the Bible specifically condemn murder? Yes, one of the Ten Commandments says, "Thou shalt not kill." Does the Bible specifically condemn abortion? No, not specifically. So if the Bible specifically condemns murder, but not abortion, can a case not be argued that the pro-life movement is trying to read God's mind? It may sound ridiculous but that's what I believe.

As for homosexuality, I don't believe that liberals are, as you say, "promoting homosexuality as a viable alternative to a heterosexual relationship." I think that, by fighting for the legal right to marry if they wish, homosexuals simply want to expand the definition of marriage, so that both heterosexual and homosexual couples can reap the benefits of it. I don't think it's about changing the definition of marriage for it's own sake, or for the sake of political correctness.

For those who point out that homosexuality is a sin, let me point out in turn that the Bible that says homosexuality is a sin is the very same Bible that says we should love our neighbors as ourselves and forgive them when they do wrong, even if they don't ask us to. The Lord's Prayer says, "....forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." It's so easy to forget that in the heat of the spirited debate.

2006-09-07 11:26:57 · answer #4 · answered by smoke16507 3 · 0 0

I can understand how confused you are about the liberal party after reading all the q & a's on this site. There are a lot of generalizations about both parties, and way too much name calling. Each liberal has different beliefs, we are not all the same, just as all conservatives are not the same. Basically, we just want the constitution enforced. This country was founded on the principles of freedom and basic inalienable rights. If you look at things like the abortion or gay rights issues, then it comes down to the constitution--all men were created equal, seperation of church and state, freedom from religious persecution--etc. Those issues test the very fabric of the constitution. If we say that all men, except gays, deserve rights, if we say women can make choices, but not ones that upset the religous community, then we are chipping away at the foundation of this country piece by piece.
It is hard not to blame the corporations or the government for the shape our economy is in right now. Our jobs have went overseas. The government has given tax breaks to the companies that are farming the jobs out to other countries. The middle class is dying out because our jobs are no longer there. My household income is now half of what it was 10 years ago, and I work ten times harder to make it. I have seen company after company shut down or move their operations. Whose fault is that?
This is what this liberal wants; I want the constitution enforced. I want our jobs brought home so that this country can become the land of opportunity that it once was. I want to be able to make any decision I want that has no effect on anyone but myself without fear of the religious right being able to tell me I can't because it interferes with their beliefs. I want to be able to speak my mind and for you to be able to speak yours. I don't want to make personal decisions for you and I don't want you to make personal decisions for me. Thats about as basic as I can make it.

2006-09-07 22:12:03 · answer #5 · answered by Hillaryforpresident 5 · 0 0

Why don't you try worrying about your self, and not so much about others. Nobody is making you or anyone else have an abortion. These people have enough troubles without your high and mighty judgment.
I haven't noticed a huge trend for conservatives to be lined up adopting all these unwanted babies, or even being willing to help support them with social programs. You don't even want to pay taxes.
Looks to me like you conservatives just want a cheap slave-like labor force of uneducated unwanted serfs to rule.

Gays aren't making you have a gay relationship. So why don't you and your conservative buddies mind your own business there too. What are you so afraid of? Perhaps there might be some deeply hidden gay tendencies that make you guys uncomfortable?

2006-09-07 11:05:27 · answer #6 · answered by Repub-lick'n 4 · 2 1

I am very liberal.

I think homosexuality is simply wrong, but I will fight for their equal rights, because I am an American.

I think abortion is wrong, and has reached epidemic proportions because of all the abortion clinics the conservatives own, and because the #1 cause of abortion, is, was, and always will be the stigma on unwed mothers from the conservatives.

I think that anything can be accomplished with hard work. I blame myself for my problems and I blame conservatives for the problems they cause and liberals for the problems they cause.

Liberals are for liberty, they started America, by rebelling against the conservative British with their high taxes and excessive government.

We hate higher taxes, and we hate being lied to by politicians. I don't care what party they are in. Can you explain why the conservatives in power have collected more tax dollars than all other previous adminstrations combined?

The truth is, that generalizations are never true.

The wackos want to turn it into a high schoolish hazing. Are you still in high school?

2006-09-07 11:01:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

You're asking for trouble.

You see abortion as killing children, whereas many people, especially women, see abortion as the right to choose what happens with their lives. I personally do not promote abortion as a method of birth control and I don't see why anyone would want to go through a drastic measure like that. Being pro-choice is exactly that - having a choice in what happens to me. Would you want someone deciding what happens to your life and your body? Probably not. So neither do I.

I disagree with your stance on "liberals think everything is out of their control". You're wrong. Period.

I'm not gay, but I would be willing to guess that homosexuals don't believe their lifestyle is an "alternative" to anything. It's just the way they want to live their life and who are we to stand in the way of people wanting to live their lives as they see fit? It's not hurting anyone else. Why shouldn't we let them raise children? If you're so pro-life and want laws enacted where women can never have an abortion, then where do you think all of these children are going to go? You think they will all be taken care of as they should be? No, a lot of them will be put up for adoption. Why would you not want someone who wants a child more than anything to be able to adopt or have a child?

I think your perception of the liberal viewpoint is greatly skewed.

2006-09-07 10:50:56 · answer #8 · answered by AD 2 · 4 3

Yes your right.
#1 Abortion: A baby is a miricle from GOD. A woman has the right to choose, Once she chooses to have sex and get pregnant, there is another human involved(The Baby). She has no right at all to KILL the baby.
#2 Gays: Gays can do what they want,I could care less, but when it comes to marriage, this is a Holy Matrimony between a Man and a Woman.
To allow abortions to be legal is allowing Our country to openly disregard God's creation and laws.
To allow marriage between gays will do the same but will also open the road for marriage between fathers and daughters,sisters and brothers etc. Once we give in to the gays then we would have no right to stop anyone from getting married or anything!
Sometimes people need to look at the big picture and do whats best for everyone. We need to protect the morals and standards that this Great country was built on!

2006-09-07 11:09:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I am glad you asked....at least you are trying to see the other side....I am very conservative on some issues and liberal on others....abortion for example....if an 18 year old gets pregnant haveing consenual sex and opps gets pregnant she should not be allowed to us abortions as a form of birth control.....people who talk about pro-choice, if you don't want risk being prego then choose not to have sex.....tell your man to wrap it up or get on the pill....but in the case of rape it should be....it was not the choice......gays....let them be...That is them...I don't have to like it....I don't think it right...but to each his own...they are not asking to marry me....this is a free country....I believe the death penalty is a good thing...and the process sped up,....I think that most people have a hard time looking at both sides....however.....anyone of us...if raised in a different family or country would have views completely different...it is all a matter of experiance and point of view....if your parents belevied certain things then you will have that influence...people need to learn to look outside the box....

2006-09-07 10:54:19 · answer #10 · answered by yetti 5 · 3 2

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