The other day my friend, her husband and 3 kids told me they were stoping by sometime around 6 or 7 p.m. I told her that I would be home so o.k. She has told me this 3 times before and never even showed up by the way. My boyfriend was going to work on our car so we went to borrow tools from my dad. My Step Mother has been very sick (cancer) and when we got to dad's she was not even able to get out of bed and did not know who we were or anything like that. My dad wanted me to drive them to a Hospital that was about an hour away. Well I did not get back in time to see them and I missed them and now there mad. She even wrote me a nasty letter saying how I was a lier and that I was Jealous and not a good friend and a bunch of other childish things. I told her What happen but for some reason she don't belive me. How am I not a good friend I call her all the time buy gifts for her kids and even let them live with us for awile when the got kicked out of there house for not paying rent!!!!!!
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† Dark Slayer † aka: NiSeY
Family & Relationships
➔ Friends