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2006-09-07 09:37:52 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

19 answers

ok, look. if you have an insect problem, you dont go after each individual insect. you go after the nest, or hive. (not trying to be insulting by comparing immigrants to insects - it's just an apt comparison.)

the answer is NOT to make them leave, or even to prevent them from coming. this is only addressing the symptoms, and NOT the disease.

the answer is to nip the problem in the bud, and reduce their DESIRE to come here. if immigrants had no desire to come here, then there would be no problem, correct?

the next logical question is this: what causes immigrants to WANT to come here?


because the living conditions in their countries are intolerable, or much less favorable than they are here. if they had it just as good, or better, in their own countries, they'd be less likely to immigrate here, correct? (it'd be interesting to know how many illegal canadian immigrants we get per year VS mexican immigrants.)

so the truth of the situation is that we will never be rid of the problem of illegal immigrants (and i DO agree that it's a problem) until the living conditions in the countries they come from improve.

2006-09-07 09:51:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Good question!

First we must secure our borders. That will stop the flow of illegals into the country and send a message to those in the US that we are serious about border security.

Second we should establish a 15 year moratorium on new immigration (except those with exceptional skills or fleeing from imminent death or political oppression in their home countries).

Third we should pass laws allowing local police, FBI, INS and other law enforcement agencies share information on illegal aliens.

Fourth we should establish a national identity card and give only to those who can prove American citizenship.

Fifth we should require Americans to provide their national identity card when stopped for a traffic violation, for requesting services at hospital emergency rooms, applying for food stamps, welfare, university enrollment and other government handouts.

Sixth we should aggressively investigate and deport the "low hanging fruit": illegals in jail, in the farming industry, the construction industry, the nanny industry, the landscaping industry, the textile industry, and others where illegals commonly work. THESE JOBS WILL BE HAPPILY TAKEN BY LEGAL ALIENS.

Seventh we should strengthen the laws against illegal entry into the country, making it into a felony with large fines and lengthy prison sentences.

Eighth repeal the law that says anyone born in the US is automatically an American citizen.

Ninth we should strengthen the economy of Mexico by sending all work headed to China to Mexico instead. Why support a Communist dictatorship that is a strategic enemy?

Tenth we should strengthen the teaching of English in schools, making literacy a requirement for citizenship; require recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in English, and the study of our unique American culture.

Provide development aid to Mexico (e.g. bribe them) to create a "please come home to Mexico" program for illegals. The money to come from our annual contribution to the UN, which is worthless.

This comprehensive program will stop illegals entering, catch illegals in the country already, encourage those already here to leave, and give Mexico the right incentives to comply.

You can probably get some better ideas from Tom Tancredo's website (Congressman from Colorado) or from Michelle Malkin's blog (see URLs below).

2006-09-07 10:04:40 · answer #2 · answered by Answers1 6 · 2 0

We can enforce existing laws. We can punish the employers. This will cause a certain amount of self deportation. Then we require that only legal citizens get schooling, medical, and other government benefits. Deport the criminal ones. Take the cost of their damage out of the aid money we send to their home countries. Secure the border. That would take care of about 90 percent of the illegals.
We will never totally stop them but we can deal with a small number versus the tsunami we now have.

2006-09-07 09:44:44 · answer #3 · answered by keywestbeaner 2 · 4 0

Simple make it less attractive for companies to hire them in the first place. If a company is found with illegal immigrant employees they should be fined heavily say 250,000 to 500,000 a head.

2006-09-07 11:00:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

send them back to the mother ship.

but seriously, if we start shooting as they come across the borders the rest might learn a thing or two and not try to come across

as for the ones we have already, speak english or go back to your old home

when my grandfather came over from germany the first thing the government said was "learn english or go home", ya know what he did? he learned english.

2006-09-07 09:46:35 · answer #5 · answered by lheitjan_01 2 · 3 0

kill them...or have u ever seen the Amazing Racist videos? the one with the illegal aliens wanting work? if you haven't...watch it. that is what we shall do.

2006-09-07 09:41:31 · answer #6 · answered by UnholySoldier 2 · 0 0

Listen DUMBASS, why would you need to get rid of them? Who will clean up hotels? resturants? Theme parks? Or Cook for you at Resturants? Illegal aliens come here to WORK. They dont need assistance from Social security or disability. The people that need that are people that were born and raised here. They are the lazy ones. I doubt you or your family would ever do any of the things mentioned above. So ZIP IT jerk

2006-09-07 09:58:47 · answer #7 · answered by Photographer 6 · 1 4

okay, tuahman (fart), sirius (fag), smitty(*****) nani(crack head drunki),and miss m ( unmentionable) oh no wait whore i remembered get a life you are all decendants of illegal aliens most of the american land was populated by the indians when you great , great ,great grand parent (old geezers ) came to you little dingy land land and ran them away the land werent the geezer own fron the beggining ..... get a grip ... illegal aliens yall look like aliens ...tell me when was the last time you watch a scifi movie and saw and alien looking like a minority ... dont they alwasy look like you.... think about that

2006-09-07 09:59:40 · answer #8 · answered by spicey 1 · 0 3

1. Put a bounty on them.

2. Make it a crime--jail time--to hire them

3. No government welfare, heath care, education, DL's, ID's or any other benefit w/o citizenship or green card.

That would be a good start. ROUND THEM UP AND SEND THEM HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-07 09:46:09 · answer #9 · answered by LoneStar 6 · 1 0

yall all ***** u cant get rid of them cuz they r the reason this country is good so back off n beside ur parents and or ur grantparents were aliens so shut up either way u come back to being illegal

2006-09-07 09:45:00 · answer #10 · answered by Ebby 1 · 1 4

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