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What was your motivation? What did you do that made the weight fall off? I want to lose weight I am up to 208lbs and I used to be 150lbs before kids.

2006-09-07 09:34:54 · 11 answers · asked by nene 3 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body

11 answers

i've been trying to do this for 2 years and have just discovered i want to lose it now as i have tried surfing - it was great but i wasn't agile enough to stand on the board - will now lose weight for next summer and get fit!!

2006-09-07 09:40:03 · answer #1 · answered by yogiboo 2 · 0 0

I am in your same boat. After kids I ballooned up as well. I lost about 40 lbs in 6 months but I did it in an unhealthy way and ended up gaining 60 back! I don't believe that the weight will just "fall off". I started a new game plan (not diet- I hate that word) I first cut out white bread- now its only whole wheat or multi-grain. Then I cut out sweets, I am now in the process of cutting fried foods. I have been steadily losing about 2 lbs per week. I have also started bike riding 3-4 nights a week. Not racing, just leisurly riding. My best advice to you is that you did not put the weight on overnight and its not going to come off overnight. Another thing is that diets don't work, you need to change your eating habits- no food at bedtime, drink lots of water etc. I know that its hard to do but it can be done. One bonus that I found is that energy creates energy. I feel so much more energetic since I have been riding. Sometimes I have to fight with myself to get up and do it but once I do I feel like I could go forever. I hope this helps. Good luck!

2006-09-07 10:14:20 · answer #2 · answered by findjoanne 2 · 0 0

Looks like I have everyone Beat here.
I was 220 lb, now I'm 146 - yes, that's total of 74 pounds lost in 8 months. Actually, 7 months, because I've been the same weight for the last month.
The trick?
I did the 1st Personal Diet.
I paid the money, did the blood test and got my prescription.
They tell you exactly what to eat and how much of it.
No need to purchase food or supplements from them.
You eat what's in your fridge, just weigh your food.

The motivation?
First three days were hell. I thought I was going to kill somebody or faint, or jump out the window - my blood sugar was completely out of whack.
But on the evening of day three I was fine.
And I suppose the 7 pounds I lost in those 3 days had something to do with it.
The weight literally falls off. The feeling you get when the pants which were so tight, you grunted every time you had to sit down start to be too baggy to wear, when you meet people you haven't seen in a week and the ask "Did you lose weight?" or when you look in the mirror and your face is not so puffy anymore. That is priceless.
Or when you fit in the dress you loved to wear before you had kids...
Plus on this diet you do not have to exercise.
They actually tell you not to do it till you feel better and want to do it.
I find that the food I eat gives me so much energy, that I happily jump on my elliptical, or strap the Rollerblades to my feet and ride around.
It feels so great to be able to walk up a flight of stairs and not get winded, or go to a shop and not get disgusted looks from the 90 lb sales girls. Or when a strange guy opens a door for for me, because I am no longer an invisible fat woman in his way.
There are tomes to be written about the prejudice and mistreatment of overweight people, but I didn't realized I was treated poorly until it stopped, so yeah, that's motivation too.
If you have any questions about the diet, e-mail me, I'll be happy to answer them. I wish you could have the same results as I do.

2006-09-07 10:08:31 · answer #3 · answered by annar12002 4 · 0 0

I was at 208 a year and a half ago, I am now 42 and weigh 160, all I did was start walking on the treadmill. first 15 min. everyother day then worked up to 30 min. every day. after about 3 months the weight started to come off. I stopped drinking pop all together and stick with green tea or water. I didn't watch what I ate at first but when the weight came off it was incentive to eat less. I did it because I felt tired all the time. I have more energy now too. I haven't been able to walk due to injury this summer but it stayed off!!!!!!! I'm working on it again. Good Luck

2006-09-07 11:35:25 · answer #4 · answered by piovendetta5 2 · 0 0

I have not lost 50lbs but I did lose about 30. I was up to 172 and got down to 146. It took about 3 months of hard work. I didnt really diet, I cut down my portions and didnt eat over 1700 calories a day. I started out with cereal or oatmeal and toast every morning w/ orange or apple juice. I had a yogurt for a snack and then for lunch I had salads or sandwiches (whole wheat bread), or left over dinner. I mainly ate some type of chicken or fish for dinner. I ate beef once week if that but I'm not really a red meat kinda gal. So, control your portions and replace sweets with fruits(like watermelon) and drink lots of water.

My workout plan went like this. On monday, wednesday and saturday I walked 2 miles. When I came back from my walks I did 30 mins of taebo. I suggest you start on the beginners dvd, because I didnt and it was VERY hard. On tuesday and sunday I rode my stationary bike at home with a my sauna suit on. I have a setting on the bike which increase and decreased the resistence for the type of (progressive) workout I was doing. I did that for 30 mins under progressive and then did free style riding another 30 mins. Thursday was my rest day but I did walk around the house in my sauna suit. Now you must drink LOTS of water when wearing that sauna suit because it makes you sweat. If you can be consistent with working out and cutting down the portion sizes that you eat, you don't have to "diet" but to keep the weight off, you're going to need a life style change. So practicing healthy eating habits will help. When you want chocolate find something that is low fat, when you want candy eat strawberries or watermelons. Trust me it will help.

2006-09-07 09:49:11 · answer #5 · answered by T J 2 · 0 0

I have two children and I found it hard to keep up with them. I was sooo sick of feeling tired all the time. I also have bad knees and the weight was making them worse. I was afraid of getting old and not being able to enjoy my life because of limitations from my weight. I decided to just try to lose 10 pounds per month so I wouldn't feel overwhelmed. Exercise is the key. I bought a Nordic Track at a garage sale. Just doing 30 minutes of cardio 5-6 times per week will REALLY make a difference.

2006-09-07 09:43:21 · answer #6 · answered by Shilo R 3 · 0 0

I lost 60 pounds about 7 years ago. The only thing I really did was cut back and not eat before going to bed. I didn't drink gallons of water, no popping diet pills, no exercise. The weight melted. I lost 60 pounds in 4 months. You can do it!

2006-09-07 09:41:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I weighed 185 at one point and now I weigh between 105-110. I was completely inactive and ate junk. Here is what I did that helped me lose about 12 pounds a month:

-Exercise EVERY DAY, starting out with 20 minutes of aerobics like walking or elliptical if you're really out of shape and working up to 40 minutes a day as you get closer to your goal

-No snacking on junk food.

-No chips, candy, cookies in the house

-I stopped baking except on special occasions! I love to bake!

-Lifted hand weights which really helps tone and keep from getting flabby

-Eat 3 healthy meals a day and 2 healthy snacks in between

-Lots of salads and whole-grain veggie sandwiches, chicken, and fish. I pretty much cut out red meat altogether except at the occasional BBQ

-Get the Abs Diet book and read it. It has healthy tips on losing excess weight. I lost my last 12 following its eating advice and stick to it to this day.

The more weight you lose, the easier it is to stay on your program because you see it working! Also, weigh yourself once every week or two and NEVER before your cycle! Weight fluctuates and can be frustrating.

THis quote really helped me too, "You CAN and WILL stay in shape for a lifetime. What you don't have to do is get in shape for a lifetime."

2006-09-07 09:44:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I have, after I had my kids I was at 225 and I just got tired of looking bad in clothes and I have lost like 70 lbs with eating right exercise but it can be done it won't happen overnite I am still working on it but its been like 1 yr since I started..believe me it will all fall into place:) Good luck Hun

2006-09-07 09:43:37 · answer #9 · answered by Green_Eyez:) 3 · 0 0

i lost 67lbs. I bought a teeny weeny bikini and hung it up in my closet. That gave me motivation, I told myself that I would look good in this suit by summer. I joined a gym and bought nothing but healthy foods. I have a trainer that helps me keep the body I have and tells me the right kind of food. By Christmas, I lost 48lbs and by summer i lost 52lbs The first day out on the beach, I wore my little bikini and I looked like I never have before

2006-09-07 09:42:31 · answer #10 · answered by roxy34gal 2 · 0 0

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