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Here's a few things which she achieved :-

1. Ordinary people could buy their council houses.
2. Remember the "winter of discontent" - - she destroyed the Trade Unions- - no more beer and sanwiches at number 10.(Remember then that the Trade Unions were running the country at that time and before)
3. She was successful in the Falklands war.
4. She denationalised many bussinesses and put buying of share into the public domain allowing ordinary folk like you and I to become little capitalists.
5. She negotiated the rebate from the European Union.
6. She caused "old Labour" to become "New Labour".- her greatest achievement -- although that could be in doubt now.

This is to remember a few of her achievements.

...and I bet you ta pound to a pinch of **** that we shall get a lot of NERD answers. (NERDS are "no-brainers" !)

My question is :- What do you think ?

2006-09-07 09:23:18 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

52 answers

Margaret Thatcher was the best thing that happened to this country since William Pitt, She led with a rod of iron would not give in to the plonkers over seas or in Britain. Wish she was still in the country wouldn't be in the !!!"!!!! its in now.

2006-09-07 09:35:02 · answer #1 · answered by mushy peas 2 · 0 3

Obviously we don't remember the same Maggie Thatcher.
1. Selling council houses was popular but it destroyed the public housing stock. People, for their own selfish reasons, have sold up, moved on and now many of those houses are owned by buy to let landlords. "Ordinary" people are no better off, we are still "Ordinary".
2. She destroyed the industrial base of this country. Yes the unions were a problem that had to be addressed but not at the expense of 4 million unemployed.
3. She wasn't successful in the Falklands War our servicemen were and, if I remember rightly, her son Mark wasn't there, probably doing a deal somewhere on the back of his mothers name.
4. She managed to turn lots of "Ordinary" people into greedy people who no longer thought of their community, their society, but were only motivated by greed.
5. She failed to do anything at all about the Common Agricultural Policy which is the biggest drain on the EU budget.
6. That is the only point I can agree on, she did make people realise that greed was worse than need and people more important than politics.
Remember it wasn't the people who threw her out of office it was her own party.
If you get loads of NERD answers I wouldn't be surprised because, after all, ask a NERD question and what do you expected. I must apologise if you've sat up for the last few nights composing the question.

2006-09-07 10:12:25 · answer #2 · answered by bob kerr 4 · 1 0

Yes, I remember a great leader, prepared to fight for what she believed to be right.

I wouldn't say I agreed with all her policies.

She did indeed privatise the many state run organisations selling the family silver as welwynstreet has pointed out, however since 1997 much of the gold reserve has now been sold also!

I don't think she can be credited completely with destroying the Trade Unions, and the mining industry, much of the credit for that must go to Arthur Scargill who was determined to bring down the government, and failed!

Old labour became New Labour? Are you sure Labour didn't just become faux Conservative?

2006-09-07 11:18:48 · answer #3 · answered by PeterPanda 2 · 0 0

I remeber "Thatcher the milk snatcher". She might have achieved some "good" things but people remember her for the bad things. As you say, she was successful in the Falklands but, wasn't she the one who dec;ared war in the first place? I don't think denationalisation was a particularly positive thing for many people. New Labour is certainly in doubt right now. What she did was turn Old Labour into New Tory.

2006-09-07 09:33:03 · answer #4 · answered by Evil J.Twin 6 · 2 0

Well, I know what you think.

Now my advice, when fishing for political controversy, don't use a neon worm for bait.

Personally I thought Thatcher was an interesting political figure. I didn't agree with everything she did. IMO only a fool supports everything a politician does, since politics are all about compromise and sometimes that means compromising too far one way or another.

I thought busting the hardened old style unions was a service to England. I'm not sure I understood the Falkland's war. I'd appreciate hearing your opinion on it... I believe you can add to your post while it's still active.

2006-09-07 09:31:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I remember her well.
I often wonder if she gave sufficient consideration to the long term consequences of some of her policies.

The extensive de-nationalisation of utilities has left UK consumers at the mercy of International Capital that manipulates the commodity markets. This is hardly an improvement on the over-manning and inefficiency of the pre-Thatcher era.

Individuals and families who held controlling interests in public companies generally took a long term view, considering the effect their management decisions would have on future generations. The massive growth of private pensions has left most UK owned companies under the control of investment fund members. Long term is now the base period for calculation the manager's bonus. This must be bad for the future prospects of the UK economy.

Nevertheless, I would love to see her back with her original crew and Sir John Hoskyns to sort out the economy.

2006-09-07 13:32:46 · answer #6 · answered by Clive 6 · 0 0

Who could forget?

But of the points you raise, it was our armed forces that were successful in the Falklands, Mrs T didn't do much. Apparantly it came just before Mrs T was going to scrap most of the Navy.

And does anyone in the Thames water area think that denationalisation was a good move?

2006-09-07 09:24:54 · answer #7 · answered by Hairyloon 3 · 1 0

I'm too young to really remember her in power but I've always had a soft spot for her. If nothing else she showed women were just as capable as men at running the country and at least she stuck to her principles. Frankly, Blair isn't fit to be in the same room as her purely on that point (and so this is balanced, I AM old enough to remember the crippling bankrupcy my family suffered after black wednesday).

2006-09-07 09:28:40 · answer #8 · answered by spagbolfordinner 3 · 0 0

Yes I remember Margaret thatcher she was the one who looked after her own. ( The rich) she did not give a toss about ordinary people yes she let people buy their houses . No houses left to rent now, only on run down estates which was a direct result of her polices. Falklands lives lost and what for?. nobody even mentions them now. She privatised the utilities and look at the state of our water and gas not to mention electricity these networks are falling apart,yes thanks to you Mrs t . Add to this she destroyed our proud mining industry and caused whole towns to go down the pan. So dont talk to me about that evil woman she was a terrible prime minister and does not even deserve to be remembered. Glad to have educated you dumbo.
regards Michael

2006-09-07 09:47:10 · answer #9 · answered by micvay47 2 · 1 0

not one of the above. truly, Margaret Thatcher, the evil witch, will proper be remembered for the very undeniable reality that as Minister of practise lower than the Ted Heath authorities, she took away the loose college milk from our poorest little ones, for this reason depriving them of nourishment, which were area of our practise device the following in united kingdom because the Forties. The evil Margaret Thatcher (may she rot in Hell for all eternity) replaced into then time-honored as "Thatcher the Milk Snatcher". no longer surely did she deprive 1000's of 1000's of our young children of a small bottle of milk in line with day at school, she also placed 1000's of British dairy farmers out of company - in no thanks to get better, because the milk they produced replaced into bought with the help of the then "Milk promoting Board" which replaced into set up to ensure that farmers were given a sensible value for his or her milk. Our British dairy marketplace hasn't ever recovered and we are now forced to purchase overseas imported milk of an interior high quality from in a overseas united states. demise awaits us all, yet there are those now waiting in Hell for the evil and vile witch time-honored because the Thatcher. demise to the Tories and their chief, the Cam and his rentboy the Clogg.

2016-11-25 19:30:37 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The question I feel you should have asked is - "who can forget THATCHER"
The fact she built new labour is enough to have her strung up for.
I do not favour politics, probably because my understanding is very, very weak, but still. Hospital closure, privatisation, NHS standards, I know we can look at our leaders today and have so many questions but the lady with iron heart certainly left alot of people majorly pissed off, most of them being fans of the labour MP with the ginger hair, huge apologises for not rembering his name can only remember the spitting image puppet, lol.

2006-09-07 09:43:53 · answer #11 · answered by redheadwonder 2 · 0 0

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