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2006-09-07 09:14:53 · 29 answers · asked by Candy 5 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

29 answers

because its too easy for them
worse thing is many of them arent even english

2006-09-07 09:17:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

There are different reasons for different people. For some it is pure economics, for others it is greed.

The problem arises in that wages, compared to benefits are not at a level that for a lot of people to live and feed children, as well as pay bills that rise far more quickly than benefits increase.

Manufacturing in the UK has taken a massive downturn with people losing their jobs coupled with the large number of immigrants hoping to fill vacancies that don't exist.

It is not something I condone and do not ever consider doing my self but the governments of the last 30 years have made a complete mess of our industries selling off the utilities and rail networks that are essential to everyone, being made subject to shareholders.

It is so easy to claim benefits that it will be open to abuse. It is a sign of our times.

2006-09-07 16:37:25 · answer #2 · answered by LYN W 5 · 0 0

Because it's possible. It's like asking why there are so many tax cheats (and you're probably talking about the majority of self-employed people). It's a fact of life and it's called the grey economy, every country has one and it actually helps keep a social balance. The poor could not possibly raise their families to any standard on benefits so they look for cash-in-hand jobs. Unscrupulous employers are happy to take them on as it cuts costs. Who do you blame, the people without money or the people who have money who are taking advantage of them? The biggest loss of tax revenue to this country is caused by people who can afford to employ an accountant to avoid tax. If everyone was upfront and honest our tax rate would probably be about 10 pence in the pound but, how can you expect the poorest in our society to set the ball rolling when they are set such an example.

2006-09-07 18:47:38 · answer #3 · answered by bob kerr 4 · 0 0

The whole system of having money to live is corrupt.Owners and directors of companies allowed to have fat cat pay whilst they employ in this and other countries at pay rates that have to be subsidised by the state so the employees and their families can just about live.So many have jobs providing unrealistic pay that they work and have benefits.Why do we have people work and get benefit, when their employment is subsidised by the state so as to give the employers fat cat salaries.Just cut out the middle man maybe there is even a saving.

2006-09-08 18:27:41 · answer #4 · answered by John G 2 · 0 0

Human Rights Act in a nut shell, its now so bloody hard to prove someone is committing fraud. Gone are the days when got a phone call stating someone working & claiming or living with a partner who works whilst they claim as a lone parent, & was able to sit outside their house & then confront them with what you saw. Now gotta have firm evidence fraud is being committed before can even think about watching them & because claimants know this they just deny everything. So don't blame DWP, it can only do what the powers that be tell them or some do gooder jumps up & down saying they've infringed their human & civil rights!!!!

2006-09-07 17:03:43 · answer #5 · answered by andrea b 3 · 0 0

It has been made easy for fraudulent claims to be put in.
A few years ago when I was made redundant it took three months to sort out my benefits and although I was offered a couple of jobs by friends to look after their shops while they went on holiday I couldn't take the temporary jobs because my claims had to go back to reapplying and I couldn't afford to do that.
Once they have all your information you should be able to just not claim for the week you have work (if) you get offered a temporary job.
Luckily I found another job

2006-09-07 17:46:25 · answer #6 · answered by AndyPandy 4 · 0 0

I WORK FOR THE LOCAL GOVERMENT AND EVEN WHEN YOU INFORM THE BENIFIT OFFICE THEY DONT DO ANYTHING....ONE GUY I KNOW AS A 53 PLATE BMW, IS WIFE AS A 54 PLATE RENAULT SPORT, HE WORKS AND STILL THEY CLAIM, ALSO ALL THE BLOODY ILLEGAL PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY SPONGE OFF THE SYSTEM IT MAKES ME SICK, I HAVE TO DO A PART TIME JOB TO HAVE A BETTER LIFE AND GUESS WHAT THE BASTARDS TAKE A 1/4 IN BLOODY TAX.... YES I KNOW I AM SHOUTING BECAUSE I AM BLOODY PISSED OFF. Having said that if you do know a cheat phone the benifit hotline and keep phoning it, it is a free phone number, so keep doing it until someone goes out and catches them, give me the job ,give me a basic salary of £10000 and a bonus of £500 for everyone i catch, and believe me i would catch a lot.

2006-09-07 16:30:57 · answer #7 · answered by david.cawood@btinternet.com 2 · 0 0

Because there are no proper jobs, paying decent wages, left in this country. First our business leaders sold all our manufacturing industry to countries which were politically stable but with no social infrastructure and lots of cheap labour. Cheap because locals didn't have the overheads that we in Western democracies have. And now they are moving on to the service industies, hence all those call centres in India, which in my opinion are a waste of money, but that's another argument. In years past the people who make these decisions to "offshore" our jobs would have been marched through Traitors Gate and strung up. Now they get knighthoods.

2006-09-07 17:33:49 · answer #8 · answered by Peter W 2 · 1 0

top up the piss poor benefits they get paid in the first place.

Every year everything goes up 10 -15%.
Benefits set by the government 2-3%.

The government created most of the cheats in the 1st place

2006-09-07 16:19:29 · answer #9 · answered by timone 5 · 0 1

Because they don't want to work, why should they not because everything paid for them, by us poor buggers that worked all their life's paying taxes and insurance.
If one day something happens to you and no fault of your own, you have problem tying to get social benefit. I lost my temper once because of it and they rather pay the lay a byes than normal working person. We expected to look for another job straight away after losing a job. They can be so ***-holes in the social benefit offices at times.

2006-09-07 16:45:44 · answer #10 · answered by pal6 2 · 0 0

Because its so easy.
I know someone who has been claiming benefits for about 12 years whilst working full time. They have been reprted on numerous occasions but nothing gets done.
BUT if I forget to pay my council tax I get hauled before the courts no questions asked!!!
Not fair!!

2006-09-07 16:18:22 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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