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I really would like to know that since man has not been exstinct, since time that God created the earth, when did man and prehistoric beast co-exist? What evidence do we have to support this claim or prove otherwise? Is there proof of scientific evolution that would support either?

2006-09-07 08:39:57 · 18 answers · asked by amani622 2 in Social Science Anthropology

18 answers

Homo sapiens did not exist at the same time as dinosaures. Homo sapiens came later during the time of mega-mamels such as Mastodons, sabre tooth cats, giant elk etc.

2006-09-07 08:47:53 · answer #1 · answered by overrun_girl 4 · 1 2

There are two words for the word "created" in the Hebrew version of the Bible. Asa- to create out of something already in existence and bara-to create out of nothing. The term Asa is used which means that there was already something of a planet here. I don't know why it's so hard for people to realize that evolution and the creation could have happened at the same time. I believe this is the reason that the missing link is so hard to find. Adam and Eve had to have the skins of some kind of animal to clothe themselves with when they were thrown out of the Garden of Eden. It would only make sense that the animals were about the size and shape of Adam and Eve. I read this theory a long time ago and it just makes sense to me.

2006-09-12 01:21:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Bible is a set of stories, and one can't take what is in there as scientific fact. Can water be turned into wine? Is walking on water possible? Do burnining bushes talk?
Radio carbon dating places humans and pre-humans WAY after the dinosaurs, so it's not really possible for we as a species and the dinosaurs to have existed at the same time. Millions of years separate the two from each other. The scientific research is there, just google it! :)

2006-09-08 12:05:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The logical explanation is that the large flesh eating reptiles right down to the single cell organisms where all put here by God,millions of years before He created Man.Obviously God knew that Man and a T- Rex could not walk the earth at the same time so He sent a gigantic asteroid to smash into the earth to kill all the giant reptiles.Why did He put dinosaurs here in the first place?He could see way into the future and knew mankind would need energy so He gave us fossil fuel,crude oil,coal.

2006-09-07 16:10:48 · answer #4 · answered by WAKE 99 2 · 1 1

Yes they did exist at the same time of man. It was the period when Noah was building the ark. God said that he was going to destroy the earth as it was because of the extreme sin man was committing and because of sin there were mutations of animals, i.e., dinosaurs. When Noah and his family went into the ark and the doors were closed that sealed man's fate. Noah had preached and warned them what was going to happen if they did not repent, but like I said once those doors were closed their death was iminent along with ALL the animals.
When the flood came the rains did not just come from above. We all know that there are streams of water below the ground and when they surfaced the animals started running to get away and of course they would try to get to the highest point. That is why dinosaur bones are found in layers going from bottom to top. They were running to get away from the flood waters. That is just common sense.

I did read this in a well published journal, but I don't have it with me right now. When I get it from my parents I'll let you know.

2006-09-13 19:46:38 · answer #5 · answered by angelcat 6 · 0 1

dinosaurs did exist. they did ot co-exist with man or any mammal, that has ever been found.

that in itself does not prove that God exists, although i believe He does. rather it gives us a puzzle to work out, in the timeframe that God actually made the heavens and the earth.

then of course, there is our human arrogance that tells us that we were the first things that God made. it could be that God the dna scientist was working on other lifeforms before we came along.

there is NO proof that evolution supports the dinosaurs or any other "evolved" creature.

the down side is that neither is there proof of the divinity of God, only the factual history of the bible, it's people, places and things.


2006-09-08 03:10:32 · answer #6 · answered by eaglemyrick 4 · 0 0

Come on now... the Vatican itself has said that the Bible and evolution can coexist (http://www.freemarketnews.com/WorldNews.asp?nid=1866 ). Don't get tied up in literal interpretations of the words. The Bible is a fluid document and one that has gone from oral to written and has undergone numerous translations. The story of creation lays out a time line for creation in which man was the climactic conclusion. All other animals and lifeforms were created before man according to the story. Don't stick to the Seven Days time-line either, that is a modern interpretation, the original Aramaic indicated that it was seven spans of time. Who knows what that span of time might have been. Time is always subjective in the Old Testament anyways, anyone really think that Moses lived to be 735 years old? Given that, it is entirely within the bounds of the creation story for God to have created dinosaurs, have them die out and then create humans.

2006-09-07 16:03:36 · answer #7 · answered by jac4drac 2 · 0 2

give consideration to the fact that men wrote the bible. God is beyond human explanation and understanding. I, too, am confused but I don't want to know the "how" of things between science and religion. I want to focus more on the "why" of life.

2006-09-07 15:45:30 · answer #8 · answered by jedi_rei 4 · 1 1

Genessis starts out "In the Beginning." Any version of the Bible you look at has the same wording. It doesn't specificly say the begining of what. Maybe it's the "begining of the story."

If you trace back the generations of the Bible and assume the ages given are correct for "who bagat who," the world is six-thousand years old. They didn't have dinos 6k years ago.

2006-09-07 16:07:36 · answer #9 · answered by Patrick P 1 · 0 2

A few Million years before.Carbon dating.

2006-09-10 18:36:27 · answer #10 · answered by Rich B 7 · 0 1

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