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And what sign are they most compatible with?

2006-09-07 07:09:18 · 3 answers · asked by feisty 2 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

3 answers

Pisces, the extreme, sensitive and unusual. You desperately want to do the right thing, however this is not always easy for you as you must follow that small voice within you for good or bad. To constrict your uniqueness would make you extremely unhappy.

You like to drift into a dream world where you can forget the harsher realities of life. You have a great deal of charm, humor and sympathy which enables you to open doors that others are not capable of. You are very creative, however due to your escapist tendencies you often don't obtain your goals and objectives.

Female Pisces
You are difficult to understand due to your innate ability to use emotional blackmail in order to get what you want. If denied you can revert to over-indulgence which is really a double edged sword no matter how you look at it. You must help yourself by developing your creative talents. You tend to play mind games with those that get close to you.

You are sentimental, affectionate and sensation-seeking when it comes to the heart. Your moods alternate to extremes, therefore it is difficult to get the same impression twice. You are a chameleon, you invariably change your mannerisms, imitating whoever you are in contact with. When alone you are quite unique.

You are feminine, intuitive, responsive and sensual. You are drawn to the creative or occult subjects. You are empathetic to those who have problems, therefore you often get used. You are a great one for fantasizing and in fact acting out your desires.

Your biggest problem is that you tend to pick the wrong mate, resulting in the need to have extra marital affairs in order to receive the affection necessary for your survival. You are also prone to tears and extremely good at using emotional blackmail.

PISCES & ARIES: You're too sensitive for the aggressive Ram. An unfortunate match.
PISCES & TAURUS: Not a bad connection. A little give and take will be required.
PISCES & GEMINI: A very destructive union for both parties involved.
PISCES & CANCER: You belong together. Certainly lasting, somewhat moody.
PISCES & LEO: You're doomed . A hurtful relationship with little substance.
PISCES & VIRGO: Extremely perverse in the bedroom, but difficult at a mental level.
PISCES & LIBRA: You're both too clingy. Better as a friendship.
PISCES & SCORPIO: This is a highly sexual union. Truly a match made in heaven.
PISCES & SAGITTARIUS: Not the best, The Archer will hurt your tender heart.
PISCES & CAPRICORN: Combo can work if the Goat spends enough time with you.
PISCES & AQUARIUS: The Water-bearer is far too cool and detached for you.
PISCES & PISCES: An emotional connection. Good in bed. Exhausting but exciting.

2006-09-07 07:17:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

Pisces Woman Traits

2016-10-04 10:56:20 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 1

For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/avt4M

You are... * Shy * Romantic * Trustworthy * Aloof * Dreamy * Creative * Understanding * Unrealistic * Impractical Likes... * Romance * Nature * Ambient music * Poetry * Mystical settings * Being loved / wanted * Freedom * Privacy Dislikes... * Noise * Crowds * Dirt & ugliness * Garish objects * Being reminded * Tight spaces * Authority * Revealing private life PISCES Compatibility Perfect Partners: Cancer, Scorpio Nearly Perfect Partners: Taurus, Capricorn Like Minded Souls: Pisces Opposites You're Attracted To: Leo, Libra Learn From Your Differences: Aries, Aquarius Not Your Destiny: Gemini, Sagittarius Astrological Hell: Virgo More... Imaginative and sensitive Compassionate and kind Selfless and unworldly Intuitive and sympathetic On the dark side.... Escapist and idealistic Secretive and vague Weak-willed and easily led

2016-04-10 04:27:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

This Site Might Help You.

What are the characteristics of a female Pisces?
And what sign are they most compatible with?

2015-08-05 22:20:28 · answer #4 · answered by Elly 1 · 0 0

The Pisces Female

If a woman behaves in a way that is distinctive of the personality associated with the zodiac sign of Pisces, she will have a tendency toward the characteristics listed below, providing there are no influences in her personal birthchart that are stronger than that of her Pisces sun sign.

The typical Pisces woman:
* is normally slim, but tends to put on weight in later years
* has large eyes and an oval face
* has clear, soft skin, whatever her color
* has an air of feminine mystery
* has a very warm, charming smile
Behavior and Personality Traits
* does not try to dominate her partner in any way
* often appears vague and dreamy
* is subtle and, while appearing to be helpless or incapable, gets things organized and manages the finances extremely well
* protects her emotional vulnerability with humor or a sophisticated exterior
* needs to belong to someone
* has a warm, sympathetic heart

Positive Factors

Pisces are emotionally attached to their friends and will rarely take notice if the friend is taking advantage of this involvement. Pisces are friendly, humorous, and caring friends, even if there are long periods of time between meetings. Pisces will always think up something interesting to do and will enjoy any kind of artistic ventures.

Negative Factors
Pisces can be a confusing person, so arrangements may be difficult to make. Pisces can sometimes seem to be cool and offhand. This is usually temporary and due to a moment of insecurity. Pisces needs a hero or heroine to identify with. If a friend happens to be the chosen one, this can be pleasant enough but may become a nuisance when Pisces gives the friend talents he or she hasn't got and expects them to be demonstrated! Pisces does not find it easy to conform; friends with conservative attitudes may find this a difficulty.

Sensual Pisces is drawn to Aries's dynamic passions, and Pisces's desire to shower affection on a lover will flatter Aries. Pisces's imagination and mysterious allure bring out a new sensitivity and romanticism in this aggressive lover. Aries will handle decisions and fight battles for Pisces, which is just what Pisces is looking for. Headstrong Aries will dominate, but that doesn't necessarily displease Pisces who likes to have someone to lean on. What may trouble Pisces more is Aries's tendency to criticize. Tact is needed to cement this otherwise sexy partnership.

Taurus is a strong, authoritative figure who can provide security and stability for vacillating Pisces. Also, Taurus's artistic bent enhances Pisces's creative imagination. Pisces will accentuate Taurus's taste for comfort, and together they'll furnish a luxurious setting for love. Both are highly passionate and sensual, although Pisces'ts volatile and more emotional than Taurus. While Taurus's possessiveness makes Pisces feel secure, Taurus is a bit too practical and down-to earth to satisfy Pisces's romantic nature. If they work out that problem, all goes well.

Pisces is drawn by Gemini's wit and communicativeness, and Gemini is fascinated by Pisces's mystery. But this combination is as unstable as nitroglycerin-and likely to blow up. Pisces can't stand Gemini's fickleness and thoughtlessness. Gemini can't stand Pisces's emotionalism and dreaminess. Insecure Pisces is possessive and clinging, while Gemini wants to have fun and move on. In different ways, each is as shifting and changeable as the other. Pisces lacks direction while Gemini goes off in too many directions. Both need more dominant partners.

Pisces enjoys Cancer's sexual demands, for Cancer is equally sensual. This romantic duo finds passion, sensitivity, and tenderness in each other. Pisces doesn't mind if Cancer makes most of the decisions; Cancer's concern for security and excellent money sense provide a very practical stability. These two are sentimental types who like to stick close to home. Loyal Cancer devotes itself exclusively to insecure Pisces, and, in turn, Pisces idolizes Cancer. A very compatible pair.

Pisces's tendency to think rather than act annoys Leo, who considers Pisces wishy-washy. These two are very un-alike Pisces Is shy, introverted, vulnerable while Leo is arrogant, brash, domineering. Both behave emotionally but Leo is given to temperamental outbursts while Pisces withdraws into private fantasy. Leo won't tolerate Pisces's sensitivity and dreaminess. Highly social Leo needs lots of feedback, while Pisces demands exclusivity. Leo likes to roam; Pisces doesn't. This combination is like fire and water won't mix.

Pisces's affectionate nature intrigues Virgo at first, but these two personalities are just too opposite for any rapport. Virgo, being a mental sign, distrusts emotions whereas Pisces runs its life emotionally rather than intellectually. Reserved, fault-finding Virgo won't satisfy sexually, and when Virgo's sexual rebuffs start that awakens all the Piscean insecurities. Virgo also can't give Pisces the romance or ego-bolstering Pisces needs, and Pisces proves to be too unstable for exacting Virgo. Virgo will resent Pisces's dependency. This soon becomes a toboggan to nowhere.

These affectionate, creative, artistic people take to each other immediately. But Pisces is looking for emotional support and won't find that with Libra. Libra wants romance and harmony, but flees from the responsibility of any kind of demands or entanglements. They both like luxury and a lovely home, but Pisces is too lazy about making money and Libra is too extravagant about spending it. Libra has numerous outside interests and feels stifled by Pisces. Physical rapport isn't enough for the long term. But as long as it lasts, this is likely to be fun.

Pisces finds its match here and then some. Scorpio will provide a deep, exciting sexual union for Pisces, and gives Pisces valuable emotional support, strength and leadership. Scorplo's jealousy and possessiveness won't bother Pisces-in fact, it makes Pisces feel loved. Pisces's dependency is just what Scorpio is looking for. These two share a special communion, much of it on a sensual, unspoken level. Both have intense feelings, are loyal, intuitive, interested in the mystical and the unusual. An ideal mating.

These two ignite in the bedroom, but the compatibility ends there. Pisces is an imaginative dreamer, not a doer, whereas Sagittarius thrives on constant activity. Independent Sagittarius is too much of a rover to satisfy Pisces's need for attention and devotion. Sagittarius's sharp tongue will hurt Pisces's romantic sensibilities. Pisces wants to get close but is constantly confused and rebuffed by Sagittarius's struggle to free itself of the heavy emotional demands. Pisces is dependent and home-loving, but restless, adventurous Sagittarius won't stay home long.

These two very different people please each other. Capricorn's strong, dominant personality is just what Pisces needs. Pisces feels secure with practical, determined Capricorn who can take charge and make decisions. In turn, Pisces brings a breath of romance and idealism to Capricorn's staid approach to life, and Pisces's lavishness with praise and affection delights Capricorn. Capricorn does not easily verbalize its deep feelings, but Pisces intuitively recognizes Capricorn's loyalty and passion. Sex is fine, and their contrasting temperaments neatly complement each other.

Pisces's romantic eroticism inspires Aquarius to experiment in new areas. Sexually, this might be fun since they are both venturesome in entirely different ways. But Aquarius is detached, interested in ideas and the world at large, while Pisces is interested in sensual fulfillment. Eventually, outgoing, social-minded Aquarius will start looking around, and Pisces can't endure that. Independent Aquarius needs freedom and after awhile resents Pisces's struggle to keep Aquarius caged at home.

If all life's problems could be resolved in the bedroom they'd be happy, but both need what the other does not have. Each is weak-willed, dependent, and drains the other emotionally. Both have a tendency to sink into a mire of self-pity and negativity, and they accentuate each other's confusion, self-indulgence, and muddled thinking. They find it hard to cope with practical realities, and there's no strong partner around to push either one in the right direction. This sexy affair has no place to go.

Love & Blessings

2006-09-07 12:18:00 · answer #5 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 6 2

The line forms to the right. And please don't crowd. There may not be enough Pisces women for every man, but that's no reason to be unruly. You'll have to take your turn, and hope for the best.

Even without astrology, rumors have spread about the charms of a Pisces female. She has her negative points, to be sure, but at first glance, she's every man's grade school valentine, with maybe just a touch of a Playboy bunny to add some pepper. We might as well admit that the modern, emancipated woman, with her cast-iron image, has made the Pisces girl's value shoot even higher. With all that freedom from the feminine mystique clouding the air over lover's lane, the demure, pretty, helpless Neptune creature has to beat off men with big sticks.

It's hardly surprising that she's at a premium. The Neptune female seldom tries to overshadow her man, married or single. She's hasn't the slightest hidden, neurotic desire to dominate him in any way. He can pull out her chair, put on her coat, whistle for a taxi, light her cigarette and talk about how wonderful he is to his heart's content. All she wants is that he should protect her and care for her. She's happily content to lean on his big broad shoulder and let him know, with wide-eyed wonder, how strong he is, and how much she needs him in this scary world. Just think of all those wolves out there, waiting to devour Red Riding Hood. It's enough to make a girl get out her smelling salts. Even if she isn't quite as Victorian as all that (though plenty of girl fish are), she'll be a charming listener to all his troubles.

A Pisces woman thinks her mate, lover, boyfriend, brother, father -- in fact, any man -- can lick the whole world with one hand tied behind his back, and it takes a surprisingly small amount of her touching faith to convince them of the same thing, men being the way they are. And you wonder why she's so popular? The Pisces girl is a cozy, calm haven of tranquility for her proud male, far from the noise of the traffic and the ticker tape machines. The lights in her fish pond are soft and dim. They soothe tired eyes which have been blasted by neon and all those silly little figures at the stock market she couldn't understand to save her life. (Though if it would really save her life, she would sharpen her pencil.)

In the winter she wears fluffy angora mittens. In the spring she wears dainty, full skirts. Summers will find her in a brief bikini. In the fall she'll look adorable sitting beside you at football games, with her hands in your pockets to keep them warm, and asking you the score. She is eternally feminine in all seasons. At the risk of making an understatement, men are drawn to her like bumblebees to a honey pot.

A short conversation with her, and a man instantly relaxes. He pictures a glowing, crackling fire on a chilly night, or he sees himself in a hammock on a balmy spring day, with no one to nag him. She makes it clear that she'll never blame him for any problems in his career or any accidental mistakes. It's always someone else's fault. Not her man's. She'll never press him to get ahead faster. His own pace is perfect for her. Need I explain why the female fish is the most dangerous other woman of all the Sun signs? Flash! Maritime warning: After marriage she may nudge a little. To be truthful, she may nudge a lot. In a way, it serves you right by letting yourself be so blinded by her charms. Lots of times she'll even be bitterly sarcastic, but every woman has to have some flaws, and the Pisces girl will be gentle far more often than she is quarrelsome. She has to be goaded be extreme cruelty or laziness in a mate to be a shrew -- and who's to say that a cruel or lazy husband doesn't deserve it?

Besides, her delectable femininity covers any minor deficiencies, and most of the time, the typical Neptune girl is soft, dreamy and womanly. Since the fish swims in both directions at once, she adapts beautifully and quietly to conflicting situations that would turn other women into nervous Nellies. Of course, now and then, some cranky words and irritable chatter may bubble up from her normally placid stream of thought. Occasionally a sensitive Neptune female who has suffered harsh treatment at an early age, will allow bitterness to break the two symbolic fish of her sign apart -- and this can be very sad. She becomes a lonely, miserable Piscean, always swimming furiously, and meeting herself everywhere she dives to escape -- never realizing that the turning inward of her endless love and sympathy toward herself is the real poison. Drugs and drink and false illusions hide the truth from her, and blind her to the rocks in the river that might destroy her. But the average Neptune girl keeps both symbolic fish joined together in smooth action, gliding softly first back, then a little forward, so you're never quite sure exactly which way she's headed. Pisces is said to be a deep, mysterious sea, into which all rivers flow. You'll have a better chance of catching her if you know some of her elusive secrets.

First of all, she's subtle. She is not only subtle, she's sometimes a bit deceptive when she practices her art of wrapping you around her emerald earrings.

She's delightfully vague and dreamy. She doesn't know a thing about economics, but she manages to dress as though she was turned out by Sophie of Saks, cook frequent seven-course dinners for assorted grandchildren, pay the rent on time, and send exquisite gifts on holidays and birthdays -- all on a monthly income about the size of one of one of Jack Benny's tips. She has the open love and affection of two daughters-in-law, and an incongruous group made up of the librarian, the super, the owner of the corner deli, the fruit man, half a dozen stray cats and children, the butcher, the newsboy, and would you believe it, even the landlord. She may have one enemy. The man she turned down before she married her husband. He probably joined the Foreign Legion in disappointment, and now I doubt if she even remembers his name. Heartless females, these Pisces woman. Subtle and deceptive.

Like the March winds, your Pisces girl will have many a mood. She's terribly sentimental, and when her feelings are wounded, she can cry buckets. She'll look at you so reproachfully you'll feel as if you'd just shot a small rabbit. Pisces females sometimes get the idea they're hopelessly unequipped for the fierce battles and driving ambition required to survive. Then deep depression sets in. At these times, you'll have to tell her she's admired for her deep, mysterious wisdom and her blessed understanding by every single human she has ever graced with her friendship. It's usually the gospel truth. The hardest lesson she has to learn is to overcome her timidity and her doubts. If the fears go deep, she'll shut herself off from others, then wonder why she's lonely. She's often afraid of imposing, pushing too hard, taking advantage, when such thoughts are in no one's head but hers.

Now and then a Pisces girls will cover her shyness and vulnerability with wisecracks, a sophisticated veneer and a frigid independent personality, but its merely a cloak of protection, worn to hide her uncertainty from the prying eyes of rough people, who would bruise her gentle heart if she exposed it. I know one who pours out her real soul by writing lovely song lyrics, with a secret message woven in the shades of her soft, very private dreams. When she's not writing, she's the picture of the brittle, callous, career woman she wants people to see. Yet, even this type of Pisces is unable to fight her sun sign. With all her make-believe independence she waits on the curb and lets the man whistle for a cab. There are some things one just doesn't do, as far as Neptune women are concerned; not acting like a lady in public is one of them. She fools a lot of men who could quiet her inner fears and make her take back her frequent claim of, "Who needs a husband? They only mess up your life." Imagine a statement like that from a Piscean, who needs to belong to someone more than she needs to sleep, eat, or breathe.

A Pisces girl will give all of her heart to her children, except for the large chunk she saves for her husband. She'll love them all, but the ones who are uglier, weaker, smaller, or sicker may have a slight edge with her. Only a Pisces movie star would pass up the little dimpled darlings and adopt a tiny, crippled tot with frightened eyes. Female fish are the greatest women in the world for understanding the shyness of small boys and the growing pains of awkward, adolescent girls. A Pisces mother spins a thousand wispy, cobweb dreams over each bassinet. She'll sacrifice anything so her children can have what she was denied as a child. She may be too permissive. Administering discipline is difficult for her, and she must realize that a lack of firmness is often as bad as severe neglect. In a way, it is neglect, of building the small characters in her care, who need firm guidance to learn to swim alone. If she's guilty of too much softness, explain it to her kindly. She'll comprehend without bitterness, and begin to give the hairbrush a workout. Still many Neptune mothers manage a happy medium between discipline and kindness, and their offspring do them credit.

A Pisces woman will gladly let you earn the bacon and eggplant. She'll probably prefer not to enter the brutal competition of the commercial, unless you desperately need her to. She had enough of that (if she's a typical Neptune girl) when she worked for that big, confusing company while she was waiting for you to rescue her. Some, not all, but some Pisces women are a wee, little bit extravagant. She may need some help figuring out why the bank's balance doesn't reconcile with her stubs, written in Sanskrit. Still, when an emergency forces her to adapt her champagne taste to a skim milk pocketbook, she'll manage.

She listens to the ocean, and it tells her things. In the midst of the city, she still hears the waves of Neptune, whispering to her Pisces heart more, perhaps, than she wants to know. That's the secret of a Pisces woman. Whether she follow's Neptune's call as a dedicated nun in a convent or as a sultry songstress in a noisy nightclub -- she's a girl. All girl. One hundred percent.

2006-09-08 02:45:42 · answer #6 · answered by BookLovr5 5 · 7 0

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