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The Palestinian and Israeli conflict is the main conflict in the mid east and leaving it unsolved will only initiate more friction between the east and the west...

SO it starts with britian snatching arab lands... Those who dont agree with this read this from wikipedia before you humiliate yourself...

"The establishment of Zionism led to the Second Aliyah (1904–1914) with the influx of around 40,000 Jews. In 1917, the British Foreign Secretary Arthur J. Balfour issued the Balfour Declaration that "view[ed] with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people." In 1920, Palestine became a League of Nations mandate administered by Britain."

america has supported israeli and continues to create bloodbath in mid east...

The Palestinian.Israeli Conflict is the MAIN reasons why so many conflicts exist today...

Its the reason saddam challenged america...

Its the reason "terrorists" exist...

Its the main reason iran challenges america...

2006-09-07 06:43:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

coragryph: why didnt u explain whats there to disagree on in ur post? show me

2006-09-07 06:52:43 · update #1

coragryph: An empty vessel makes the loudest sound

2006-09-07 07:14:40 · update #2

Not convinced cora:

-Iran's president wants israel off the map.
-saddam wanted a war on israel, thats where WMD comes in.

Palestine/Israel conflict is where the west meets the east, the west trying to dominate and the east trying to retaliate.

america, britian, and israel have much in common in terms of their foreign policies against the mid east countries, and it starts with palestine/israel conflict....then goes to afghanistan, then iraq, then lebanon.

everyone knows that america supports israel with billion of dollars from tax money... that explains the reason america wanted to strike afghanistan, iraq, lebanon.

2006-09-07 09:52:23 · update #3

6 answers

if America could mind it's own business we would not be there, plus the fact where there because Bush would loose money on the gas and that this was a personal issue because of his fathers argument with Saddam

2006-09-07 06:48:49 · answer #1 · answered by mrmiketattoo 3 · 2 1

I agree with your posted facts, however Saddam never challanged America. He was a threat to Israel and that is the only reason we went in. The only thing Iran is challenging Americans to is a debate. Look at a map. We have American control in Iraq, Afganistan, Israel, and soon Lebanon and Iran. Syria will most likely follow.

What is happening is the big bad bully team of Israel and America are taking control of the middle east for greed and power.

Yeah, people still are ignorant enough to say that boogy man "AlQaeda" are to blame for the "bloodbaths" in the middle east. Well, 10 minutes of research will show you that the ISI funds and trains this "AlQaeda" group. ISI is a branch of American CIA. (fact) So, AlQaeda IS a CIA funded group. Sound far fetched?? Do a little research.

Palestine was stolen from the indiginous people illegally and made to appear legal by Britain and the UN. A mass slaughter of innocents has been taking place ever since the illegal state was formed. I have a great amount of respect for the freedom fighters that stand firm under Israeli terror and oppression. I do however condemn the few that have chosen the path of suicide bombing. That is just sinking to Israeli level of mentality. They should fight when the fight is brought to them. They are not the terrorists here, but you need not look far to find the terrorists. They are running the Israeli military and Mossad.

2006-09-07 06:59:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It's not hard to understand. Most people who have bothered to study the history of the conflicts simply disagree with you.

{EDIT as requested} In order line by line, starting at the bottom.

Iran challenges America because the US has ordered it to comply with US demands that it stop nuclear research. Iran refuses. Iran also has a history with the US going back decades relating to US involvement with the Ayatollah. So, whether Israel was there or not, all of those are independent reasons for the Iran-US conflict.

Terrorist have existed for thousands of years. In every civilization. Long before 1948. Now, if you want to blame the entire Hebrew people going back 5800 years for every terrorist in every country in the world, then it's not worth my time arguing with that.

When did Saddam challenge America? Which of the several times over his reign? And again, the US has a long direct history with that country going back decades. So, independent reasons whether Israel existed or not.

As to the "main reason" you can't cite your own premise to support your conclusion. That circular logic, and not valid reasoning.

You're either arguing that American support is the reason for the conflict in Palestine, or that it continues to encourage the conflict in Palestine. No argument. But that doesn't say anything regarding the other dozen countries in the Middle East. Sure, it may be a contributing factor, and US involvement isn't helping. But I tend to think it's more the continued meddling of the US in the internal affairs of countries around the world, that's the primary reason for the continued conflicts in the middle east.

The British Mandate of Palestine includes the lands now called Jordan (2/3), Israel (1/6) and modern Palestine (1/6). And sure, most of the conflict involving Israel can be traced back to the actions of the British, and the partitioning of those lands. But again, that says nothing about the dozen other countries in region, or the centuries old tribal and sectarian conflicts. Long before the 1900s, there was still extensive fighting in the Middle East, that didn't involve Israel or Jews. So, I don't think its reasonable to blame them for all of the conflict in the region, given how many centuries some of those conflicts have been ongoing.

And yes, I'll give you that leaving the Israeli conflict unsolved keeps the area around Israel unstable. But the best solution is for the US and the UN to pull out, and let them settle it by themselves. Foreign intervention, anywhere in the region, only makes things worse.

So, from everything I've seen and everything I've read over the past two decades, the primary reason for conflict in the middle east is not Israel. It's US and European meddling in what would otherwise be nothing more than small border skirmishes.

2006-09-07 06:49:33 · answer #3 · answered by coragryph 7 · 0 2

No, the main conflict is that Muslims want ALL of the Middle East. They already own most of it and will send innocent children out to fight for all of their booty.

The bloodbath has and is created by non other than Muslims.

2006-09-09 07:46:31 · answer #4 · answered by writer 3 · 0 0

Actually, other arab countries use Israel as an excuse an distraction. Without Israel they would need to find another scapegoat to avoid having to deal with the extreme poverty and utter lack of human rights in their countries.

2006-09-10 15:41:10 · answer #5 · answered by maae10 2 · 0 0

Oh yes.. the english started it all. The english started the US as well, remember; maybe we screwed up there too!

It's an interesting theory, but i think our wars have condensed into the middle east. They're not the cause, they're the targets of our aggression, instead of our immediate neighbours.

2006-09-07 06:51:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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