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I've heard here and other places that Bush should be impeached. I don't think it's a good idea for a variety of reasons. 1. There isn't anything Bush has personally done that is an impeachable offence. 2. The amount of time necessary to impeach IF you are successful will eat up most of Bush's remaining time in office. 3. IF you impeach Bush what will you have as a replacement? Cheney! Now that would be really smart. 4. How many of the Democrats in Congress really favor impeaching Bush? None have said so publicly. 5. Just what good would it do if Democrats did impeach Bush? 6. Most of the things those outside of Congress want Bush impeached for and things the Democratic leaders have backed at one time or another.

2006-09-07 06:23:34 · 20 answers · asked by namsaev 6 in Politics & Government Politics

Jim W.

Bad intel isn't an impeachable offence. And the rest of you points are supposition.

2006-09-07 06:32:54 · update #1

Jim W that fact you actually believe what you write isn't what scares me. That someone else besides you does is what bothers me. That is what starts people doing terrorist acts.

2006-09-08 02:29:31 · update #2

20 answers

If he's done anything impeachable, yes. If not, no. I am looking forward to seeing what happens if/when Democrats gain control of Congress this year.
I think if/when they do, it just might shut a lot of people up.
As for your comments:
1) Agreed.
2) Agreed.
3) LOL. Agreed.
4) None, publicly.
5) None.
6) Exactly. So they should be impeached, too, if they really think President Bush should be.

2006-09-07 06:29:54 · answer #1 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 1 0

Several in the House have stated publicly that they will investigate every hair on bushs body until they find something to indict him. Now that is going to be real productive use of our money.

To be impeached a president has to have committed a crime. Considering the irrational hatred for bush do you not think that if they could have found a crime they would have already started something. So far everything they have tried to stick on bush has failed and in the end proven to all be a BIG LIE such as Wilson/Plame and WMDs.

The career democrats in congress are so crooked they can barely go through a door without zigging. They are absolutely disgusting and they are seeking to overthrow the constitution and put in a socialist manifesto that compares directly with the communist one below.

Welcome to America comrade.

Check the links

2006-09-08 03:51:43 · answer #2 · answered by rmagedon 6 · 0 0

I you heard it than what is it you hear that would warrant impeaching Bush? I've heard it at work but ask them why the answers are you know, I mean look at Iraq. these are not answers, it;s silly people with their heads up their butts.
WHO would everyone want for a president.
Hillery who defended black panther killers as a young lawyer;
Kennedy whose family put prohibition in place so they could acquire part of the whiskey business, give the rest of it to big companies, and putting thousands of small farmers out of business. Lest not forget this brave celar thinking drunk who swam ashore and left his date dead in his car.
Let schange the law ans allow arnold to run for president.

Should Bush not dig into the democratic congress members records and go ahead and have most of them removed from office. there is little doubt it can be done.
Remember when Carters choice for a top level government office "Burt Lance " was rejected by the republicans, and democratics due to his having written checks on money he did not have in the bank for farming expense. This used to be common practice as all farmers had a line of credit in which they wrote checks on accounts the banks would cover until loans were secured and signed. often farmers could go the entire year doing this and pay the compound interest and principal at the end of the year with no paper work until the end. democrats and republicans alike tried to hang Lance until he was forced to drop out of politics for ever. Thi shelped top put the small farmer out of business, A few years later about %20 of congress resigned for writing bad checks on congress and every congressman that was involved in the bad check business.
YOU are right and maybe we should remove the entire congress and start over.

2006-09-07 06:45:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

President Bush has in fact committed a number of impeachable offenses. They have been posted here on a number of occasions. Or go read the book The Case for Impeachment.

With that said, I think it would be foolish for Congress to act upon them as the Senate would never vote
him out. He is a lame duck President with two years left in his reign.

2006-09-07 06:34:48 · answer #4 · answered by PARKERD 7 · 1 1

Bush launched a pre-emptive strike against a country unrelated to 9-11.He would not have done that had it not been for 9-11,and his father's unfinished business.

Bush later admitted we went into Iraq on bad intelligence.

That would mean he should havewithdrew the pre-emptive strike.

Instead,we're staying the course,which is Bushpeak for he has no clue what to do next.

If that's not impeachable,I'm not sure what is.If it eats up his time
and it IS impeachable,so be it!

I'm waiting for you to put more words in my mouth.

2006-09-07 06:28:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Sure, why not just impeach each successive President that comes along. What a joke. Politics here is getting to be as bad as South America.

2006-09-07 06:28:11 · answer #6 · answered by slyry75 3 · 1 1

people, don't you realize that Bush has put us in dangerous grounds......I don't think that impeaching Bush would resolve the problem.......in the other hand, he has put this country in harms way......terrorism will never go away.....don't you see, the world, this planet, is getting worst every single day......do you think that Bush or any other USA President will win the war against terrorism? The answer to that question is NO.......Evil will prevail against this human species......If you know about Revelation/Apocalypse, you know that nothing in this planet will stop evil......Only Abraham's God will put a stop to this madness........That's my believe and mine alone.......Everyone has the right to believe what so ever they wish to believe.....so, do not take my comments in a bad way.......we all have believes

Republicans, I am not one and it does not matter, have been in head of congress for more than 75% of the Presidency history

2006-09-07 07:11:53 · answer #7 · answered by Only out of this world 2 · 0 1

Only for the reason to get us on the right course with a President that has an agenda to keep America really safe and not just a pretense that is a cover to pay off corporate sponsors and friends! BTW, if you don't think tainting Intelligence to get us into a war isn't a punishable offense, I don't know what the hell would be.

2006-09-07 06:27:18 · answer #8 · answered by CharlieB 2 · 1 1

Shouldn't waste their time unless they can find a clear impeachable offense.

They would be much better off focusing on putting the screws to him and a true check/balance to the administration.

2006-09-07 06:27:59 · answer #9 · answered by dapixelator 6 · 2 0

Evidently, the only impeachable offense is lying to Congress about engaging in oral sex with a White House intern. Maybe we should get someone to give Bush a b.j. so we can impeach him!
Seriously, Bush has committed atrocities that are impeachable offenses, and someone should take actions against him, his administration, and the most evil, corrupt, incompetent, greedy, arrogant, cowardly U.S. Congress in American history. Since 2000, Bush (in collusion with Congress) has:
a) Illegally and unconstitutionally invaded another sovereign nation which in no way threatened, provoked, or attacked the U.S.A. Bush's only motives for invading Iraq were 1) his family's disdain and personal vendetta against Hussein, and 2) Cheney's coveting all that OIL swimming underneath Iraq's sands so he and his Exxon-Mobil buddies can get richer and richer and richer;
b) Massacred tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens for no justifiable reason (which should be addressed in an international tribunal, and - if Bush is convicted - he should face a public firing squad);
c) Lied to the American public (and to Congress) about 'weapons of mass destruction';
d) Initiated failed economic policies that will cause a severe depression shortly after he's out of office (not to mention putting American taxpayers TRILLIONS of dollars in debt over his inane "war");
e) Neglected America's homeless, sick, underprivileged, aged, disadvantaged, disabled, hungry, and poor while playing "Robin Hood in Reverse", stealing from the poor and giving to the rich;
f) Tortured "detainees" without regard to the rules of the Geneva Convention, and then looked the other way when those prisoners were psychologically, physically, emotionally, verbally and sexually abused;
g) Turned America into a police state where citizens are now considered guilty until proven innocent;
h) Manipulated the press by leaking stories he wanted public, then chastised the press for publishing stories he wanted to keep secret;
i) Ignored the U.S. Constitution and made up laws to fit the Bush Administration's own agendas;
j) Killed almost 3,000 U.S. soldiers (so far).
Check out the new blog: BUSHWACKER!
___________________________________________________Bush deserves impeachment, or worse. So do all members of his administration (especially Cheney and Rumsfeld), and all members of the U.S. Congress who have allowed these atrocities to continue unabated for six years. Surely Satan has reserved a special oil-soaked corner of Hell for these truly evil people where they can spend their eternal damnation boasting about how they destroyed our world.
History will record the Bush presidency as the worst ever (at least, to date). He is a sophomoric "cowboy" dullard who seems to think that any conflict can be solved with enough guns and ammo. He has enriched the oil companies and the military-industrial complex in this country at the expense of the rest of the population.
But, you're absolutely correct: impeaching this moron won't do anything except cost the country millions of dollars and take time away from important issues. Unfortunately, even if the Democrats can take over the House (and, more unlikely, the Senate) after the mid-term elections, nothing will change. We will have traded crooked, corrupt Republicans for equally crooked, corrupt Democrats. It's time for another American Revolution! -RKO-

2006-09-07 06:44:35 · answer #10 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 1 3

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