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hi i am 16 and recently lost my viginity to my bf about 2 months ago and we have had sex 6 times since we used a condom every time but the first. i have never had my period my mom was late too not getting hers till she was about my age and my aunt had her first period at 17. For last month or so i have felt bloated and tiered and sick too my stomache. can i be pregnant? Yes i took the test this morning line was really dark but second test was lighter positive? is the line suppose to be that dark?my bf says i cant be cause i have never had my period.

2006-09-07 05:11:43 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

i am trying to get him to take me too see a doctor since he is 18 going on 19. but he wont listen!!how to explain to him.

2006-09-07 05:13:10 · update #1

i dont drive so i need him to take me

2006-09-07 05:14:38 · update #2

i cant tell my parents they will freak they told me not to date him and i lied about it!

2006-09-07 05:22:07 · update #3

25 answers

Yes, you could still be pregnant. Do you have a planned parenthood or County health center nearby? They will help you for free...get the testing done and verify one way or another.

If you aren't preggers, my best advice to dump your boyfriend and find someone who will wait for sex. It's not worth the worry at your age. Most boys that age should be happy that you'll even make out with them. Wait until later whe you can handle the pressure that comes along with sex...and if you can get to the Planned Parenthood or County Health Department...get some free birth control while you are there.

Good luck.

2006-09-07 05:19:22 · answer #1 · answered by seattlecutiepie 5 · 2 0

Take the bus....because your boyfriend is an idiot. Just because you've never had a period...doesn't mean s h i t. If you got ANY positive results on a home pregnancy test ...YOUR PREGNANT. The reason the first one was darker is that your hormone levels were more concentrated in the first sample of urine.

What the hell are you doing having sex if you don't even know what your body is capable of??? Don't you have parents??? Do they know that you're the victim of statuatory rape by your over aged boyfriend? And now you're an unwed, teen mother???

WTF is this world coming to???

Get your self to the doctor, take a bus, take a cab, walk... By the way, it sounds like your boyfirend is a real winner if he won't even consider the possibility and take your pregnant a s s to the doctor. Good luck with that.

By the way, you may want to have an AIDs Test while you're at it...pregnancy can't kill you...sexually transmitted diseases can.

EDIT - Do you think your parents aren't going to notice??? Or do you think you'll just be sly and go get an abortion and they won't notice that either?

EDIT - OMG...I'm reading the continuing responses to this question and it's appaling that so many of you are ignorant to the reproductive processes of the human body...Please don't be advising people unless you yourself have a damn clue...FYI..you don't need a period to get pregnant...you need a vagina, a penis, an egg and some sperm...and honestly...the penis is optional...no periods involved in the process, (the first egg would fall into the womb BEFORE the first period..idiots)...So go read a book or watch a video...before you go advising other clueless people on their life crisis.

2006-09-07 12:23:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

First of all, no matter what happens your parents are your parents and no matter how you think they may freak, it is best to honest with them. Second, your bloating and tiredness may be due to an oncoming ovulation. Your bf does not know anything about the ways of a woman and you should not take too lightly into his advice. However, it is still possible to become pregnant if you have never had a period because you wouldn't know if you were supposed to get your period then or not. On the flip side, you had never had sex before and your bf would have had to break your " cherry" ( sorry, don't know the scientific term for it.) before you could ever get pregnant. If that did not happen the first time, then don't worry. But if your bf is not very experienced in the whole condom department and does not check them after intercourse, you may have a condom break and not even know it. I would suggest you do speak to your parents and discuss the possibility of you having intercourse,( of course with no one particular.) And see if your mother wouldn't be willing to take you to the doctor. anything y ou tell the doctor will be confidential and the only thing your mother would have to sign for is a pregnancy test. Obviously if you're both there to discuss putting you on birth control, she gives her consent.

2006-09-07 12:51:57 · answer #3 · answered by littlemiss4705 2 · 0 2

First off try to relax, because your body can trick you into thinking that you are pregnant. And if you are you need to try and be calm because stress isn't good for your baby. With the pregnancy test you took as you have probably have read you have the most of the pregnancy hormone when you first wake up. So if you took the first test when you first woke up that is probably why the line was darker. It probably had detected more of the hormone with the first test than the second. You are more than likely pregnant. As you have probably have learned you ovulate which is the time that you can pregnant (it is the time you are most fertile), and if the egg wasn't fertilized then that is when you have your period. When is the shedding of the uterus walls. It is possible that you had sex during your ovulation time and got pregnant before you had your first period. Though you used a condom there is still that slight case that some sperm can get out especially if you didn't immediately with draw after going! Though the symptoms that you are experiencing are the same as getting your period. I would recommend going to see your doctor and have them run a blood test, because it is the most accurate on detecting pregnancy. Most doctors won't test you unless you have missed your period, but explain to them what you told us and say that you want to have a blood test done. If you don't they will just do a urine test like you have already done! If your boyfriend doesn't want to take you then I would ask your mom or someone that you trust. If your boyfriend doesn't believe you take a home pregnancy test with him there. If it comes out positive he might be more willing to take you, but if he isn't taking responsibility for his actions I would re-evaluate your relationship with him. I know it is hard to hear, I am guessing you really love him, but if he acts like that then maybe he doesn't deserve your love! All in all I hope everything goes well! And one last thing abortion is not the answer if anything please give the baby up for adoption. Many couples/women can't have children and would love the baby as there own! With whatever you decide know that there are people out there who will support your decision!
Good Luck!

I understand and repect SillyGirl's opinion but just because someone posts something that she doesn't agree with or hasn't experienced doesn't mean that someone else hasn't experienced it. Everyone experiences life different. And just because you read books doesn't mean that you know everything about the subject. Alot of it comes with time and experience. And maybe she has had alot of experience, but it doesn't mean that you know everything. I am not trying to be rude or mean I just wanted to voice my opinion on the subject. But allison f remeber to stay calm and everything will be ok. I know you might think you're parents might flip. I thought my parents would do the same, but my parents supported me though my life practices. And I know your parents will do the same! Trusr in your parents that is what they are there for! Everything will work out for the best!

2006-09-07 12:46:57 · answer #4 · answered by Gigglesalot 3 · 0 1

Of course you can still get pregnant! You could've ovulated for the first time right around the time you had sex and gotten pregnant before you ever menstruated. And a positive result on a pregnancy test is still a positive regardless of whether it was faint or dark. But you still need to confirm with a doctor or clinic because there is a such thing as a false positive.

2006-09-07 13:07:28 · answer #5 · answered by lotus 2 · 0 0

Those pregnancy teats are really accurate so it seem like your pregnant. If he won't take you to the doctor then you better tell your parents. They may be shocked and hurt at first but hopefully they will come around and be supportive. If your not pregnant get on some kind of birth control. Condoms don't do a real good job. I have a set of twins that prove it. Good Luck with everything

2006-09-07 12:21:14 · answer #6 · answered by firefly 3 · 0 0

ìn order to get your first period, you need to have had an ovulation. This means your ovaries should have given out one egg and it went into your womb and sat there for a while. after about 3 weeks, it gets cleaned away, which is your period. So, if you happened to have just had your first ovulation, and you had sex, yes you could very well be pregnant. The very first egg that ever got into your womb got fertilized in that case. If your boyfriend wishes to close his eyes and say it cant be true, please inform your mother. You will probably need her help any way right now. Go see your doctor. Good luck!

2006-09-07 12:22:12 · answer #7 · answered by twinsisterwendy 6 · 0 0

1st of all, where is your mother you should be asking her. That is good that you are using protection but you also need to be taking birth control even if you don't get your period. If you are having sex your body is going to muter quicker than if you where not having sex so it could be that you are soon to get it or made you where about to get it but write when you ovulated you could have got pregnant. From the first time you started having sex you should have go to see a doctor every virgin after losing it should go to see a doctor it is just precaution but because like you said you are only 16years of age is provable never cross your mind.

2006-09-07 12:22:58 · answer #8 · answered by Classico 2 · 0 0

From what I know I didn't think that you could get pregnant until after you had your period...But not always true...You may want to talk to your parents...sounds like you are pregnant...the isntructions in a preganany test say that even if the second line is light that is a positive result

2006-09-07 15:14:05 · answer #9 · answered by mommy_2_liam 7 · 0 1

He aint going to listen to you because he is over the age of 18 and you aint. He *** will be in big trouble, so he is looking out for himself. Any line, no matter how light or dark it is, means your pregnant. Im 21 weeks along now and when i took 3 pregnancy tests, they were all very light coloured.

Go call family planning, or something of that sort in your community, they can help you.

2006-09-07 12:17:30 · answer #10 · answered by feel_n_learn 3 · 2 0

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