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I sure as hell dont. GW and his cronies have made it worse and less safe now. Now that its election time..I heard GW say the word Osama on TV! wow..the first mention of him in a looong time. Dont forget Iraq had no direct link to 9-11...and yet Osama did...and we all know that. So why arent we spending as much on finding him?

2006-09-07 04:54:52 · 25 answers · asked by Studmuffin 3 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

25 answers


There are people in the world that believe in a literal interpretation of the Koran. They wish to install an Islamic Caliphate (successor to Mohammed of sorts) in the Middle East and later the world. This Caliphate would be governed by Sharia Law (Islamic Law) and be the antithesis of an elected democratic government. Their way is Jihad. How do we know this? They tell us this - often.

So, it doesn't matter who is President of the United States. The motivations of the radical muslims will remain the same. They have remained the same for eons. The 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran is just the start of their latest wave of coercion. Your being not safe has little to do with what "GW" has done. You were not safe on 9-10-01 simply because you are an unbeliever, an infidel. Their Koran gives them permission to kill you, in their view. The sooner we can quit blaming Bush or Clinton and start focusing on the actual threat, the better.

2006-09-07 05:07:43 · answer #1 · answered by nobody 5 · 2 0

I never really let it get to me. I knew that there were terrorist organizations that planned on hurting the U.S. Both from within and from without. I predicted that the U.S would have terrorists strike us on our own soil. People laughed at me and pointed out how hard it would be. Low and behold, '93 WTC bombing. Then the entire thing with Timothy McVeigh. With new measures in place, everyone was happy. No one could strike the U.S. now was the prevalent attitude. Wrong. My friends and I debated it in in great lengths on deployment. When we pulled into Jordan I saw several areas where they could have done a lot of damage to the U.S. Navy. Not just ships, but in terms of human lives. What happened last year? Two RPGs were fired at the amphibs that were making a port visit to Jordan. We were lucky then.

Safety is relative term. I don't let the actions of a few detract from what I do. My friends and I didn't follow the herd mentally. We found fun things to do on deployment. We didn't hole up in bars and hide in malls which were target rich terrorist targets. We went out and had fun. Saw the sights. Enjoyed ourselves. We learned more about the people and costume's of the places we visited then just about anyone else.

2006-09-07 05:08:55 · answer #2 · answered by darkemoregan 4 · 0 0

I don't think I will ever again feel as safe as I did on 9/10. Because the world has gotten more dangerous. North Korea has nukes and missiles, Iran is working on making nukes and missiles and the terrorists are still being coddled by Democrats, liberals and other idiots the world over.

But I do believe that we have better protections against terrorists here in the US. Airline security, intelligence and enforcement, etc are all better than they ever were before 9/11. Our government has actually actively attacked al Qaeda instead of throwing some missiles at them and declaring victory.

Our president has forged coalitions of nations to share intelligence on terrorism, to share the burden of fighting terrorism and to prevent the transfer of WMD in the world. He has gotten support from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc.

We have a president who doesn't need a Zogby poll to tell him whether to deal with this threat. And he is dealing with it in a multifaceted approach, from diplomacy to direct warfare.

As for Osama - it's not all about him - he's just one player in this action. The military strategy has shifted the pursuit to eliminating the leaders in his organization, eliminating his contacts to the mob of killers, to isolate him. This has the better effect of destroying his organization. This policy shift was from his military advisors.

But the whole thing is not about Osama - it is about fighting state sponsors of terrorism, and disrupting those sponsors. Saddam was supporting terrorists, and had a long relationship with al Qaeda, not to mention all his violations of UN resolutions and human rights.

The war on terrorism is not just one terrorist, not just one country, not just one terror group, and it never has been. Bush has long said that it would be a very long and world-wide effort.

2006-09-07 05:22:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Honestly ... I have been watching the world spiral into what it is today since 1997. I warned people that the events in the Middle-east were going to come to roost in the US. I told people that Y2K (remember that one) was not the disaster that the media was hyping it to be, and that there were greater problems coming. We are no where near the end of this mess. I remember asking my second son how he was feeling when it broke lose on 9/11. His comment to me was, "I did not think it would be so soon."

Safer ...? I will be 49 this year; I don't think I will "feel" safe again until sometime around 2019 give or take a few years.

2006-09-07 05:03:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think that the question should not be on how we feel and what the reality of the situation is. With that said the question that you and the media is asking should be the following. Are we truely safer than we were September 10, 2001? How we feel doesn't matter a hill of beans. I mean we FELT safe up until the first plane the Tower 1 right??

2006-09-07 05:02:33 · answer #5 · answered by backsinthei 2 · 1 1

Its not about feelings, its about reality.

And the reality is I'd rather have our soldiers and Marines fight the islamofascists in the middle east than have the fight take place here.

If the strategy of appeasment wins out, the day will come when the current pace of casualties in Iraq will seem like an incredibly small price to pay (with a mushroom cloud forming over Miami, for example).

2006-09-07 05:41:25 · answer #6 · answered by AngiesHusband 5 · 2 0

I feel a lot safer physically today than I did on 9-10-01.
For one thing, I have moved from a large city where there were frequently car to car shootings on the freeway to a tiny hamlet right on the tsunami zone adjacent to the cascadia subduction fault. I don't worry about natural disasters, they don't scare me. I no longer look over my shoulder as I walk down the street worried about muggers.

What does scare me however is when I turn on C-Span or CNN and see Bush talking about the tax cuts, the terrorists, the war. That scares the heck out of me.

2006-09-07 05:25:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well, on September 10, 2001, I was oblivious to what was really going on in the world because Clinton and his clan whitewashed EVERYTHING. So, now I have awoken and know that there are HORRIBLE terrorists who want us dead. So, I guess through wisdom and knowledge, I don't feel safer. But I'll tell you something, I am SO glad we do have an administration right now who DOES care and doesn't stick their head in the sand and try to appease those evil people. And they take risks and take bold actions even if they're "unpopular."

2006-09-07 05:02:47 · answer #8 · answered by sacolunga 5 · 1 0

This "question" is so inflammatory and baseless as to be in basic terms written off as yet another knee jerk rant from the right, yet regrettably too a lot of human beings will study this, in no way do any research to study that its baseless and the knee jerk spreads like some evil ball recreation wave. they did not opt to kill "human beings" as in random voters- they had to disrupt American authorities. diverse component entirely. And in case you opt to boost the threat free human beings killed, turn it round and also stick along with your concept then to all the innocents we've killed. Is it the Iraqi human beings, or the Iraqi authorities we are after? Yeah. Secondly, Obama isn't and in no way has been a Muslim. Are you in basic terms yet another little republican mouthpiece who can not figure truth from fiction? are you able to are saying Baaaaa? have relaxing operating your self up right into a frothy little sheep over no longer some thing yet spin in case you want, yet i will enable the actually information talk for themselves.

2016-11-06 20:00:33 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Nice try at spitting out the Democratic election talking point.

It doesn't matter how you "feel." ARE you safer? Of course you are. Most of the Al Qa'ida leadership is dead or in Gitmo awaiting a military trial. A bunch of Muslim terrorists were busted in England before they could blow up our planes.

If you're not safer because of that, you're just not honest with yourself.

2006-09-07 05:14:07 · answer #10 · answered by rustyshackleford001 5 · 0 1

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