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Cant you accept that there are people here in the UK from various nationalities and religions and are here to stay.

You cant do anything about it anyway so quit the racism ha ah aha ha

2006-09-07 04:33:59 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

26 answers

I don't think it's the colour of your skin which is causing you problems.
If the way you asked the question is a reflection on how you behave, then I would say it's your personality which needs adjusting!!!!!!

2006-09-07 04:37:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well at least there are less racists these days then there were in those days. It's still not right but is slowly drifting out, Bush & Blair aren't helping by arresting every middle-eastern person they come across, this targeting has to stop. I realise they have to catch the bad men but this should not involve putting innocent families through any kind of stress.... anyway it'll be a while until you can stop that. I'd like every British & American person to swear not to vote either of those two back in to any government or powerful position EVER again, frankly I'd like to see them on dole living as hermits so they can't harm anymore people.

2006-09-07 11:41:34 · answer #2 · answered by Katie 4 · 0 0

I believe that all of the different religions and nationalities is what makes America what it is. I am not racist at all, but I think white people now have less rights than other races. My husband recently had to wait to get hired at a job because they needed more minorities before they could hire him. I think that is wrong. I know that they have to do that because there are some people out there that are racist and would only hire white people if they could, but knowing that someone got the job over you only because they were of a different ethnicity could make an open minded person feel a little racist. Plus, there are all of those colleges funds for black people only and different stuff like that that white people could never get away with doing. Like I said, I am not racist at all, but every now and then you come across one of those people with the "you owe me because my great grandpa was your great grandpas slave" attitude that really gets to me. I think that is why a lot of people are racist now, not because they are white supremacists anymore. They just feel like other races have outplayed the "you owe me" card.

2006-09-07 11:55:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think that the more people perceive that other races/religions are harming them, the more racism/extremism you will see.

You get lots of racists now because lots of immigrants are coming into the company and a) taking jobs, which increases unemployment, b) costing the government money, which increases taxes and c) being completely incomprehensible as lots of them don't speak anywhere near fluent English.

You get lots of religious extremism (i.e. hating muslims) because of the terrorist acts that some people are committing in the name of Islam.

But I think that the person who said racism is decreasing may be right. These days it is such a big issue that it is discussed in schools, and people are educated that everyone is the same, which probably helps to decrease racism.

2006-09-07 11:43:09 · answer #4 · answered by Steve-Bob 4 · 0 0

The most racist people I meet are generally from ethnic minorities, and they're often racist against whites as well as other minorities - go figure......

You cant do anything about it anyway so quit the racism ha ah aha ha

3 days ago - 17 Hour left to answer. - 26 answers

Nice - kind of proving my point - would you like fish with that big chip on your shoulder?

2006-09-07 11:39:46 · answer #5 · answered by Andy benitez 2 · 1 1

There are probably no more racists around now than there were in the past. Racism is borne of ignorance, poor education and bad parenting. They probably seem more vocal now because there is a tabloid press which exploits their socially inbred fears. They can also now go on-line thinking it gives them a voice in society, an opinion that will be appreciated. Thankfully society is not as ignorant as they are and they will always be a small minority living, as they should, at the lowest social level.

2006-09-07 14:27:50 · answer #6 · answered by bob kerr 4 · 0 0

Have you ever been to India?

I have never seen people so racist than the Indian nation. We met a UK couple who were:
Girl Muslim Indian, Boy White / Blond who had converted to Islam to please her family.

They were spat on and abused by nearly every Indian in the hotel. When it comes to race the Indian race system goes right down to the Untouchables which they pretend they can't even see that alone speak to.

So before we blow off steam I think the minority races should put there own racism problems in order.

2006-09-07 11:45:23 · answer #7 · answered by Todd 3 · 1 0

Are they here to stay? How do you know that?

Islam is gonna get kicked out of Great Britain... but that is just a religion not a race.. The rest are welcome here.

By the way, Africans, Asians and East Europeans are more prejudice against British people than we are about them. Try move into one of their countries, get benefits, housing , health care and a free education. They can't stand us, they think we are immoral, rude, smelly and bigots. THEY ARE THE RACISTS my dear. NOT US. If we were,they would never had gotten in here in the first place. We offer them a better life and they abuse us.

2006-09-07 11:43:51 · answer #8 · answered by Harley D 2 · 0 0

Here we go again. As I have previously answered on this board, racism is nothing to do with a person's religion. That is called sectarianism or bigotry. So there may be less racists around than you think.

2006-09-07 11:38:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

And Islam's suicide bombers and head lopping radicals aren't racist?

Worry about your own people before trying to worry about others.

"Get the log out of your own eye before trying to remove the speck out of someone elses." ----Jesus

Sure there are some people who profess Christianity and then live their lives opposite of Christ's teachings, but let us ponder the number of people the nations of Islam are slaughtering across the planet. Let us ponder the number of battles being fought right now across the globe and how many of those are being perpetuated by Islam. Now who is the racist?

Let us ponder your post, which states that white people smell like cat P*** and then ask who is really the racist.

You are a mockery to your so-called religion of peace.

2006-09-07 13:33:21 · answer #10 · answered by NONAME 4 · 1 0

we can accept that people are here to stay, but what we won't nor hsould accept are these people taking the mickey out of us, they come here, slag off our religions try an kill us but take our hard earned money via benefits, take our council houses, and some of our jobs. why should we brits take this.. if we brits go to India or the Middle east or eastern europe to live we have to prove that we have money and have a job to go to or we can't stay as for being racist if trying to kill us on the trains isn't racist I don't know what is!

2006-09-09 12:03:14 · answer #11 · answered by momah1 1 · 0 0

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