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In my first home out of college, I was trying to defrost the refrigerator in our leased apartment, and I started chipping away at the walls with a large pick. I hit the wall and all of this freon vapor comes out, effectively making the fridge a large cabinet, unfit for keeping things cold.

2006-09-07 03:47:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

10 answers

When I lived in Boulder, CO., with my ex-husband Saturday was the normal cleaning day for our split-level 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. I cleaned my way through the house, dusting, vacuuming, mopping,cleaned both bathrooms all the way to the kitchen, the last room on the list. I cleaned all the counters and surfaces and mopped and waxed the kitchen floor and then started the dishwasher. When I was putting something away I found a dirty dish which I took to the dishwasher that was already running. Unlike the dishwasher in our old house, this one did not automatically shut off when you opened the door, which I did, water shot out HARD and drenched me right in the face, water was sheeting off my eyeglasses and of course was now all over the newly mopped and waxed kitchen floor.

So...I cleaned up that mess and re-washed and re-waxed the kitchen floor again. By now I am thirsty and the floor is fairly dry so I decided to make some kool-aid. I grab the pitcher, the kool-aid and the sugar canister, which slips out of my hand and lands up side down on the floor, still a bit tacky from the fresh wax. Sugar everywhere, but I finally manage to get the sugar cleaned up, and the floor once again mopped and waxed. For the third time that day!!!!! I finish making the kool-aid, pour myself a much needed glass and then I open the door to the refrigerator to put the kool-aid away and a full DOZEN eggs falls out onto the newly washed and waxed kitchen floor. I don't remember much after that......it's all foggy, something about tequila, the sound of my husbands laughter and a threat of sticking a mop handle somewhere my husband would really not like.

Want to hear about the time I tried to fool the cops and grabbed a can of roach spray instead of the can of "quick start"?

2006-09-07 06:30:31 · answer #1 · answered by -Tequila17 6 · 1 0

My landlord claims I damaged the oven by lining the shelves with aluminum foil. (In fact, it was that episode that originally led me to Yahoo!Answers. I posted a query about my role in the cooker's disrepair, and the answers I received were mixed: Some suggested culpability; some exonerated me...kind of. I've been consulting Yahoo!Answers ever since.)

I guess it was a "stupid thing" to have done. (What was troubling was the landlord's attitude intimating I'd done it deliberately, for crying out loud. It's a bummer to be so misuderstood -- especially by people who control your rent.)

2006-09-07 10:56:28 · answer #2 · answered by macguffin 5 · 0 0

When I was twelve, my little brother and a friend of ours were camping in the pasture, and doing donuts with my Grandpa's 54 International pickup ... I ripped the spider gears up, and after that it would only go into reverse :P (10 miles in a hilly pasture going backwards was not to fun lol)

2006-09-07 10:55:46 · answer #3 · answered by Zenas Walter 3 · 1 0

Did a 7000 RPM neutral drop on my automatic tranny trying to race a friend of mine. My car shot off the line at all of 2 mph, and I had to get my tranny replaced. Fortunately I was still 400 miles within my warranty.... crisis averted. My friends still clown me to this day though.

2006-09-07 10:56:06 · answer #4 · answered by Psionyx 3 · 0 0

I'm almost ashamed to admit it but, years ago I had a brand new camera that just was a constant problem... I had it in the repair shop more than I had it to use. Finally, one day, I had enough... took the lens off... and smashed that camera against a wall...

2006-09-07 10:52:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

on a new years eve once I had a date. at 2:00 a.m. I went outside to warm up the car. when we came out five minutes later the car had been stolen. it was found two days later destroyed with sand in the gas tank. lesson learned.

2006-09-07 10:49:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

After our SAW (Section Automatic Weapon aka light machine gun) range, we were cleaning the weapons and I had a problem with my weapon's gas regulator - it was stuck in place thanks to a buildup of carbon residue, so I hammered it out with the gun's bolt carrier group which I had taken out. A while later my friend came to me with the same problem, so I hammered out the gas regulator - only I hit the knob which controls the gas regulator settings, broke it, and had to write a report plus extra guard duties. =P

2006-09-07 11:20:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

we threw our old couch off of a three story balcony onto the streets of clifton, oh... not an appliance though

2006-09-07 10:50:35 · answer #8 · answered by dial_h_for_hero_156 2 · 0 0

I tried cleaning a painting with thiner.

2006-09-07 10:52:24 · answer #9 · answered by elclone 3 · 0 0

i tried to use my self cleaning ovenn did it wrong and it started on fire

2006-09-07 10:53:16 · answer #10 · answered by Concerned Mother 2 · 0 0

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