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Whole process is not clear for me. so please explain me

2006-09-07 03:24:11 · 11 answers · asked by sara_swathi m 1 in Science & Mathematics Physics

11 answers

Black hole is a collection very. large mass Due to the large mass it has a very high granity. The gravity is do great it sucks the light back. It doesnt allow anything to escape. There is no hole. It is a large chunk of mass. Usually found at the center of galaxies and stars orbit around them including our sun

2006-09-07 03:26:14 · answer #1 · answered by Dr M 5 · 0 0

A black hole is a region of spacetime from which nothing can escape, even light.

To see why this happens, imagine throwing a tennis ball into the air. The harder you throw the tennis ball, the faster it is travelling when it leaves your hand and the higher the ball will go before turning back. If you throw it hard enough it will never return, the gravitational attraction will not be able to pull it back down. The velocity the ball must have to escape is known as the escape velocity and for the earth is about 7 miles a second.

As a body is crushed into a smaller and smaller volume, the gravitational attraction increases, and hence the escape velocity gets bigger. Things have to be thrown harder and harder to escape. Eventually a point is reached when even light, which travels at 186 thousand miles a second, is not travelling fast enough to escape. At this point, nothing can get out as nothing can travel faster than light. This is a black hole.

2006-09-07 03:27:01 · answer #2 · answered by Green Alex 3 · 0 1

Black hole forms when a massive star at least 10 times more massive than our sun explodes. Remaining mass of star collapses to become an intense source of gravity so strong that not even light can move away from it.

Black holes can not be directly seen with telescopes, but their presence is known by the huge quantities of radiation they generate, and by the peculiar motion of any nearby stars.

2006-09-07 03:36:04 · answer #3 · answered by Chug-a-Lug 7 · 0 0

Black hole is the finnal stage of a star.Traveling in space the greatest fear is to be trapped in a black hole, since the black hole is invisible. The gravitational pull of a black hole is so powerful that it can attract stars towards it and keep the stars in circular orbit around it, like the suns gravitational pull keeps the 9 planet in an orbit around it. So when ever you come across a group of star moving in a circular orbit around a particular point in space it is clear that there is a black hole.

2006-09-07 04:32:04 · answer #4 · answered by I am rock 4 · 0 0

black hole

in astronomy, celestial object of such extremely intense gravity that it attracts everything near it and in some instances prevents everything, including light, from escaping. The term was first used in reference to a star in the last phases of gravitational collapse (the final stage in the life history of certain stars; see stellar evolution) by the American physicist John A. Wheeler.

Gravitational collapse begins when a star has depleted its steady sources of nuclear energy and can no longer produce the expansive force, a result of normal gas pressure, that supports the star against the compressive force of its own gravitation. As the star shrinks in size (and increases in density), it may assume one of several forms depending upon its mass. A less massive star may become a white dwarf, while a more massive one would become a supernova. If the mass is less than three times that of the sun, it will then form a neutron star. However, if the final mass of the remaining stellar core is more than three solar masses, as shown by the American physicists J. Robert Oppenheimer and Hartland S. Snyder in 1939, nothing remains to prevent the star from collapsing without limit to an indefinitely small size and infinitely large density, a point called the "singularity."

At the point of singularity the effects of Einstein's general theory of relativity become paramount. According to this theory, space becomes curved in the vicinity of matter; the greater the concentration of matter, the greater the curvature. When the star (or supernova remnant) shrinks below a certain size determined by its mass, the extreme curvature of space seals off contact with the outside world. The place beyond which no radiation can escape is called the event horizon, and its radius is called the Schwarzschild radius after the German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild, who in 1916 postulated the existence of collapsed celestial objects that emit no radiation. For a star with a mass equal to that of the sun, this limit is a radius of only 1.86 mi (3.0 km). Even light cannot escape a black hole, but is turned back by the enormous pull of gravitation.

It is now believed that the origin of some black holes is nonstellar. Some astrophysicists suggest that immense volumes of interstellar matter can collect and collapse into supermassive black holes, such as are found at the center of some galaxies. The British physicist Stephen Hawking has postulated still another kind of nonstellar black hole. Called a primordial, or mini, black hole, it would have been created during the "big bang," in which the universe was created (see cosmology). Unlike stellar black holes, primordial black holes create and emit elementary particles, called Hawking radiation, until they exhaust their energy and expire. It has also been suggested that the formation of black holes may be associated with intense gamma ray bursts. Beginning with a giant star collapsing on itself or the collision of two neutron stars, waves of radiation and subatomic particles are propelled outward from the nascent black hole and collide with one another, releasing the gamma radiation. Also released is longer-lasting electromagnetic radiation in the form of X rays, radio waves, and visible wavelengths that can be used to pinpoint the location of the disturbance.

Because light and other forms of energy and matter are permanently trapped inside a black hole, it can never be observed directly. However, a black hole can be detected by the effect of its gravitational field on nearby objects (e.g., if it is orbited by a visible star), during the collapse while it was forming, or by the X rays and radio frequency signals emitted by rapidly swirling matter being pulled into the black hole. A small number of possible black holes have been detected. The first discovered (1971) was Cygnus X-1, an X-ray source in the constellation Cygnus. In 1994 astronomers employing the Hubble Space Telescope announced that they had found conclusive evidence of a supermassive black hole in the M87 galaxy in the constellation Virgo. The first evidence (2002) of a binary black hole, two supermassive black holes circling one another, was detected in images from the orbiting Chandra X-ray Observatory. Located in the galaxy NGC6240, the pair are 3,000 light years apart, travel around each other at a speed of about 22,000 mph (35,415 km/hr), and have the mass of 100 million suns each. As the distance between them shrinks over 100 million years, the circling speed will increase until it approaches the speed of light, about 671 million mph (1080 million km/hr). The black holes will then collide spectacularly, spewing radiation and gravitational waves across the universe.

2006-09-07 03:30:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I have considered it very last nighttime. staggering action picture... to respond to your question, you'll get away a black hollow in case you nevertheless did not bypass the shape horizon. The bomb you stated, i imagine it truly is the warp center exploding. contained in the action picture company replaced into powered with the help of antimatter, so if the antimatter contacts customary be counted it truly is going to launch great quantity of means. that is why the corporate escaped the black hollow because the explosion pushed the deliver to safe practices zone. Its basically fiction in spite of the reality that..

2016-11-25 02:22:23 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

black hole is just like other celestial objects with very high density and unimaginable gravity.due to its extreme gravitational force it doesn't let anything go away from it, NOT EVEN LIGHT.so, it is not visible.its presence can be detected only by observing other celestial objects revolving around it.

2006-09-07 03:55:18 · answer #7 · answered by poovarasi l 2 · 0 0

black hole is an object predicted by general relativity with a gravitational field so strong that nothing can escape it — not even light.

A black hole is defined to be a region of space-time where escape to the outside universe is impossible. The boundary of this region is a surface called the event horizon. This surface is a set of points (not an actual substance) in spacetime. Nothing can move from inside the event horizon to the outside, even briefly.

The existence of black holes in the universe is well supported by astronomical observation, particularly from studying X-ray emission from X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei. It has also been hypothesized that black holes radiate energy due to quantum mechanical effects known as Hawking radiation

General relativity (as well as most other metric theories of gravity) not only says that black holes can exist, but in fact predicts that they will be formed in nature whenever a sufficient amount of mass gets packed in a given region of space, through a process called gravitational collapse; as the mass inside the given region of space increases, its gravity becomes stronger and (in the language of relativity) increasingly deforms the space around it, ultimately until nothing (not even light) can escape the gravity; at this point an event horizon is formed, and matter and energy must inevitably collapse to a density beyond the limits of known physics. For example, if you compressed the Sun to a radius of three kilometers (about four millionths of its present size), the resulting high density would create an event horizon around it, and thus a black hole.

A quantitative analysis of this idea led to the prediction that a stellar remnant above about three to five times the mass of the Sun (the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit) would be unable to support itself as a neutron star via degeneracy pressure, and would inevitably collapse into a black hole. Stellar remnants with this mass are expected to be produced immediately at the end of the lives of stars that are more than 25 to 50 times the mass of the Sun, or by accretion of matter onto an existing neutron star.

Stellar collapse will generate black holes containing at least three solar masses. Black holes smaller than this limit can only be created if their matter is subjected to sufficient pressure from some source other than self-gravitation. The enormous pressures needed for this are thought to have existed in the very early stages of the universe, possibly creating primordial black holes which could have masses smaller than that of the Sun.

Supermassive black holes are believed to exist in the center of most galaxies, including our own Milky Way. This type of black hole contains millions to billions of solar masses, and there are several models of how they might have been formed. The first is via gravitational collapse of a dense cluster of stars. A second is by large amounts of mass accreting onto a "seed" black hole of stellar mass. A third is by repeated fusion of smaller black holes.

Intermediate-mass black holes have a mass between that of stellar and supermassive black holes, typically in the range of thousands of solar masses. Intermediate-mass black holes have been proposed as a possible power source for ultra-luminous X ray sources, and in 2004 detection was claimed of an intermediate-mass black hole orbiting the Sagittarius A* supermassive black hole candidate at the core of the Milky Way galaxy. This detection is disputed.

Certain models of unification of the four fundamental forces allow the formation of micro black holes under laboratory conditions. These postulate that the energy at which gravity is unified with the other forces is comparable to the energy at which the other three are unified, as opposed to being the Planck energy (which is much higher). This would allow production of extremely short-lived black holes in terrestrial particle accelerators. No conclusive evidence of this type of black hole production has been presented, though even a negative result improves constraints on compactification of extra dimensions from string theory or other models of physics.

The current picture is that all galaxies may have a supermassive black hole in their centre, and that this black hole accretes gas and dust in the middle of the galaxies generating huge amounts of radiation — until all the nearby mass has been swallowed and the process shuts off. This picture may also explain why there are no nearby quasars.

Although the details are still not clear, it seems that the growth of the black hole is intimately related to the growth of the spheroidal component — an elliptical galaxy, or the bulge of a spiral galaxy — in which it lives.

2006-09-07 03:28:59 · answer #8 · answered by FIGHTER 2 · 0 0

in a very short words: BLACK HOLES r perfect absorbers
it can absord any kind of matter, energy
it can absorb light completely (travels in great speed)

i hope u got ur point from my explanation

2006-09-07 09:31:20 · answer #9 · answered by Kevin 5 · 1 0

Black hole
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For other senses of this word, see black hole (disambiguation).
General relativity

Overview of GR
Black hole
Einstein equation
Equivalence principle
Event horizon
Exact solutions
FLRW metric
Gravitational lens
Gravitational radiation
Kerr metric
Quantum gravity
Schwarzschild metric

Related topics
Albert Einstein
Special relativity
Riemannian geometry


A black hole is an object predicted by general relativity with a gravitational field so strong that nothing can escape it — not even light.

A black hole is defined to be a region of space-time where escape to the outside universe is impossible. The boundary of this region is a surface called the event horizon. This surface is a set of points (not an actual substance) in spacetime. Nothing can move from inside the event horizon to the outside, even briefly.

The existence of black holes in the universe is well supported by astronomical observation, particularly from studying X-ray emission from X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei. It has also been hypothesized that black holes radiate energy due to quantum mechanical effects known as Hawking radiation.

Contents [show]
1 History
2 Evidence
2.1 Formation
2.2 Observation
2.3 Have we found them?
2.4 Recent discoveries
3 Features and theories
3.1 Gravitational field
3.2 Event horizon
3.3 Space-time distortion and frame of reference
3.4 Inside the event horizon
3.5 Singularity
3.6 Rotating black holes
3.7 Entropy and Hawking radiation
3.8 Black hole unitarity
4 Mathematical theory
5 Alternative models
6 See also
7 Citations
8 External links
9 References
9.1 Popular reading
9.2 University textbooks and monographs
9.3 Research papers

The concept of a body so massive that even light could not escape was put forward by the English geologist John Michell in a 1784 paper[1] sent to the Royal Society. At that time, the Newtonian theory of gravity and the concept of escape velocity were well known. Michell computed that a body with 500 times the radius of the Sun and of the same density would have, at its surface, an escape velocity equal to the speed of light, and therefore would be invisible. In his words:

If the semi-diameter of a sphere of the same density as the Sun were to exceed that of the Sun in the proportion of 500 to 1, a body falling from an infinite height towards it would have acquired at its surface greater velocity than that of light, and consequently supposing light to be attracted by the same force in proportion to its vis inertiae (inertial mass), with other bodies, all light emitted from such a body would be made to return towards it by its own proper gravity.

Although he thought it unlikely, Michell considered the possibility that many such objects that cannot be seen might be present in the cosmos.

In 1796, the French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace promoted the same idea in the first and second edition of his book Exposition du système du Monde. It disappeared in later editions. The whole idea gained little attention in the 19th century, since light was thought to be a massless wave, not influenced by gravity.

In 1915, Albert Einstein developed the theory of gravity called General Relativity. Earlier he had shown that gravity does influence light. A few months later, Karl Schwarzschild gave the solution for the gravitational field of a point mass, showing that something we now call a black hole could theoretically exist. The Schwarzschild radius is now known to be the radius of the event horizon of a non-rotating black hole, but this was not well understood at that time. Schwarzschild himself thought it was not physical. In a remarkable coincidence, the name Schwarzschild actually translates into black shield. In another coincidence, only a few months after Schwarzschild, a student of Lorentz, Johannes Droste, independently gave the same solution for the point mass as Schwarzschild had and wrote even more extensively about its properties.

In the 1920s, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar argued that special relativity demonstrated that a non-radiating body above 1.44 solar masses, now known as the Chandrasekhar limit, would collapse since there was nothing known at that time that could stop it from doing so. His arguments were opposed by Arthur Eddington, who believed that something would inevitably stop the collapse. Both were correct, since a white dwarf more massive than the Chandrasekhar limit will collapse into a neutron star. However, a neutron star above about three solar masses (the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit) will itself become unstable against collapse due to similar physics.

In 1939, Robert Oppenheimer and H. Snyder predicted that massive stars could undergo a dramatic gravitational collapse. Black holes could, in principle, be formed in nature. Such objects for a while were called frozen stars since the collapse would be observed to rapidly slow down and become heavily redshifted near the Schwarzschild radius. The mathematics showed that an outside observer would see the surface of the star frozen in time at the instant where it crosses that radius. However, these hypothetical objects were not the topic of much interest until the late 1960s. Most physicists believed that they were a peculiar feature of the highly symmetric solution found by Schwarzschild, and that objects collapsing in nature would not form black holes.

Interest in black holes was rekindled in 1967 because of theoretical and experimental progress. Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose proved that black holes are a generic feature in Einstein's theory of gravity, and cannot be avoided in some collapsing objects. Interest was renewed in the astronomical community with the discovery of pulsars. Shortly thereafter, the use of the expression "black hole" was coined by theoretical physicist John Wheeler,[2] being first used in his public lecture Our Universe: the Known and Unknown on 29 December, 1967. The older Newtonian objects of Michell and Laplace are often referred to as "dark stars" to distinguish them from the "black holes" of general relativity.

2006-09-07 03:27:15 · answer #10 · answered by Smokey 5 · 0 1

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