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75 professors across the states have critically analysed the collapse of the WTC's and conclude that its impossible for a plane flown by someone from afghanistan to cause the towers to collapse in such a way. It could have only been bombs planted by the american government that would provide enough heat energy to deform the structure let alone there being insufficient fuel to burn.
It was all a plan so Bush had an excuse to go to war with Iraq, Afghanistan and support Israel - so he can get the oil. Bush is the real culprit. What is your opinion on this?

2006-09-07 03:07:35 · 40 answers · asked by suck sess 2 in Politics & Government Government

For those ignorant people, you are just wasting your time on this page.

2006-09-07 03:12:36 · update #1

I didnt believe this at first but when you think about this it starts to make sense.
They chose to blame bin laden just because he owns a lot of oil and he is in fact rich.

2006-09-07 03:16:13 · update #2

40 answers

I have read extensively on the subject, and I do believe the US government had good prior knowledge of the attacks. I believe they stood back and allowed them to happen, giving legitimacy to the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. There is a substantial amount of CIA and FBI correspondance that supports this, that only came to light in the months after 9/11

Firemen and other rescue workers observed pool of molten liquid at the building bases before collapse, and for weeks after. These pools are contradictory to common belief of the events of that day. If the pools had come from the building's structure, they would have collapsed immediately after melting. Some believe these are from government-planted detonation devices.

Also, when the towers fall the debris are emmited in a perfect circular arc around the base. This points to a controlled/influenced collapse - if the plane had enough force on its own to down the tower surely it would be off-centre, and logically fall in an imperfect way. Watch the footage yourself.

Other evidence of prior knowledge of the attacks is the fact thousands of Jewish workers were absent from work in the towers.

The US government videos of the plane attacking the Pentagon are also questionable, as is the fact the pilots flew into the least-populous part of the building.

2006-09-07 03:19:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

The 9/11 scholars for truth are requesting an unbiased and complete investigation, because the previous report, the 9/11 Conmission Report, is so full of holes

This report states that 19 Arabs, who had been under surveillance, conspired together, walked onto four commercial aircraft without being detected, and without having their names appear on a passenger list. Then that they could overcome over 250 people with plastic box-cutters. And not only that, but with no previous experience of flying large jets, they could navigate from 30,000 feet and hit three out of four targets precisely, meantime conducting flying manoeuvres that fighter pilots would find difficult. Then, the amazing thing is that 7 of them survived the events and are known to be alive today.
Also for the first time ever in history, three, not two, but three steel framed buildings collapsed as a result of fire which could not possibly have burned hot enough to melt steel, and caused the buildings not to topple over, as one might expect, or to fall a little at a time, but to fall within their own footprint at the speed of gravity. And one of those buildings (WTC7) was not even hit by a plane.
Not only that, but the four aircraft disappeared completely without a trace of their 16 large engines, or any of the black boxes. This has also never before happened in history.

This theory is so amazingly full of holes that it is impossible for any sane thinking person to believe, yet that is what the official 9/11 commission report.says.

A more logical explanation is available at the site below.

2006-09-08 14:14:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I believe in the Conspiracy Theory. Make a lot more sense to me than any of the other BS this government is trying to make me believe. Airplanes have hit houses. They've NEVER gone up/come down like the Twin Towers (and Tower #7, which wasn't even hit!!!). Those were PLANNED DEMOLITIONS. This government had motive, opportunity, the means to carry out this terrible attack, and probably paid for the airfares of the socalled attackers. How is it that in all the rubble of the towers, they could possibly find an unharmed passport of one of them?? Come on, people. Being labeled a Conspiracy Theorist is another game the Cheney/Bush team cooked up in order to squash the questions. Remember that speech, "anyone who isn't with us must be against us?" What a crock of bonefide sh.t. I question this government, and I hold it accountable. They have not convinced me IN THE LEAST that they had nothing to do with the attacks of 9/11. And I am an American. Questioning my government is as American as it gets. DEMAND THE TRUTH!!!!

2006-09-07 03:45:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Unlike the minority of americans that have no rational ability to descern truth or have any ability to deduce what is possible within the laws of physics, the Professors have looked at the evidence (although limited by the illegal removal of the crime scene prior to forensic examination) and deduced a conclusion based solely on what the evidence suggested. Not based on mindless beliefs that 'administration could never possibly do this to it's own people!'
Or 'Those 19 hijackers did it' (despite the fact that we don't know who the hijackers were owing to the fact that they used false ID's. Several of the alledged hijackers have turned up alive and yet wwe are still told of the 19 that never appeared on any flight manifest and whose DNA has never been recovered even though all the other passengers DNA has been accounted for.)

State warcraft 101. To start a war, attack your own nation and blame your chosen enemy. This tactic has always worked faultlessly in the past before that darned internet turned up! Every war you can think of started in a similar way, through deception.

Note also that the American government have tested live germ warfare over american cities in the past killing thousands. So much for, we care about our people.

Operation Northwoods had the chiefs of defence staff plotting to blow up American Airliners over Florida and Blame the Cuban leader Castro.

Why do americans believe the whacky conspiracy theory put forward by the 911 commision? It is so full of holes, contradictions and ommisions, created by people with clear conflicts of interest. So why do the normally intelligent americans believe in it? As a theory, it is clearly weaker than many of the 'internet' based theories. Many of these internat based theories are clearly stupid and without any merit, but when the official one is just as bad? COME ON PEOPLE! It's just that the administration doesn't have to admit or take responsibility for their glaring and criminally negligent failures on that fateful day with the 'official ' theory.

The general in charge of NORAD on 911 was promoted to joint chiefs of staff. surely the man in charge of the US air defence system on the day it failed so massively should at least get a repremand? the FBI who overlooked and actively prevented agents from going after known terrorist cells and Islamic extremists should have been repremanded too? and what of the higher levels of the Administration? when they where clearly warned by the German intelligent services that Hamburg based groups where planning an attack on 10th and 11th of September on the Pentagon and Twin Towers? When they where warned in August that Bin Laded was planning to Attack. When Administration officials where warned not to fly? These attacks still happened and could have been prevented. The ONLY way they could have happened they way they did, and left the eveidence that they did, was for it to have been allowed to happen on purpose. that is where the evidence clearly points.

I too was heartilly sick, (and still am) of rediculous conspiracy theories, that is why I investigated everything I could about the attacks. I have been determined to rubbish and debunk the wilder claims. But the evidence does indeed point to insider involvement and Dick Cheney appears to be the chief culprit.

If you don't believe that, then stop paying your taxes right now, because they did not buy you ANY protection on 911!

2006-09-07 03:57:46 · answer #4 · answered by kenhallonthenet 5 · 1 2

It happened. We all saw it. The blame for what happened cannot be deflected. I think this theory, if it can be called that, is a conspiracy. A conspiracy by those responsible to muddy the waters and create confusion and dissent among Americans and other nationalities of the people who died. Well it isn't going to happen. Don't waste your time believing this rubbish for a moment.

George Bush has his faults as we all do. I don't agree with his policies but on this I am sure. The culprits for this are the terrorists who had no more respect for the lives of their victims than they had for themselves. The ones who flew those planes into the Towers believing in their twisted minds they were martyrs of their faith.
It is a foul calumny to accuse Mr. Bush for any involvement with this heinous crime. Shame on you, sonny, Shame on you.

2006-09-07 03:24:39 · answer #5 · answered by keefer 4 · 4 1

Yeah yeah. I have heard of this theory and others like it and the people who spout such garbage are all complete basket cases. I am no great fan of America and I'm definitely no admirer of Dubya, but I think these imbecilic conspiracy theorists should hang their heads in shame. What do you think the families of the victims of that terrible day must feel when they hear these lunatics banging on about conspiracy theories? We hear the same thing here in London about the 7/7 attacks on the Underground - that it was all a plot by Blair and MI5 to gain sympathy for the Iraq war. Frankly such rank stupidity makes my blood boil. OK. rant over.

2006-09-07 03:24:14 · answer #6 · answered by Jackie J 4 · 4 2

have read it various reports on it and it certainly raises questions. I guess we will never know the truth.

The demolishion experts assertion that both towers would not have collapsed identically like that from the airplne fuel alone, but from a controled explosion on the four separate support columns is probably key to this. They claim that the collapse would have been lopsided due to the fact that the support columns are so distant from each other and somehow all four buckled at the same time. Watching the footage you see the massive puff of smoke outwards before the towers collapse.

Looking at the evidence it cannot be possible for you call me a liberal (in the UK that is not an insult) based on my opinions on this. So don't bother!

Whichever way we look at it, it was an enourmous tragedy.

2006-09-07 03:17:42 · answer #7 · answered by HarryBore 4 · 0 4

Speculation is the sign of a tired mind. I seem to recall that some very wise person once said: " He who points a solitary finger for blame at another, should reflect that by so doing he also points three fingers of Blame at himself. Seemingly, the 75 Professors omitted to heed this wisdom. Now, If, this be so, then what are their motives? I care not to speculate! This is such a serious event, that sentiment of any kind, is beyond any Nations ability to afford. To prosecute your line for argument, is your free choice; beware, such opinion(s) do not lead you to treason.

2006-09-07 03:43:50 · answer #8 · answered by jrjrjr_jr3 2 · 1 2

First of all, I believe the pilots were from Saudi Arabia, but that is beside the point. These "professors" are traitors to this country. These academic Idiots are the biggest Bush haters there are. Most college professors praise the likes of Karl Marx. They are using their credibility as "professors" as a weapon to defeat everything Bush and most of the country stands for.

2006-09-07 03:18:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

This is sooooooo stupid, mean spirited, and disrespectful to all of us who lost someone on 911! This is an attempt by some really crazy extremists to make this political...

If you don't agree with George Bush, then you probably agree with Hillary Clinton....both "sides" concur who was behind this....I mean come on! If there was even the slightest bit of truth to this wacked conspiracy, don't you think some of the promonant leaders in the Democratic wing would be raising hell about this and rallying Americans over this issue? In our current politcal climate, where if one side says "yes" the other automatically says "no".....Congressmen and women have access to all kinds of intelligence, and select Senators (such as Hillary) have access to everything that Bush has access to. If anyone would "discover" this kind of cover-up, it would be from there...

Some people just like conspiracies, but they don't think how it can be taken by people actually affected by this....

And just becuase someone has the title "professor" doesn't mean he is deserving of the title...if you're reffering to the internet video...they did a good job, cinematically, of making a convincing video...that's all....just because something is said in print or on film doesn't make it true...are there corruptions and coverups in government? sure. This is not one of them. If you have even the slightest bit of common sense or decensy, you'd see that there's no way this could even come into your thought process.

Good luck!

2006-09-07 03:13:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

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