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Please have good reasons why you believe what you believe.

2006-09-07 03:07:09 · 14 answers · asked by britt 1 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

14 answers

I feel fine about gay rights. And since gays are people, I feel fine that they have the same rights as other people. Does that answer your question, I'm not sure what you are getting at.

2006-09-07 03:10:38 · answer #1 · answered by BabyRN 5 · 2 0

Well I hate everyone equally. Gays are no different. I don't like the super sensitive ones that take everything as an insult or attack but every group has people like that so again all equal.

As for gay rights I feel they should have all the same rights I do..I don't care what they do as long as it is fair and equitable

neil k:: trouble with your idea is that definition of marriage is "a relationship between or among individuals, usually recognized by civil authority and/or bound by the religious beliefs of the participants" none of this which makes gays any different from anyone else. So since they want the same EXACT thing as heteros it should be called same EXACT thing. You might as well say you cannot be named Neil because someone else already is. Seperate but equal is BS as we learned long ago..if gays cannot be "married" then neither can straights

2006-09-07 03:51:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no reason why there should not be EQUAL RIGHTS for someone who chooses a "gay sexual orientation"...I mean it's like woman's rights or black's rights... as we have seen through-out history.

With the whole "marriage definition" people were confused, couples who are "gay" can not choose to use "marriage" as a term to "bond" them it is already taken, they need to come up with a different term. Here is another example let's say I own some land and I say Hey I am going to make a new township, and let's say I know there is already a township labled "middlesex township" in the same county where I am going to be establishing my new township ~ well I can't just go in and tell them I want my new township to be labeled "middlesex township", they would be like "sorry sir that name/term is already taken you'll have to choose another" ... Now if I wanted to choose something like "NORTH-MIDDLESEX township" well that would be 'perhaps ok' I mean it would not be very creative as to say... couldn't I come up with something more novel, right? I do not know what the majority of people would say if 'gays/lesbians' came up with the proposal to name their union : "marriage-modified" or something.... I mean again I could think of a lot better terms to join the individuals in a relationship type way...I personally don't see anything wrong with the way they have the term "union" and well that is a broad term which could apply to a lot... I hope "At the end of the day" what we all just want is to be able to be more free and hopefully set a proper course direction for the children of not only today but for decades to come.

I may not think it is the right direction to be "swinging" but it is a person's choice, as long as they are not raping or murdering and such. And so as to say. More importantly there is the issue of MAN's GROSSNESS as far as how he treated other creatures(all sorts of other animals). I once was ill myself in that area, and then I changed.... i really hope that all people can soon awaken. I want the people to know that I was so very ill, but I had the ability to change away from such, and as I say if I could do it, so can you. Hope in peace


2006-09-07 03:32:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I am gay, and I am legally married in Massachusetts to my wonderful wife. We are very happy. "Gay Rights" provide us with certain protections, things like being turned down for a job, an apartment, or even not allowed in a store just because we are together can't happen because of those 'rights'. How would you feel about being denied anything because of something like your hair color? We do not shove our "lifestyle" down other people's throats, in fact it took our neighbor about 5 months to figure out we were not just roommates - and we talk to her nearly everyday. We don't hide, but we don't shout it from the rooftops. We just want to live our lives like normal people. Not having any 'rights' will not make us stop loving each other, or make us straight, it would just make it a lot harder to take care of each other. For example: recently my wife had to have emergency surgery, we rushed her to the hospital and she was very much out of it. She could not give consent of care, and her mother would not be there for a few hours. Because we are legally married I was able to consent to let then do an operation and she was saved. If I had not been there they would have had to wait for her mom, who knows what would have hap pend. If we go out of state, and one of us gets hurt, we face the same problem - because outside of Mass we are not considered married. I hope this helps!

2006-09-07 03:17:57 · answer #4 · answered by Alexis 4 · 2 0

Liberals and aetheists scream about Christians legislating their religion and shoving it down everyone's throats. I am against gay rights for the very same reason (though I am not against individual people who happen to be gay...I don't approve of their lifestyle, but I will never turn against a person because of it). They are legislating their lifestyle and shoving it down MY throat. The argument is the same. I am opposed to them forcing my children to view their lifestyle as "simply an alternative choice." I am tired of it being shoved down my throat. What they do behind closed doors is their own business, but leave me, my family, my tax dollars, and my legislators out of it!

2006-09-07 03:16:23 · answer #5 · answered by lizardmama 6 · 1 0

Well to each their own!! Who is anyone to tell anyother what they can ingage in and what they cant?? But they should not be able to marry!! The government should figure out a different way to give them tax rights other than marrage, reason being that marrage is created from the bible we marry undergod and it is a sick adomination to marry under god something that is unbiblical in every form....Believe there is salvation for them but god does not support what they do!!!!!!!!!!!l It is unfair they say we are unsupportive of thier choice which well I am but leave our religion out of it!

2006-09-07 03:13:22 · answer #6 · answered by Sandra 4 · 0 0

hy gay [partners stevie and daveyy we are two commiteed gays and we are only 21 and 22 but we beleve that you live your life too the fullest extent, you stand up for what you belive inn, and not playing these silly games of bed hopping, etc we had enough of the games of one night stands over 5 years ago of waking up with people who we dident even now there firsdtnames, and, when we met we sat downe and hamered everything out and knew what we wanted in each other sometimes its not the glamorr of the modelling business weare inn, we are not perfect we have had things go onn, in our relationshipp, like the drunking briother i law show up at the dor with a basebal bat at 3 in the morning to, fathers who threw us out at 17 after finding out, hatefully resentful family members who finally acepted us and found out that we are in for the long haul for life. we are no difrent than any one else we are too tough young gay partners who socalize with some of our oher gay frioends couples and lesbianns and even some maried and straight a few had kids who we baby sit when we get the time, they are accepting and another thing, gay guys arent al child molesters that dont go here at al.l and if you seen us on the strret as two cute blone, curly haireed dudes, we dont act gay only behind closed doors. hey if it isent for you then like we say hit the highway, if yu cant deal, thats your problemm, etc. we go to work everday pay taxes, and live our lives like anyone else, we are no diferent and lead a normal life!!

2006-09-07 03:18:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I feel like its wrong the way they've been treated by people and these recent laws against gay marriage are simply legislated discrimination. I know a lot of gay people, they're pretty much like straights except they have a lot of gay sex.

2006-09-07 03:12:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

well i dont judge people for being gay because in the end we all have to be judged by God and know one is without sin.we may or may not be gay but we have done something wrong in our lives.but the DL men i do fault them the should be honest with woman.instead of sneaking with men behind woman backs

2006-09-07 03:16:09 · answer #9 · answered by ladyrena12 3 · 1 0

I do not believe in a God who would create something and then condemn it, to be blunt. I do not believe in taking the bible literally, and I believe love is love. You do not choose who you fall in love with, it chooses you.

2006-09-07 03:13:35 · answer #10 · answered by Designchc 3 · 1 0

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