It depends on the car and whether its metallic or not and what colour it is.
You are looking at at least £400 but it can easily go past a grand!
I wont ask what made you do it !
2006-09-07 02:50:19
answer #1
answered by LADY__LUCK 2
If you haven't gone completely through the paint - ie. down to the base metal - get some t-cut and polish the scratches out.
If they're deeper you need to have each panel taken off and resprayed - depending on the size of car and type of paint figure about 500 quid total.
I assume it was an accident, or else you're not much of a friend!
2006-09-07 09:52:05
answer #2
answered by frenziedmonkey 3
It depends on where you live . if in the UK the further south you live is more expensive than the north for example . 2 doors / blow into the wing / rear quarter for colour match will cost you £200 in the north east but in the south it will cost as much as £350 add an extra £50 to the job if its pearlesent paint ! i am a paint sprayer in the n/east of England with 25 years experience
2006-09-07 13:07:28
answer #3
answered by charlotterobo 4
yes i think you would be looking about £500 for a full respray, but if it is only three scraches you could just have the doors resprayed if you go to a good painter and he can match the colour very well might be more like £100.
2006-09-07 09:56:50
answer #4
answered by Rizzo 3
Figure on $200 for each door for a cheap job and $350 for a good job. Pretty expensive scissors, huh?
2006-09-07 10:00:31
answer #5
answered by pvreditor 7
There are many companies that now come to your house and do the work there and then (Chips Away etc.). I paid fifty quid to have scratches taken away from both bumpers. They did a great job on a metallic paint car.
2006-09-07 09:58:30
answer #6
answered by Never say Never 5
from £500
2006-09-10 10:56:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It depends on the vet and how much it moves around, if it moves around alot you will need more paint.......
Oh sorry, did you say car? I thought you said cat.....
2006-09-07 09:56:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
do you need a re-spray or are you being vain.
touch up kits nowadays include the primer and hard finish paint.
i paid 6k for my paint job, but it was a ferrari.
do what i do buy 2 cars one for maximum pleasure, one as a work horse, that you can sling you shopping in and rubbish
2006-09-07 09:52:06
answer #9
answered by 2