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Is it true that there are happy people in this life? no stress nor problem, please tell me what do you think and tell me why you're saying this, even support it with stories, im dying to know, im very sad..

2006-09-07 02:29:12 · 23 answers · asked by gracy_willis 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

23 answers

Life is UGLY, but we can live it. you know why ? coz you are reading this message now, and you survived, so dont worry.

If you like email me - qandil@eim.ae

2006-09-07 08:43:15 · answer #1 · answered by Red Dragon 3 · 0 0

Happiness does not necessarily equal no stress. Some people thrive on stress. Some people love being miserable. Happiness, like everything else, is relative to the individual. Look within and decide what it is you enjoy. Are you enjoying being sad (yes, I know that sounds like a strange question but think about it!)? You may need to be sad for a while so that you can grow through that and then be able to enjoy something else. Trick is not to get stuck. Don't think that what you are doing now has to be the thing that you do for the rest of your life. You can change what you think at any given moment. You can change your whole life in a blink of an eye.
The only thing that I can say to you is that life IS beautiful no matter what you do with it. Don't forget that you live in the moment and can choose not to be sad if you want to.
You are NOT a victim of your own life, you are it's creator.

2006-09-07 03:00:59 · answer #2 · answered by Keenu 4 · 0 0

Life is beautiful. There is so much to see, to do, to expierience. Everybody has stress or problems, but those things don't make life less beautiful, they make you appreciate the beautiful things even more.
I am sorry that you feel so sad. Maybe you should talk to someone or go into counselling, because it isn't normal to be sad all the time (or most of the time) unless something really bad happend to you (like losing a loved one), and even then it should only be temporary. No problem is unsolvable, no stress source is incontrollable.

Try and see the beautiful things in life like the beauty of mother earth, love between people, and the little things that can give hope for this planet and it's inhabitants. There is so much to be happy about, most of all the fact that you are alive! Stress and problems are only little, temporary things compared to the true nature of life.

2006-09-07 02:35:56 · answer #3 · answered by lindavankerkhof 3 · 1 0

Yes, it is true. Life is always beautiful. Depends on you to discover its beauty in your everyday activity. it doesn'nt matter you are a teen or an adult, a famous, or a commun person,, the life diserves to be lived on the peak of mountain as well as in the valley. Find out three reasons to be gald or thankful daily and you smile will change the worls and you will be the most beloved and fascinating person for everybody meets you.
I received my taste for life and its beauty reading the Bible and helping people with cancer to bear their lives sucsessfully.
Do something nice to somebody and remember you are important even people too often ignore you. Your smile will remember them always that the life is much more than bearable: it is beautiful, thancks to you.
Look to the sky and watch the birds and the clouds. Cheer the rosy cheeks of the children and be sure this is beautiful and this is life in action. May you receive peace an happiness!

2006-09-07 02:45:11 · answer #4 · answered by lia spring 1 · 0 0

Life makes love appear beautiful

2016-03-27 01:25:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

life will always be met with stress and problems. it's something that we cannot escape, even for the dali lama. i think it just depends on an individual's outlook on life. one could have many problems and still live a happy life.

for example: i have a very fulfilling life. i have a great job, great friends, great family. i do those things which i enjoy the most. i have fun and laugh and am one with who i am.

one does not need very much to be happy. all those materials and vanity crap doesn't really matter when it comes to happiness.

my advice: find something you enjoy, and continue with it. eliminate from your life those things/people which you don't really enjoy being around. and, you might want to try volunteering at either a pet shelter or an elementary school. trust me, it'll make you feel a lot better.

peace unto you...

2006-09-07 04:18:49 · answer #6 · answered by Dizzie 3 · 0 0

Life is beautiful, how you approach life and it's problems is the hardest part. You have to know where you limits are, for example, if I'm having a bad day---I only cry, in my car, shower or closet. That's it. Whatever it was that brought me to tears, is left there. Once I step out, I look to see the "good" and find the giggles around you. Also, if it seems overwhelming at times, that's normal, but don't let it control you. See a Doctor for some medication. Next find a good therapist and talk and talk, til you can't talk about stuff anymore. My best to you.

2006-09-07 02:41:37 · answer #7 · answered by masterwitchphd 5 · 0 0

Yes, sweetie, life can be beautiful. I'm sorry that you're sad. And yes, there are happy people in the world, and you can be happy, too. You just need to learn how, and you have to teach yourself. There is help out there. I was a very depressed person from as long as I can remember until my mid-twenties. While I still experience blue periods, I am basically happy now.

Don't confuse happiness with no stress or problems. There will always be suffering in life. The trials you face and the lessons you learn are what shape you and mold you as a person. They give you strength and wisdom. They are what make you grow spiritually. I do not mean this in a religious sense, although religion can be part of it if you choose.

To me, what helps is to emerse yourself in nature. I spent a month camping on the lake, away from the rat race, with nothing more than the bare neccessities. I had just left an abusive boyfriend, a terrible job, and a crappy trailor. I let the dealership re-po the lemon they sold me. I emptied my life of everything that was needlessly causing me pain, stress, and worries. I kept only my family and my good friends. (I DID empty my life of my BAD friends.) In doing so, I found peace and contentment, and gained the strength I needed to return to my "real" life and create positive changes.

I believe the key to a beautiful life is to seek out and FIND the beauty in life. It is an active process. You have to learn to look for it, and appreciate it when you find it. Discover the things that give you joy. Appreciate and savor it when you do find it. Understand that there will always be stress and problems, but learn to accept these things as a challenge to overcome, and work to overcome them. In this you will find satisfaction and a sense of acommplishment. Make peace with yourself. Allow yourself to take a break when you need it, and emerse yourself in the things that bring YOU peace, or joy, or serenity. Allow yourself to feel your emotions, then let them pass. Don't try to FIGHT your sadness. Allow yourself to FEEL it, and in doing so, try to figure out what it is that is making you sad. Then you will know which direction to go.

(If you self-medicate with drugs - hopefully you do not - find an NA group. There are tons of them out there, and if you need it, you will find one that fits YOU.)

What helped me on my road to happiness and contentment was to read books, such as "The Road Less Traveled" and "Raja Yoga" and to actually apply these ideas to my life. By this I mean with "The Road", acknowlegde how you might be hanging on to outmoded ideas that keep you from experiencing a more full life. With Yoga, work the meditations. Really WORK them. You WILL benefit from the experience, I promise you.

Please read these two books:

"The Road Less Traveled" by M. Scott Peck, MD
"Raja Yoga" by Yogi Ramacharaka

Please ? ! ?. . .

2006-09-07 03:33:02 · answer #8 · answered by Shanshan 2 · 0 0

Yes, some people are happy 24/7. Those are the kind of people I'd like to slap but I don't since they don't slap me for being "gloomy". I know several people that are always happy no matter what time of day (at work) but they've told me that their home lives are so much different (they're no where near as upbeat and cheerful). I guess it all depends on where you're at on the spectrum.

2006-09-07 02:47:02 · answer #9 · answered by Jayna 7 · 0 0

Happiness in life begins with being content with what you have. Next you must maintain a positive sense of well being, this includes watching what you put in your body and being aware of what comes out of your mouth. Set goals but know what your limits are and don't be negative when you can't get what you worked so hard for.

To be happy you must have a go with the flow attitude. Eat to live don't live to eat. Work to pay bills don't make your job your life.

Don't try to control what you have no control over. This includes people. Worrying about things you can't do anything about can also make you unhappy.

Meditate on what you want for yourself in life and put out the positive energies (and action) to make it happen.

You can control YOUR emotion. You are sad because you are allowing yourself to be that way.

2006-09-07 02:39:56 · answer #10 · answered by aQTinMVny 3 · 0 1

Life is like a two sided coin. Beautiful and ugly. The birth of my children, beautiful. Watching my grandfather die, heart wrenching. Both are a part of life however. We have to take the good with the bad and cherish those special moments that God gives us.

2006-09-07 02:31:42 · answer #11 · answered by Charles B 4 · 3 1

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