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39 answers

excellent question yourself and i back you all the way on that one lol

2006-09-07 00:37:10 · answer #1 · answered by sleepwalker69 6 · 6 5

You are right. We can not eliminate people's prejudice against a certain group of people. It is just like a hiring company would not want to hire an ex-convict. Not all ex-convict will not commit the crime again. But would they take chances. The same thing with Black people, they may have 20 % of them criminals compared to other races which have only 3 % and chances of people encountering bad apples are greater. Can you blame these people of being prejudiced ?
Not unless the Government put a more teeth in a law that ban discrimination toward Blacks or ex-convict, the prejudices always exist. The ones who will suffer are the rest of the 80% good Black people and the rest of 80% of ex-felon but non-repeater.

2014-04-29 13:19:05 · answer #2 · answered by John 2 · 0 0

In its purest form, it has to do with "my species is better than yours, and so more deserving of partaking of the limited resources". Survival, pure and simple.

ALL races practice this. Every single one of them. It's inborn; a survival mechanism that is automatic. Educated people, far from the wild have realized that there is great benefit in experiencing the differences, the variety that other cultures offer. These enlightened individuals, armed with that discovery then decide that discriminating against those of other cultures is unacceptable and a practice that should be socially banned for everybody. Then it becomes an automatic response from anyone with an interracial conflict: "You're doing that to me because you're prejudiced", and so it spirals into something bigger than just a couple of people disagreeing.

Intrinsically, there's nothing wrong with it; it's biologically programmed into all species. However, we as reasoning beings seemingly charged with higher thinking must strive to rise above our base impulses. We do this for our own benefit and enrichment.

That only lasts for so long though, and only in a vacuum. Even the most high brow politically correct liberal white democrat has these feelings; they are just doing the best job of denying the fact outwardly. Lying to themselves and others; trying to fabricate and live by their idea of what is the civilized thing to do. When that individual walks down a street in Harlem, Chinatown, Spanish Harlem, Williamsburg (Bklyn) or any other neighborhood that is predominately the bastion of another culture, and they will find that white people are not the only ones capable or guilty of being racist or racially prejudiced. Then they will be the bee flying into a wasp nest as it were. Of course, they will in their pc way, blame themselves or....THEY WILL EXCUSE THE BEHAVIOR, CITING AN UNDERPRIVILEGED UPBRINGING AS THE REASON FOR THE HOSTILITY THEY GARNER. That behavior seems rather condescending and racist to me; the politically correct will claim that it's their kinder and gentler way of thinking. They are after all, evolved.

However, instead of denying what is inborn in all of us and therefore automatic, everyone needs to come off their high horse, realize and accept that they have these feelings and that it's a vestige of our feral need to survive in the wild; a need which isn't apparent in civilized society and so not to be acted upon.

Then, we might be able to look at each other as individuals instead of a group bent on stealing resources in order that our own species survive.

2006-09-07 01:17:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Actually, nothing. Everybody likes and/or dislkies something or somebody or some group. That's called human nature. It may however be illegal to act on it though. That's a different issue.
Today's problem is Political Correctness which tells us that we MUST like whoever or whatever society in general likes. PC will hide the truth and make use of half truths and unverifiable lies to enforce it's point on many cases. It's all to create the society the majority (better known as the "great unwashed") seems to want at the time.

As for "Freedom of speech" it only applies if you're saying what the listener approves of.

2006-09-07 00:42:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

There is a huge difference between racism and freedom of speech. Racism is all about ignorance. If its a matter of feeling superior to others, I suggest you work on your inferiority complex without involving others. There are of course differences between races and nations but these are mostly cultural. Genetic variation is minimal and mostly superficial although that also applies to individuals. I'm not sure what you base your narrow-minded and ignorant views on, but perhaps you should strive to become a more informed and tolerant human being.

2006-09-07 01:03:17 · answer #5 · answered by Delle C. 4 · 0 0

Freedom of speech is for one to express one's opinions as long as it is not transgressing what is right and is informative of what we are feeling and harboring. And I believe racism is usually wrong because it does not inform us about anything or say anything that is of use except to cause divisiveness. Note that telling faccts about the traits of a race whether good or bad is not racism for me but the exagerated and missing-the-mark denigration for no other reason than to insult a particular race (this includes every race including white people though they seem to be less subject to racism) is.

2006-09-07 03:21:02 · answer #6 · answered by Geri g 1 · 0 0

freedom of speech is one thing, but what if that freedom of speech causes harm to others, you certainly can't warrant harm because of the colour of someones skin. All races have there own racism, it shows a pathetic fear of someone different to themselves maybe you could understand it when the world was a bigger place, these days we have access to so much info and are able to find out why people do things we don't understand, a racist is basically a stupid person

2006-09-07 00:45:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Freedom of speech is NOT unlimited. For instance how would you feel if I insulted your whole race, depending on my point of view about one of your cultural group? I don't think you'll be delighted. Why should anyone be racist because it's "freedom"? There's a HUGE difference between freedom of speech and insulting people. If you want to have freedom of speech, then speak , but keep your mind open and understanding, and non-insulting. To the least if you hate a cultural (or religious, whatever) group, then don't insult them, because you'll have much less approval from people.

2006-09-07 00:40:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Freedom of speech has nothing to do with racism. People can be racist and not vocally express it, they just sit in their little world of hate.
Nobody reserves the right to say bad things about others based on a generalisation. So until you meet every single person of a particular race I don't think you are entitled to preach hatred against them.
What reason's have people possibly got to hate a particular race.

Dislike the person not their race.

2006-09-07 00:48:19 · answer #9 · answered by illstealyourthunder 3 · 1 2

Whatever happened to the Scientific revelation that there is no such thing as race?

It doesn't exist perrito.
Liberate your mind from oppresive and destructive thinking.

The United Negro College fund and Affirmative action is in existence becaouse people like you and your minions try to repress others from the right to live freely - who gives a damn about you racist wastes of sperm anyhow?

2006-09-10 17:56:51 · answer #10 · answered by Jehan J 2 · 0 0

First of all, why be a racist? Isn't that just another word for bigot?
Secondly, what does being a racist have to do with freedome of speech? These are two ENTIRELY different subjects.

lofty550 had the right answer!

2006-09-07 00:43:18 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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