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Don't get me wrong, I want gay marriage and other equal rights for gays. This question is strictly b/c I'm confused. My friend is a gay Christian, but b/c I grew up Christian I know what the Bible says. I don't know how to explain the verses that are against gays, except to say that there are verses against fornication, adultery, and divorce, but these are "accepted" by Christians, if not "practiced" by them.

What are the morals involved? I just know it's pretty strict for straight christians, so how strict do gay christians view their religion? My friend has no problem going to gay bars, and I know that a lot of so called christians do so as well. So, I guess this question is more about what it means to be christian. So, gay or straight, what does it mean?

2006-09-06 23:12:30 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I don't want gay bashing b/c it's a hypocracy. All those self-righteous better be those who are virgins before marriage, never cheated on someone, and never got a divorce. These are also abominations in God's eyes.

2006-09-06 23:26:46 · update #1

17 answers

The same morality applies to gays and heterosexuals. Do you believe that a heterosexual teenage couple having a tumble in the back-seat of a car have any thoughts about morality? The bible is simply applying some men's thoughts or ethics to their own standards but gay relationships were common in many great civilizations...now it is a means of churches to try to control others.

2006-09-06 23:20:10 · answer #1 · answered by Frank 6 · 1 0

If you are a Christian, then you believe 100% of what the Bible (i.e. God's Word, written by God through his spirit anointed apostles) has to say. That being the case, then the answer to this question should be answered by the Bible.

The scripture that addresses this question directly can be found in the Bible: in the Apostle Paul's first letter to the Corinthian Congregation at 1 CORINTHIANS 6:9-11.

To supplement the above scripture, consider JEREMIAH 10:23 that answers the question, "Who knows what's best for humans, The Creator, or mankind?"

2006-09-07 08:21:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I who was raised in a strict religion can understand your confusion. The church is against homosexual not the bible or God. The bible is against lustful sex (fornication) now this is possible in straight marriages is it not. Also the bible is against effeminate behavior. Many homosexuals are not effeminate. The bible is against anal sex. It is a nasty fetish in my opinion and the anus is not a sexual organ. No offense to those who enjoy it. Of those activities listed lesbians can only be accused of could be the lustful sex and most lesbians I know are in very loving relationships and I can’t imagine them having sex with out love being a part of the equation. I am sure it happens I just don't imagine that. So that leaves gay men who are effeminate and practice anal sex. To be quite honest I think that relatively few homosexuals actually practice these activities unfortunately those that do are rather vocal about it. The media helps perpetrate that myth by equating gay sex with anal sex. The term has become synonymous. This is why I do not accept the gay label I am a masculine man who loves other masculine men and we are not in to effeminate behavior or anal sex. We follow biblical guidelines in our dealings with the same gender. Meaning we are kosher. We chose the word g0y spelled with a zero not an o the zero of course taking the place of the a in the word gay, a standing for anal. No anal no a in g0y. It is pronounced goy as though it is an o but goy is the Jewish word for gentile hence the irony that we are g0y and kosher. I am not going to tell a man who practices anal sex that he is wrong or that he is sinning that is between him and God not my place. I am not going to tell a queen he is sinning, again not my place. I am also not going to tell them that they are not Christian for the same reason. We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. I will however continue to educate the homosexuals out there that there is an alternative if they are struggling with the label of gay. I know all to well the pain of self loathing because you do not fit the gay label I want to spare those who where like me not wanting to accept the stigma of being gay. Being g0y is only better if you are g0y, if you are gay and it fits you then please take that label. We aren’t trying to win converts we are not a religion. We are not trying to save gays from the stigma, as most gays don’t recognize the stigma or if they do gladly accept it. We are not even trying to save gays from disease which I wish more would head the words of the cdc in this regard. We are merely trying to reach the guys who are like us to let them know we exist and they are not alone. I know I used part of my answer to explain things not asked in your question but after yesterdays attack on me I felt the need to explain more about the g0ys and I appreciate the opportunity your question presented.
Thanks for asking this.
Randy Wolff

2006-09-07 09:56:59 · answer #3 · answered by ♂ Randy W. ♂ 6 · 0 0

rags and mustang brought up the two best points. also, i don't believe in any kind of history. so therefore, i don't believe in the bible. there are so many controversial issues and hypocricies there that you can't relate them all to today. divorce is at an all time high and rising. in a few decades, at this rate, every couple who marries will divorce in their first five to ten years. it is statistical and that can't be disputed. there is nobody who is perfect. bars, brothels, all of that other stuff? I just saw a program on vh1 yesterday showing a priest who picked up a hooker. tell me who is perfect and i will tell them the secret to life. in both instances, you have better chances walking on water. btw, there is only one passage in the bible against homosexuality and it is somewhere in Leviticus. I just don't feel like looking it up right now. sorry.

2006-09-07 07:47:26 · answer #4 · answered by johnny_on_the_spot 3 · 1 0

To be a Christian, all you need to do is believe in Christ.

That is very clearly spelled out in the most famously quoted passage of the Bible.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Gay people are just as capable of doing this as any other people.

2006-09-07 15:56:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am not a christian (but like most American's was certainly raised in the church)but my life partner is a born again christian. I would suggest you google MCC, Metropolitian Community Church and see if you don't have one in your area. If not, just reading the web site can be informative. Their ministry is to the gay, lesbian, bi and transgendered community. I believe the gist of it is that adhearing to the word of Christ, which was (in a nutshell)" I died for your sins, who ever believes in Me and accepts Me as your Savior shall be with Me in heaven". if you actually read what Jesus said (well you have to realize it was paraphrased by men) his message is simple. Come to me like children, accept me as your savior and you will live eternally at my side in heaven.

The hate and fear stuff comes from people who think they know better than Jesus.

2006-09-07 08:42:32 · answer #6 · answered by tjnstlouismo 7 · 0 0

There are ZERO verses against gays in the Bible.

There are about six Bible stories about homosexual ACTS that the Bible condoms. Those were not acts of homosexual love, bu t they were acts of violence, like the gang rape in Sodom, or acts of abuse as with the temple prostitutes, or older men using boys for sexual gratification. These were not homosexuals, they were abusers.

In fact, the Bible was written primarily in Ancient Greek and Ancient Hebrew languages. In those languages, there was not even a word to describe homosexuality.

Now Miss Julia, you've had this explained to you several times. If you don't like the answer, or you don't believe the answer, that's okay. But as Christians, we profess to follow in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ who never spoke of homosexuality, not once. Jesus Christ who was always inclusive of those persons who were on the margins of society, different than the others, even when his disciples would have excluded them. Jesus Christ who taught us to love. Jesus Christ who walks with us today, and guides us in our daily lives.

2006-09-07 08:52:20 · answer #7 · answered by michael941260 5 · 1 1

gay Christians believe in God, but not to every work in the bible as specifically written, otherwise we are all sinners, even the religious leaders. You can still be gay and believe in God

2006-09-07 10:21:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am so sick of this. What is the problem in being gay and also believing in a higher power!!

Who is anyone to say that god would "abandon" gay people.
I thought people would be above that sort of a fascist notion these days.

You say it's against god's rules...
Those rules were written...Sorry to say it, by humans.

2006-09-07 06:21:45 · answer #9 · answered by tui 5 · 2 1

Jesus never said anything about homosexuals. He taught about love and acceptance. So, if you believe in what he preached and try to live by his example, you are a Christian regardless of your sexuality.

Anyone who tells you different is trying to raise money using the fear factor.

2006-09-07 17:21:30 · answer #10 · answered by wicked64 2 · 1 1

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