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14 answers

That's a question you should REALLY be asking your mother or your pastors wife. Your grandmother probably has but maybe she's too old to remember.

2006-09-06 22:26:22 · answer #1 · answered by Chris C 5 · 5 5

Dog Knot Definition

2016-11-01 01:26:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yess many times through my life, just love it when the knot goes in and youare locked together, but you need some one with you to stop the dog from leaping off you, once dog is comfortable you can remain locked for quite a long time, better than a other guys **** so satisfying from woody6145 skype

2016-04-28 05:26:08 · answer #3 · answered by Michael 1 · 12 3

A well-trained dog makes everyone happy, including his owner. Take a little time training him, and you'll never regret it; you'll always have an obedient dog by your side. Find more https://tinyurl.im/VBgS4

By their nature, dogs are pack animals with a well-defined social order. Through basic training, you need to consistently make sure your puppy understands that you are the leader, not him. So in teaching him the basic rules, you take on the role of pack leader.

To fit into the family circle, your dog must be taught to recognize his name and such commands as come, heel, lie down and sit.

2016-04-15 01:06:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

Dogs are naturally sociable animals, and to keep one confined one at home is both cruel and unnecessary. All mutts yearn for the freedom to run around and play in the sun, meet other people and other dogs. Many owners are understandably wary of granting their pets such freedom for fear that the dog would simply run away or even attack another animal or person.

Owners of badly behaved pets are in a constant state of worry about their pets. They live in fear of the day when their bad-tempered, poorly trained canine will snap. In such situations dog training is the only solution. While it may seem like a tough task at first, all the hard work you do training your pet will be more than worth it in the end.

What to Expect from Dog Training?

Obedience training, generally speaking, is comprised of several different stages. Dog trainers start with the basics, and build on that. There are no shortcuts when it comes to training your dog. If your dog doesn't understand the basic commands like 'sit', 'stand', 'come' and 'stay' then there's no point in teaching it more advanced commands. Advanced commands can range in anything from asking your dog to fetch to making it roll over or sit up and beg.

Training your dog can take many forms; some of the more popular dog training methods include reward training, clicker training, obedience-training games, and collar or leash training. Whichever method you use, your dog training efforts should, in the end, change that ill-tempered and unmanageable mutt into a quiet, well-behaved dog.

Is Dog Training Really Worth it?

The answer would be a resounding YES! As a pet owner you are responsible for the well-being and maintenance of your dog. While this includes the basics such as food, shelter and love, it also includes the time and effort you put into making your dog safer around your family and community.

The newspapers are full of stories of irresponsible pet owners whose pets run wild, cause damage, and hurt other people. It is not enough to simply look after the basic needs of your dog; you are also responsible for its general behavior and the way it interacts with the world at large.

Can I Train my Dog by Myself?

While it is always easier to get a professional dog trainer to handle your mutt's training, most dog owner's prefer to handle the training themselves. You can do it on your own, provided you come prepared. A little knowledge can go a long way, and this is especially true in dog training. Attend a dog training class with your pet to pick up pointers from an expert; read dog training books and guides; take part in online discussion forums with other dog owners. You will find that your dog training sessions will go a lot easier if you have some prior knowledge of what to expect and some pointers on how to best control the animal.

There is no quick fix for a pet with behavioral problems and no easy way to train it. There will be times during your pet training sessions that you will lose your temper or your dog may snap at you out of frustration. Don't be disheartened! Keep at it, and by the end of your dog training session you will find that you and your dog have bonded like never before.

Training a dog is one of those rites of passage every pet owner has to go through. Ultimately it can be a highly rewarding and supremely gratifying experience for both you and your four-legged pet.

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Discover the powerful dog training secrets to eliminate over 30+ common behavioral dog and puppy issues with step-by-step instructions from one of the world's most skilled dog trainers!

2016-04-15 00:13:37 · answer #5 · answered by Mary 4 · 1 1

Yes to many times to count

2015-11-07 10:22:54 · answer #6 · answered by Arthur 1 · 3 0

There are a bunch of things you should know about dog training but we are going to discuss what I feel are some the most important. Keep in mind that these are only some of the things you should know. Go here http://OnlineDogTraining.enle.info/?3MJ9

1. Repetition is the number 1 principle of dog training. Dogs just like humans learn by doing things over and over in order to get better.

2. Dog Training can and should be fun for both you and your new pet.

3. Training sessions should always be short but sweet. I never work a dog more than 15 minutes in a session to keep from losing the dog's attention. You should train you dog at least once a day but never more than three formal sessions a day.

4. Your goal should be that each training session is just a little bit better than the last one. You need to always strive to make the training better, slowly. I mention this because quite often I see people who do daily training sessions but the dog never gets better and it is not the dogs fault.

5. Having patients is very important in dog training. Losing your temper does not work with a canine it simply makes things worse.

6. Exercise is very important in the training process to get rid of all the dogs nervous energy.

7. Taking your pet for walks is very important because it develops serotonin which gives your dog a feeling of well being.

8. Always be sure to give your dog a bunch of praise in your training. It is your dog's paycheck for doing a great job.

9. Never hit your dog. I have heard people say I never hit my dog instead I roll up a magazine and swat it. It's the same thing... hitting is hitting.

10. After each training session be sure to do something that your dog will enjoy. Take it for a walk, throw the ball or maybe even rub its belly. Just do something that makes the dog look forward to the next training session.

These are things that I teach my dog training students as well as my dog training clients. I hope these things will give you something to think about when training your dog. Spend some time training your dog daily and you will both reap the benefits.

2017-02-15 12:10:20 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 0 2

What does "dog-knotted" mean? Anyone? message me and let me know then I say if I have lol

OOOOh No that has never happened to me!

2006-09-06 22:24:01 · answer #8 · answered by xXMichelleXx 3 · 3 2

being a male it can only go in one hole and it can knot if your tight. but you can pull out of it but it may hurt A LOT. but either way its well worth it.

2016-11-20 13:14:10 · answer #9 · answered by mad 2 · 3 0

I loved the dog getting deep up inside me. I Have been fucked many times by dogs. That feeling is so wonderful!!! When the dog first mounts and finds the hole you are his *****!!! Once the knot pops deep inside you will be stuck togather and you are the dogs *****.

2014-08-07 17:05:20 · answer #10 · answered by Andrea 1 · 22 1

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