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I worry that The Illuminati, or whatever the name is of the group, or those, who control Bush really are, that my protests are actually playing into their overall strategy? After all, I do believe they have played us for years. And until the FREE Internet, there was no way to stop them. Anyway, I worry that I am their B I T C H right now. Talk about an oxymoron.

Anyway, I want to see their blood stains. They have drawn first blood on my people. I want to see their insides, whomever is truly responsible. I want you. You are the target of ALL of my aggression and what I work toward and forward to killing in my future. I think I'll leave your scapegoat "terrorists" to deal with the caves they live in and go after you, in your leather chairs that you spill Louis Crystal into on a daily basis. A S S HOLE MURDERERS.

That's right, I want the TRASH SCUM that controls the TRASH SCUM we call Mr. President. I want the DEALERS of DEATH, not the PUNK A S S fruits like GW Bush..

2006-09-06 20:30:16 · 11 answers · asked by InternetPosterChild 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

As my Dad always said, "The graveyards are full of BAD MOTHER F U C K E R S." Well, put me there. That is what it will take to stop what I am starting. I want you SCUM. And I get what I want. All of us can have what we TRULY want. And I truly want the TRAITORS TO DIE. This is MY COUNTRY. And MY PEOPLE ARE FREE PEOPLE.

2006-09-06 20:34:51 · update #1

I hate punks with no contact information. What, ... punks.... Oh, there's a dark SUV out front.....LOSER.

2006-09-06 20:51:38 · update #2

11 answers

I'm not to sure what your question is?

But as far as the Illuminati is concerned, they took the power away from people centuries ago, and people let them. Ignorance was the likely problem.

Each individual is responsible for themselves initially.

2006-09-06 22:36:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the Illuminati, a cult of the most powerful people in the world, of the aristocracy, but only a few select members know their true intentions. it's said to be dominated by Zionists and the so called black nobility of Europe. they are Satan's worshipers, the name deriving from Lucifer. it's said that the Illuminati was behind every major event from the middle ages, and even more so in the past 300 years, from the french and american revolution, to the great depression and the two world wars. FYI, in the '60 there were certain groups who stated that the Illuminati had plans for 3 world wars. the ultimate goal for this 'organization' is to form a NWO, or more precise, a world government. if this were to happen, the 'illusion of democracy' would be a thing of the past.

as for the men behind bush, bush Sr, Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, they're the fathers of the so called PNAC(project for the new american century), it's intention being to take over the world fro military conquest

these to groups, do they work separately, together, do they even exist, are they tools for public manipulation, do the people who post articles about them on the Internet working for them? who knows.

one thing is certain, the power is concentrated in the hands of a handful of people, majority of whom are Zionist Jews. these people control the federal reserve, 'the institution capable of generating the biggest amount of debt on the planet' and the US media.

about the free internet: the EU has been asking for the creation of a NGO to supervise the internet, instead of being controled by the US. the reason the US refuses such an initiative is fought to be the american intention of censorship of the internet after the chinese model

2006-09-07 04:22:17 · answer #2 · answered by ionut*999 3 · 0 0

Don't leave your room! They are now watching you after intercepting your post. You will be imprisoned in a pyramid and given mind altering drugs until you become a complete Neocon! Watch out for dark colored SUV's and men in black suits. If they cannot brainwash you into turning Neocon they will destroy all your braincells with drugs and make you a LIBERAL! Stay home, do not leave the house! They are waiting outside right now!

LOL!!! They no longer wear the black suits, because everyone knew who they were. They now wear regular clothes to blend in with everyone else to gather intelligence. LOL!! Watch out man!!! No, seriously something wrong is going on in this country with all of the control and pornographic holacaust that is going on!! It seams there is a large percentage of the population that is trying to destroy and humiliate the rest of Americans. I think people are waking up to whats going on, but it may be to late.

2006-09-07 03:52:41 · answer #3 · answered by lvillejj 4 · 1 0

Don't leave your room! They are now watching you after intercepting your post. You will be imprisoned in a pyramid and given mind altering drugs until you become a complete Neocon! Watch out for dark colored SUV's and men in black suits. If they cannot brainwash you into turning Neocon they will destroy all your braincells with drugs and make you a LIBERAL! Stay home, do not leave the house! They are waiting outside right now!

2006-09-07 03:43:17 · answer #4 · answered by mark g 6 · 2 1

That would be Rumsfeld and Cheney.

They are evil, but Bush is more evil because he could not operate without them. Rove tells him what to think and say but Cheney and Rumsfeld do the dirty work. Only 2 years and 4 months left of Bush and his war mongers. Did you notice Bush was not a war monger when Vietnam was in progress, he hid like a scared little boy. Which he is.

The whole world hates us now, thanks to Bush.

2006-09-07 03:39:48 · answer #5 · answered by lcmcpa 7 · 1 1

Did it ever occur to you that enemy psy ops are designed to attain exactly the response you have just displayed?

Are you really playing into the hands of people far more clever than yourself by allowing yourself to be

1) Agitated by their propaganda
2) Aimed like a rabid dog at the obstacle to their quest for power
3) Made a patsy if you act on your anger - they laugh and just keep working on angering more patsies

Successful psyops will get exactly the results you seem determined to give the enemies of WE THE PEOPLE.

The Chief Executive is fulfilling his primary job requirement - to defend the lives of WE THE PEOPLE.

2006-09-07 03:38:17 · answer #6 · answered by speakeasy 6 · 2 1

I agree about the protests. At this point protests against Bush or the war are futile.It only gives the news something to talk about to distract from Bush's ****-ups.

2006-09-07 03:43:07 · answer #7 · answered by vampire_kitti 6 · 1 1

OMG. *Eyes bulge*
Yes, they've been playing mankind for thousands of years. They are actually the Martians who helped the Egyptians build the pyramids. Give me a break.

2006-09-07 03:35:14 · answer #8 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 1 1

hope that i can read some news of u in the front page some day, make sure u r on the first page, hahaha

2006-09-07 04:43:46 · answer #9 · answered by Wiseguy 3 · 0 0

you could start by picking off the bilderberg group with a .50cal sniper rifle ... that would knock a dent in them.

2006-09-07 03:38:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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