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Unity in Diversity or Diversity in Unity ? Who promotes Unity , the Devil or the God ? similarly who is the promoter of Divisions , God or Devil ?

2006-09-06 18:57:09 · 4 answers · asked by jayakrishnaathmavidya 4 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

4 answers

people create their own gods...i am sure it/she/he comes in various shapes and forms. it is not in one's place to judge the views of others. unless, of course, the views of another directly impact oneself...

2006-09-06 19:06:18 · answer #1 · answered by Dizzie 3 · 0 0

"Education should be preparation for the good life, in the service of society and for self - realization. The aim of Sai educational institutions is to reform the educational system in such a way that the students develop respect for Indian Culture and learn to live a life of sacrifice and dedication."

2006-09-12 01:39:17 · answer #2 · answered by jayakrishnamenon 3 · 0 0

God and Devil are promoters?

People promotes..


2006-09-06 20:09:35 · answer #3 · answered by Andreba 4 · 0 0

Within the context of having experience through the creation of the world, God created man in his own likeness—given the same kinds, but not the same amount of powers, so that He can come into the world as one with, or through His creation. We are part of the One Spirit, designed that way, for His purpose.

Before Man (notice the capital "M", because Man is part of God) had knowledge, and not merely information, God took up residence at the center of Man's being, from where He coordinates and unifies the activities of Man's spirit. Since all things are modifications of His energy, and occur within His infinite expanse, He is the underlying unity of all things. This unifying attribute (omnipresence) of the original state of energy/matter and consciousness manifests itself as the essential function of the Subjective Realm, His infinite capacity to conceive (omniscience) manifests itself in the subconscious, and His infinite capacity to carry out (omnipotence) what is conceived is manifested in the spirit.

Where God is able to interact and reside, at the foundation of Man's being, is the Subjective Realm. There really is no true corollary to God. But from the beginning of time we have asked the question, "Where is the mind?" Where is consciousness located?" The truth is that consciousness can traverse the various levels of material organization (how else could our very cells recognize a disease, and counter-act it), but its origin is at the Subjective Realm.

God takes up residence in the world at the center of Man's spirit wherein He acts, during Man's spiritual infancy to unify his/her subconscious, mental, and life support functions, and if man develops or opens the higher parts of the spirit, God then extends His unifying functions to the affairs of Man's life.

To tap into the Subjective Realm of our inner being will enable Man to go through the innumerable obstructions in life unassailed. At this level of energy/ matter is the source of "oneness" (omnipresence), power (omnipotence) and wisdom (omniscience). The establishment (return) of consciousness to this level lays the foundation for the manifestation of these three divine attributes in the life of Man. This is where miracles happen.

Man is made in the likeness of God for a purpose: if fully evolved, for serving as a vehicle for God's manifestation in the world. For what other reason are the higher parts of Man's spirit equipped with the attributes of God? Man's earthly existence is not for our own sake, or for our pleasure, or some stage in the process of evolution, but neither is it simply to worship God. The purpose of creation was to provide God with a vehicle for the self-conscious expression of His divinity in the world.

The goal of Man's life is to bring this function to the foreground of our lives so that God may manage the affairs of our personal and social lives. And not just on Sunday (when we should be "worshipping").

Religious imperialism, or imperialism using religion as a potent weapon to dictate laws and Commandments, is not the answer. Determining behavior through fear and guilt, like Freud's motivators, is very primitive and useless. And as long as one's behavior is determined by likes and dislikes, and in the quest for pleasure and avoidance of pain, we will find ourselves unable to embrace certain obligatory realities.

The Greeks understood chaos, not as disorder, but as the absence of things (structures) to be ordered. Our Person is what most people take as their identity—our mind and its contents (beliefs). It is a veritable ocean of contradictory and conflicting ideals and emotional patterns of behavior. Our lives are pure chaos—the essence of disunity. Our emotions are in conflict with our ideals. Our personal interests are often in conflict with those of others and the environment. We have many contradictory beliefs. We slam the door in God's face—his unity, his expression—can only exist beside disunity, rather than through unity, and can only be expressed through oneness.

The intellect, the faculty that mankind relies on predominantly to communicate reality to itself, creates its own reality, blocking and bolting the door in four ways: 1) It communicates, not reality, but symbols of it, 2) The intellect can establish the logical connection between things and ideas, but lacks the means of establishing whether the premise of the logical operation is true or false, and, 3) what it communicates is hearsay (it thinks verbally or phonetically)—we have definitions and descriptions of things, of God, of the spirit, of our Self, etc., but no direct experience of these things, and therefore, no real knowledge, and 4) Intellect hides the unity between things, and thus speaks to us of a world in which things seem to exist by and for themselves and are in intrinsic conflict for the majority of people do not have an alternative mental input.

To open the door to God's ability and divine expression we must establish an inner peace unknown to most of us. We cannot achieve inner peace if we are still caught up in our emotional conditioning. Few are able to reconcile the idea of exchanging pleasure for inner peace. The enslavement comes from the intellect which defines certain things as pleasurable, painful, etc. , when there are no such things. Pleasure and pain are not qualities in things but expressions of a person's conditioned state. If you believe that beauty and sweetness are attributes that reside in a person or thing that you are in love with, you will not be able to do without it. If you believe that liking or not liking, hurting or enjoying, represent the natural state of your spirit, then you will not be able to transcend these emotions. Man must learn to enjoy with the knowledge that pleasure is not a property of the object of enjoyment, but of one's conditioning. It is a super-imposition on one's natural state of peace.

We can find equal enjoyment in all things. Nothing is enjoyable in itself. We do not really need anything to enjoy life. It can and must proceed from our will. It is this inability to realize this truth that prevents people from transcending their "love" for things of the world, that they may acquire the powers of the spirit. It has to be this way, because divine power cannot be conferred on people who have no control over their emotions, or understanding of their Self.

The ultimate reason for establishing inner peace as the dominant emotional response in life is that the manifestation of our divine nature depends on it.

In spiritual philosophy, "unity" is the foundation of good. Unity is the working of all things in harmony with each other, working as one; nothing goes beyond the limits to violate itself and others. The basis of unity is in God, or the one energy/matter and consciousness shared by all things in the world, and in which they all have their being. The arch-principle, "disunity," is what we call "evil."

Since unity is negated by the fact of physical and mental separation, the unity is established by a web of inter-relationships and interdependence between all things: Divine Law. The establishment of consciousness at the highest level enables Man to live holistically and morally.

Events in our earthly lives exist for the sake of our spiritual development, and our spiritual powers exist for the sake of guaranteeing us success in the world. This is one of the most important expressions of Divine Law.

Although dormant within the spirit of Man, the indwelling God makes its dormancy felt as a vacuum that manifests as the urge to oneness. Only God dwelling in Man's spirit can unify Man with his/her environment and men with each other. It is a dormant function that must be awakened that God may accomplish His goals in the world.

Let the glory that is done in heaven be done on earth.

To read the entire "Essay" go to this link

2006-09-06 22:47:49 · answer #4 · answered by dredude52 6 · 0 0

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