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Some of these commercials really irritate me. Mostly I think because they generalize pot smokers and throw them all into the same group...

The one that gets me the most right now is the one I hear on the radio..."who wants to get high? Who wants to get faded? Who wants to give up trying?"

I gotta tell ya...that one just pisses me off...

I smoke...daily...multiple times a day...and the "giving up trying" statement just bothers me. I'm 28 years old...I've only been smoking for 3 or 4 years...but in these last 3 or 4 years, I've gotten more accomplished in my life and have more ambition that I've ever had before. I'm on my way back to school...finally...with plenty of drive and ambition to spare...

So the question is I guess...do any of these kind of commercials bother you like they bother me? Which ones? Why? Just feel free to vent/voice opion/blab incoherently...I just wanna know how they make you feel...

2006-09-06 18:20:13 · 20 answers · asked by HerbAngel420 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

20 answers

The government has been lying about pot for YEARS!

They pay for "studies". When these so-called "studies" come to the conclusion that pot is harmless, the Government Sh-itcans the results!
When they Finally get a "study" that shows pot "Might" have some bad side effects, they broadcast it Every day to scare the Sh-it out of you!

The Truth is, in the total combined history of Medical Science, there has NEVER been ONE documented case where someone has OD'd on pot and died!
Alcohol KILLS and average of 1300 people a year in the US. I'm talking about alcohol poisoning, Not car accidents!

You'll NEVER hear Those statistics in an Anti-Drug commercial!

2006-09-08 16:28:10 · answer #1 · answered by thart090 3 · 0 1

these ads amuse me. why get pi s sed? that's not gonna do you any good. gnats flying around my head bother me, can be somewhat irritating sometimes, but they don't actually pi ss me off; that's just what gnats do. it's just business. sure i wish it was different, but with the creeping fascism in america these days that doesn't seem likely. there was a time in the late 70s when legalization looked almost immanent. then came Raygun and the war on citizens began. i guess what really pisses me off is how we all let that happen and now look what's happened. and i guess i do get pi ssed off that there are people out there that use pot as a reason to hate people, like that guy up there. i mean it's like sayin that you hate me cause i sometimes wear green socks. what business is it of his what i do i my own space? so maybe i've come full circle here, i mean i do understand why you get pi ssed. but i'm much more amused by those ads than i am by the dam gecko and that duck.

was that incoherent enough for you?

2006-09-06 18:48:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

The entire anti-marijuana campaign is ridiculous. Marijuana should never have been outlawed in the first place. When the Marijuana Tax Act took effect in the 40s, essentially outlawing marijuana, the government knew absolutely nothing about the effects of marijuana yet they claimed it drove people crazy and made them kill. The truth is that certain corporations and people in power stood to gain millions of dollars if marijuana was outlawed, and stood to lose millions if it wasn't. Ironically those same people were also the ones who were able to make the laws banning marijuana. If it was so dangerous why did the U.S. Government urge the entire country to grow hemp, as seen in Hemp For Victory, when there was a wartime shortage of rope during World War 2, then immediately re-criminalized it when the shortage had passed? It doesn't sound so dangerous when it's in their favor does it? Check out Hemp For Victory and a good short read on why marijuana was really made illegal at this torrent link. If you're unfamiliar with how to work torrents IM me. 420.

2006-09-06 18:35:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

It is a personal attack with the booze & drugs;cigarettes don't bother as much except if you are exposed to heavy second hand smoke. Satan is using drugs to mellow people out to lessen the resistance for the NWO takeover.The idea came from the Russian scientist Pavlof of his studies of how lights,sounds & bad morals can be used for that purpose.Our gvt captured russian documents in the 50s to discover what the Russian leader meant when he stated to the world he could take over the USA without firing a shot.

2016-03-27 01:07:13 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

u accomplished a lot has nothing to do with smoking (pot or otherwise).... u have proven u dont need smoking (pot or otherwise) per those accomplishments.

Fact is, the vast majority of pot smokers graduate to heavier drugs.... THATS fact..

So what if it pisses people off...if it works to make them quit and makes them relize how stupid it is..

2006-09-10 11:16:06 · answer #5 · answered by pcreamer2000 5 · 0 0

They make me want to smoke pot.

Decriminalize pot or criminalize tobacco and alcohol ( and we saw how well prohibition worked.)

I've seen much more problems with tobacco and alcohol. I've never seen a marijuana overdose. You can't do it. I work in an ER.

Let's tax it, put the money into ethanol distillation and hydrogen fuels. Help out the elderly with prescription costs.

2006-09-06 18:23:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

yes they do piss me off,I have sence i was 12 years old.the one that really gets me is on tv and the girl is setting there with her deflatted friend and says she has been that way sence she started smoking pot.that they don't do anything any more. I agree it is different to some people but I ,like you get ambisus and want to find out why things work the way they do . Or go and do something not just set and zone out.

2006-09-06 18:31:07 · answer #7 · answered by macki4 4 · 3 1

They should have the same commercials for alcohol. So many more people do awful things when they are drunk then when they are high. Like that STUPID one where the guy is like "oh yeah how did she get home." i'm sure i'm not conveying that right but for god sakes. When I am stoned i am MORE careful and MORE observant rather than running around like an idiot.

2006-09-06 18:26:46 · answer #8 · answered by . 5 · 2 1

From what I have observed, potheads tend to be lazier than non-potheads (expect at making sure they ge their herb).

But so what? There are no significant health effects. The stuff has been studied to death since the 1960s - no big issues. If it were legal, it would free up billions of dollars that could be better spend on really bad stuff.

I have no use for it, but I have less use for wasting money on keeping it illegal and fining/jailing people for, really, no good reason.

2006-09-06 18:31:20 · answer #9 · answered by sheeple_rancher 5 · 3 2

Typical government propaganda. Do you expect a fair and open discussion about it from the D.E.A.?

When I was in school (a long time ago) we had to watch these films about how taking LSD would make you have babies with 3 arms and legs. Scare tatics then and now.
Remember this...more that anything, the government desires control of the populace. Lack of control scares them.

2006-09-06 18:33:37 · answer #10 · answered by opjames 4 · 4 1

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