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i was involve in a car accident back in february that made me lost my job i just found out i have a pinch nerve in my neck and a herniated disk in my back that may take some time too heal however i have just been turned down for disability so i have just hired an attorney to help me on my appeal however that wont be until next year and i need money now , i cant get my temporary disability cause they say here in new jersey you need 20 based weeks in which you made over 103 dollars or more in 2005 i worked 22 weeks in 2005 but i only have 19 weeks in which i made over 103 dollars im short by 1 week and they wont give it too me im on welfare and i was recieving 210 dollars a month now they dropped me too 74 dollars cause they help me get my own apartment its not possible for me too live out of 74 dollars what should i do can anyone help me

2006-09-06 18:11:43 · 5 answers · asked by bigpipeinjersey 1 in Health General Health Care Injuries

5 answers

I'd seek the advice of a disability attorney and see what they say, according to New Jersey law. Attorney's are like a necessary evil because once they get you paid, they are quick to take their cut of the action.

A good disability attorney may find and exploit legal loopholes in New Jersey law that fall very well into your favor; it's worth the call and speak to one. I hope you find a good one.

2006-09-06 18:17:02 · answer #1 · answered by Mr. Wizard 7 · 0 0

Another option is to go to yoir local vocational rehabilitation agency and get assistance to find a job compatible with your residual functional capacity (what you can do now) . A herniated disk and a pinched nerve are painful. However, you might not meet the criteria for social security disability and in the meantime, you are committing a large amount of an award that, at best, will be a very small, to an attorney. Vocational rehabilitation counselors specialize in helping people who have been injured to get on with their lives. It is better to be preparing for a job and earning an income rather than waiting for benefits that will probably not be awarded.

2006-09-10 16:53:29 · answer #2 · answered by ValleyViolet 6 · 0 0

You should have had some money for that on your car insurance if you had any, plus dont give up on the disability, it takes awhile to get it. I went thru the same thing and here its been 5 yrs and still deal with pain. I had to have back surgery, and also, herniated discs dont heal, youll have to go to therapy or a chiropractor to get some relief from it. . My pain is better, but its chronic. Thats what comes with a car wreck. When its cold, youll notice it more.

2006-09-07 04:59:46 · answer #3 · answered by ~~ 7 · 0 0

Couple of questions first, did you have car insurance? Were you at fault of the accident? Have you contacted your auto insurer? If you had insurance then your insurance should be helping you, Yes contact an attorney TODAY....especially if you were not at fault.....Is there any organizations that can help you? Here in Michigan, we have whats called the lighthouse, who can help with shut off notices and food, Also contact some churches, they will help with food and depending on the church various other things that you need. I would encourage you to start making some phone calls and don't stop until you get either help or answers to solve your problems,,,,

2006-09-06 18:25:46 · answer #4 · answered by tstacy789 1 · 0 0

MONEY wise... go online and search jobs where you can work from home, like answering questions/surveys for money.
You can also apply for being a "SECRET SHOPPER" ... i know some of them ask for like $24.95 to apply but after ur in u get like anywhere from $50- $300 for any single trip to the store u make. So yeah definately look into that... I know there is this plenty of online jobs... just gotta look. Try typing or looking ... www.askjeeves.com maybe even type ur question: "Financial help for the state of (ur state here) and aides... so maybe it'll help you?

2006-09-06 18:40:29 · answer #5 · answered by sweetsuezq4u 3 · 0 0

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