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I am unconfortable with other people and their kids, and would rather be alone, reading/crocheting/ or listening to music,and I am more comfortable being by myself rather than in a crowd. i go shopping, talk to ppl, and interact with them,when i need to, and go to places where ppl gather,but i really like to be alone. i am really nervous around other ppls kids, because one has to be careful what one says when they become rude and the parent thinks they can do no wrong. I mean, it's not as if i am agoraphobic,but i fear I may be becoming that way.I really like to be home,with my kids,rather than be out in public.I just feel more comfortable and safer that way.Am I anti-social? according to the definition of it, I am supposed to steal,lie,destroy property,and i don't do those things. Ok, I don't lie... often. But I definitly don't do the other two things. Am i crazy, or just a homebody? Can someone help me? I was labelled that one day because i don't like ppl, and i am not a ppl person

2006-09-06 18:05:33 · 10 answers · asked by Dragonflygirl 7 in Social Science Psychology

10 answers

Preferring to be alone is usually nothing more than having an introverted personality. Extroverts might consider you antisocial, but that is because they are *energized* by human contact. Introverts recharge in solitude and can find excessive social contact to be draining. It's normal, but there are more extraverts than introverts in the general population.

But being "antisocial," as *some* might call you, is not the same as having "antisocial personality disorder" also known as as "sociopathy." You clearly aren't a sociopath (which is what you were describing with the lying, stealing, etc.).


-Are energized by being with other people
-Like being the center of attention
-Act, then think
-Tend to think out loud
-Are easier to "read" and know; share personal information
-Talk more than listen
-Communicate with enthusiasm
-Respond quickly; enjoy a fast pace
-Prefer breadth to depth


-Are energized by spending time alone
-Avoid being the center of attention
-Think, then act
-Think things through inside their heads
-Are more private; prefer to share personal information with
a select few
-Listen more than talk
-Keep their enthusiasm to themselves
-Respond after taking the time to think things through
-Prefer depth to breadth

If the Introvert list pretty much describes you, you have nothing to worry about. You don't sound antisocial to me from what you said, but you do sound like an introvert.

2006-09-06 18:56:38 · answer #1 · answered by Steve 7 · 2 1

If you would rather be alone because other people make you nervous it might be social anxiety.
If you don't have a problem with social settings but would just prefer to be alone then you're asocial. I'm asocial and introverted, but I do have a couple close friends that I like to be around. But then again my best friend is also a little asocial, so we usually are just hanging out with eachother rather than a group of people.

2006-09-07 11:34:07 · answer #2 · answered by Persephone 6 · 0 0

Based on how you describe yourself and how you behave, you're not really antisocial, in real sense . The psychological term "antisocial" has been seriously misused in common language. Antisocial personality disorder is associated with criminality, deceitfulness, violating people's rights, lying, stealing, remorselessness, impulsiveness and irresponsibility.

You of course know you're not really "antisocial." Antisocial means "against society," meaning violates societal norms and causes harm to other people. It doesn't mean "shy." Don't confuse antisociality with introversion, shyness, and social anxiety. They're distinct categories altogether.

And there's nothing wrong with enjoying your own company and preferring to be alone at times, either. Psychological disorders are manifested by more maladaptive and distressing symptoms than our common problems and tendencies present. Only a qualified psychologist (not me nor you) can make a diagnosis.

2006-09-07 01:45:39 · answer #3 · answered by ELI 4 · 2 0

Do you love your life as it is? There is nothing wrong with being anti-social at times. We are created as social beings sometimes we become anti-social from learning to be that way. 50 years ago when life was less hectic and no computers around to let us know about so much violence and corrupted situations we were more trusting. Has something happened to you that makes you not trust other people? Nothing wrong with wanting to stay home and nurture your famioly. But if you feel you need to socialize more then you just need more practice at socializing to overcome your uncomfortable feelings. If you are comfortable as you are dont worry about what you are doing with your life. Me Im anti-social at times and very much a people-person most of the time....dont bother me to be called anti-social at times ....I need to be...for my own sanity...lol,lol

2006-09-07 01:31:21 · answer #4 · answered by Diane F 1 · 0 0

A homebody with a possible stress problem. But then having kids, house and responsibilities are stress enough. Shy maybe, or just smart a realize most people will hurt you. so don't worry unless your spouse thinks its a problem and then get checked out. sounds normal to me. But read up on ocd and anxiety just in case. Have a good one:-)

2006-09-07 01:21:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If the kids are rude, tell them so. Stand up for yourself, talk straight from the heart and tell the absolute truth. If the parents get huffy, then give it to them too.
Don't know if you're anti-social (don't like people(?)) or just prefer solitude. Sounds like you just don't like confrontation. Not many do, unless they feel their toes are being stepped on first.

2006-09-07 01:20:32 · answer #6 · answered by sincere12_26 4 · 1 0

I just think you know what siuations make you the most comfortable.
I don't really like other people's kids either because their parents usually think they can do no wrong. And they are usually bratty.
Don't worry about it - life is too short to worry about what other people are thinking - they don't live your life, you do.

2006-09-07 01:12:55 · answer #7 · answered by twest 3 · 0 0

Yea that it.. your anti social.. same here I hate being around others that i don't personally know or in larges croweds .. I get this paranoid feeling and insecureites that can't be hiding.

2006-09-07 01:12:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

depends on your definition of anti-social - you definitely aren't in the lie, steal, cheat sense. sounds to me like you would best be described as shy.

2006-09-07 01:13:11 · answer #9 · answered by dan 4 · 0 0

i believe you could be. i have a friend that is anit social, and she dont' steal or destroy property either. it took about 2 months to warm up to me after our inital meeting.

you can go to your dr and ask them.

2006-09-07 01:08:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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