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I am a christian was just wondering wat you thought about those who do not believe in a religion go when they die. Please answer with an open mind.

p.s. I really dont think they burn in hell but i believe they coexist on earth as ghosts.

2006-09-06 17:02:08 · 23 answers · asked by vato 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

23 answers

I an atheists and I believe I will return to earth like everyone else. Just wondering, what about the Jews, Muslims and other christans who do not have the same beliefs? Does everyone get there own heaven, depending on their beliefs? What about children who can not think for themselves? Who deicides what afterlife that they go to? And also you say God shall judge us. But how do you know what the standards are? It seems like every other town has their own version of the Bible.

2006-09-06 17:18:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Atheists go to the same place christians "go". I know this raises hairs for all those christians who think they hold some kind of high ground by believing in god, but the high ground just isnt there. The idea that atheists become ghosts is a little kooky. The identification with ideas of "heaven" and "hell" are almost as wierd as muslims believing they will get a stack of virgins to use at their disposal if they become martyrs. As an entire species, we need to evolve from these cut and dry forms of thought and realize the truth of our spiritual selves apart from mythology.

2006-09-07 00:12:58 · answer #2 · answered by prancingmonkey 4 · 0 0

IF we believe that God takes many forms for many different beings from many different places; then we can believe that what some people call God; others may refer to as a universal force of life (Buddhists are not athiests). If we believe that matter and energy cannot be destroyed - a fundamental law of physics - and we believe that the soul/spirit is energy; then we can state that the spirit upon physical death, continues to exist in a different state. Believing that this is so and if we also believe that this universe is one of an infinite multi-verses; then we can extrapolate and state that the life-force of an individual, although the physical shell can cease to exist, still exists, has always existed and always will exist. That we transform from the spiritual to the physical and back again thru eternity. Look at it this way, a drop of water in the ocean is indiscernable from every other drop of water; however, we know that the drop of water exists and is now part of the whole. Life, is the same, when we pass on, we return to the whole and we return again to a physical existance; why do we return, there are spiritual lessons that our souls seek and we attempt to learn these lessons from lifetime to lifetime and overtime, our souls learn to become in harmony with all things and learn wisdom and compassion. Therefore, those whom do not believe in anything are still part of the universal lifeforce and will return, they'll take longer to learn wisdom and compassion.

2006-09-07 00:12:38 · answer #3 · answered by goldmedaldiver 2 · 0 0

their body goes 6 feet under or is burned to ash...
their soul will have the same chance as anyone
to progress to another plane, depending on the
actions they performed in this life, and eventually
they will find a suitable womb and return to resume
the cycle of life... unitl such time as they develop
an intense thirst for release from this endless
cycle of birth and death, (even heaven is just
a place you go for some period until you are
forced back into a birth canal...) and seek true
liberation (no longer needing to come back into
the body)... normally the soul will not remain as
a ghost unless the death was very sudden or
violent, and the soul is confused about where
to go. That is why in India the practice of cremation
is followed - if the body is still there, the soul may
hang about hoping to get back into it, but if it's
burned to ash, it can't even harbour the illusion
that it might reinhabit the body...

2006-09-07 00:16:00 · answer #4 · answered by PrasannanJyotish 3 · 0 0

I am an atheist, and I know exactly where I am going: my cremated ashes will be scattered over the Pacific Ocean. The experience of death will be much the same experience I had before I was born.

2006-09-07 00:09:47 · answer #5 · answered by Califrich 6 · 1 0

Do you think this incredible universe (God/ no God) segregates the souls BECAUSE they were atheists or BECAUSE they the soul/person was unkind to others ? There are so many religons, and so many good people.
If you are a good person , you will be with the other good people. It will not matter what and who you are any more.

2006-09-07 00:18:22 · answer #6 · answered by notadiva65 1 · 0 0

You say you are a Christian, yet you have gotten two things that you seem to be confused about.

1) You dont think atheists will burn in hell. If you know God's word, He already said that heaven is no place for unbelievers for theirs is in the lake of fire with satan and his angels. Rejecting God's salvation means eternal damnation in hell. Like it or not, God has already said so.

2) You believe in ghosts? For Christians, it is either up or down. No in betweens. No such things as ghosts or lonely spirits waiting to be reincarnated. But there are spirits and demons who take the form of dead loved ones, etc, to deceived human into believeing they exist. Seance is one such example. That "sister" or "mother" you see is a demon in disguise. They have roamed the world long enough to know the mannerism and characteristics of your loved ones to impostor them. Remember they are powerful too.

But remember we already have the victory through Christ Jesus.
Repent of your sins to day and read God's Word so that you get your facts clear and not be misled by the world's perception of hell or heaven or ghosts.

God's Word stand forever. Amen.

2006-09-07 00:08:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

well they go far far away to a distant place called "atheisto", there is nothing there but vegans, hippys, street people, and the like.On Sundays they have a big flea market and chicken bake.On Tuesdays they ride a tour bus and visit the rest of us in heaven.Just like senior citizens do here on earth!

2006-09-07 00:10:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Interesting thought about becoming ghosts.
They just kind of rot. They have no soul. It's like when a dog dies. Except more people like puppies than athiests. Especially in Islamic countries.

2006-09-07 00:05:39 · answer #9 · answered by CrackaJack 2 · 0 2

It depends on how they have lived their lives.
God will do what ever he decides about others.
It is true that htey dont believe in God , but God have created them and believe in them. So he will do the same thing that does with others.

When a son doesnt accept his father , doesent mean that father wont accept him as well.

2006-09-07 00:06:04 · answer #10 · answered by toofane_sahra 2 · 0 1

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