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My roommate sucks in every way imaginable! I have some pretty interesting stories when it comes to what I've had to put up with this past year, but I won't get into any of that here.

I was just wondering if anyone else has ever had problems with their roommate. What was the problem? How did you deal with it?

The most outrageous story will get best answer. Thanks for answering and for cheering me up!

2006-09-06 16:36:26 · 14 answers · asked by Daisy® 5 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

14 answers

Hello Bunny Boo !

Once upon a time, I lived in a hell hole called Ocean Village, Far Rockaway. My roommate was my best friend, who also happened to be a lesbian; a straight-up bull-dyke.( when we met, she was bi, but that's another story) I'm straight, by the way, but that didn't stop her from flirting; she eventually gave up.

Anyhoo, She talked to herself... I mean she had actual conversations, and sometimes outright arguments. And when she argued; it was vicious, and scary ! That is why I refer to her as My Former, Psychoctic, Ex- Lesbian Roomate; ( I heard from a mutual friend that she got married to a guy) everything I'm about to write is true...

For example, MFPELR, and a guyfriend, and me went to a party, we had a nice time, we then came back home, me and the guy, let's call him L, were chillin' in the dining room, when all of a sudden we heard all these crashes; sounds of glass breaking, and heavy objects being thrown around !
All of this was coming from MFPELR's room !

We run to her room, and open the door; MFPELR is throwing stuff- her bike, lamps, a bedside table- everything.
And while she's doing this, she is screaming at the top of her lungs, and when she wasn't screaming; she's speaking in a low, CRREEEPPY, guttural voice; reminicent of the Exorcist. This lasted for 20- 25 minutes... I should have called the cops, but I didn't..

She would abuse her cat; I don't want to get into it, it's sad..
She eventually gave the poor thing away.

She would try to push me to sleep with all her male ex - f*&k buddies, I still don't know why she would do that.. **creepy**

She would eavesdrop when my boyfriend and I were being intimate; then ask how big, or long his *ahem* was, and if he *ahem* alot, and what did it taste like ?!? UGH ! NASTY !

She would also fry food, then leave the oil in the pan on the stove, so that every insect known to man would crawl in and drown; there actually would be more roaches than oil . LOVELY !

She would bathe daily while sitting on the toilet; however she would take actual showers MAYBE once a month.

She later told/confessed that she suffered from psychosis...
Big surprise !

I couldn't take it; I eventually moved out and haven't had,
contact with her since.

And trust me, I left alot of things out.

Anyhoo, I never thought I would, but I can now laugh at all the stuff she put me through..

Love, light, and peace

2006-09-06 17:38:27 · answer #1 · answered by bubletish 3 · 1 0

I had a roommate who was a drug dealer. I found this out the hard way and ended up face down in the living room, handcuffed and arrested in my Bennigan's uniform. I was late for work, lost my job, had to post bail and had to explain to my father (who lived in the same apartment complex) why I was being arrested. Thankfully, the charges were dropped, but I still had to move back in with my Dad (who got WAY more nosy about how I spent my time). Plus, if you think your roommate is messy, you have no idea how messy the cops can be serving a search warrant. Our place was trashed!

2006-09-06 23:45:18 · answer #2 · answered by shomechely 3 · 1 0

Well, I lived with this lady who was crazy. She was an artist. There were two doors to the kitchen and she stacked up her supplies so that they blocked one of the doors. My friend gave me some chili and I came home and the empty pot was in the doorway to my room. I pushed it aside. I came home and it was back in the middle of the doorway. Again I ignored it. Next time there was a note saying "the pot in which you burnt your chili is mine and I want it cleaned." But it wasn't her pot or my chili!! I left a note saying so. She had an old guitar in the living room but she didn't play. Our third roommate had a boyfriend that would play it sometimes. I picked it up once and was played. She walked over and grabbed it from me violently without a word. Guess she didn't want me to play it! Can you say CUCK-COO!

2006-09-06 23:46:12 · answer #3 · answered by pamgissa 3 · 1 0

My housemate is a terror here are some examples:
Lastnight: Cooked dinner, put plastic deep fryer next to fry pan on gas stove top...result: Deep fryer melted (what makes this worse is the fact that a) this is the 3rd time within a month that he has done this!! and b). this is the third time that he has expected me to clean it up.
Last Weekend: Decided to pain the spare room...Result: I have spent the last week trying to get paint off just about everything.
Last Month: Went to europe for holiday, was supposed to be at the airport when he threw the phone at me and asked me to organise his travel insurance!!!!!

I know exactly how you feel! I deal with it by trying to see the funny side and spending copious amounts of time avoiding him!

2006-09-06 23:42:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

All roomates suck that why i live own my own now. My roomate was lazy as hell she never cleaned the apartment i really didn't care if she cleaned her room or her bathroom wich she never did but what about the rest of the house? do u think she cleaned it? no i was stuck with the cleaning. i just sat her down and told her she had to do this and that and i made up a cleaning chart it worked for a while

2006-09-06 23:40:56 · answer #5 · answered by Monica A 2 · 1 0

I was a manager of an apartment complex. My "ex" best friend / roommate was living for free with me in a two bedroom apartment. i was constantly getting noise complaints about him and his girlfriend having sex so loud that it woke up people on the other side of the complex...I eventually had to ask him to move out and thus was the end of our friendship... it was bad enough that I had to sleep with earplugs on, he did not care that everyone heard, to him it was so me kind of ego thing...anyway, we still don't talk because of that and other reason...

Good luck!!

2006-09-06 23:41:54 · answer #6 · answered by O Jam 3 · 0 0

Currently we have a first class mooch. He paid the first, last, was to come up with damage deposit...We got bits and dabs of rent the in-between month, and will be so thrilled to be rid of him. He lies, steals, eats our food and says he didn't.....ad nauseum. I can't stand the sight or sound of him...and oh, yes, he's a total pig...who wears SO much cologne he smells like a hooker on Saturday night!!! And now he's threatening us and says his uncle is a cop and uncle knows all about these things and will 'get us'.

2006-09-06 23:49:28 · answer #7 · answered by Sweet Gran 4 · 1 0

i had a lot of problems with one roommate in college years ago. what a crappy year that was. i stopped talking to him part way through that year, he HATED that. eventually he moved out, into the room next door. i used to be able to feel the hate coming off this guy.

2006-09-06 23:43:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My freshman year of college, I was in a triple (the room was supposed to be a double room, so that was problem #1). My "problem" roomate moved in first - she took the single bed by the window and the biggest closet and stuck me and the other girl in bunk beds sharing a closet. She wouldn't budge or compromise. So, I dealt with it, thinking that if that was the worst of my problems, it was no big deal...

...until she started having random men off the street to "sleep over" - I even woke up one night to her having sex less than 6 feet away from me in her bed. And this was only after living with her for 2 weeks! The worse part of it was, these guys did not even go to our school. She lived in another state, so I had no idea how she knew these men. I was beginning to feel unsafe in my own room, so I started to spend less time there and more time in the library, caf, etc. But that stunk because I was deprived of my own room. But again, I thought it could be worse, so I dealt with it.

About one month after we moved in to the room, she was giving my other roommate and I alot of attitude and not treating us very fairly. We didn't really understand why until we came back from dinner one night and she had 3 "strange" people in our room. When we came in, she yelled at us, telling us to "get out!" and "shut the door!" This was when I saw that she was dealing drugs. I later found out that these drugs included marijuana, sleeping pills, cocaine, and other unspecified prescription pills. I had had it with this girl. Not only was she treating me and my "nice" roommate poorly, she was kicking us out of our own room and jeopordizing our safety.

My "nice" roommate was very shy and quiet and refused to confront our "problem" roommate. So I took action and went to our college counselor, then to the resident director. After A LOT of meetings, paperwork, and phone calls, I finally got out of my room and into a single room on campus.

Long story short, my college was terribly unprofessional in dealing with the issue, making me confront my roommate in person about why I wanted to move out of our room and signing a contract that said we were leaving each other. Even worse, my "problem" roommate never faced any reprocussions or consequences from this situation. After a year, I transferred from this school and left all the bad memories behind.

My advice to you, if you are a college student, is to try to deal with the issue over the first month of school. If you feel that your safety is in jeopardy or if you and your roommate are truly not compatable, get out! Your college should provide other options for you. If you are not in college and just having roommate trouble, try talking with your roommate about your issues and look for a way to compromise. Maybe your roommate is having the same, or similar, problems that you are. You never know until you talk it out.

I hope my story helped you. It was a very difficult year in my life, but I dealt with it the best that I could and I learned a LOT from it. Best of luck to you :)

2006-09-07 00:02:10 · answer #9 · answered by Kristmas 2 · 0 0

My ex-roommate and I would yell at each other a lot. One day my cat shat on her couch. She was yelling at me to clean it up and I couldn't stop laughing. I told her even the cat thinks she's a *****. She moved out.


2006-09-06 23:39:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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