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after reading many of these divorce stories doenst it seem to appear that all of the ladies on here ALWAYS blame the man for the failure of the relationship?? come on girls admit that it was part your fault. and how many of you had a good man, but treated him like crap, refused to give him affection(a womans secret weapon) or even cheated on him??? why wont you women admit that you drove your man to another womans arms by being a nag or by taking him for granted?? patiently waiting to exhale!!!!!!

2006-09-06 16:01:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

15 answers

Sorry - I wish I could help you rationalize men's behavior. I was happily married to a man for 20 years. I was in great shape physically, took great care of the house, gave him a wonderful child, supported him in his hobbies, made more money than him, went out with him on the weekends, had great sex ( including BJ's), and he still strayed. I seriously tried to figure out what I did wrong - took divorce recovery and counseling sessions - to no avail. He even admitted to me a year or two later that it had nothing whatsoever to do with me. So - who knows what goes through men's minds? All I know is it turned out well for me! I re-married a man six years younger who thanks my ex for his mistake. ( My ex by the way is bald, paunchy, unhealthy, and unhappy since he never made it permanent with his "fling".) Living well is the best revenge.

2006-09-06 16:15:08 · answer #1 · answered by arkiemom 6 · 1 1

Well I never have anything to admit because my husband and I have never cheated on eachother but I will admit it it can be a man or woman's fault sometimes even both I don't treat my husband like crap and he doesn't treat me like crap either we have no reason to cheat and we give eachother plenty of love and affection if their isn't enough affection in a relationship people can be pushed into others arms now days women actually seem to be cheating more than men like some women who get married young wasn't ready for marriage then they still want to flirt with guys and hang out with them then the next thing you know things lead to another and same way with men some men wasn't ready for marriage so they still flirt and hang with girls and things lead to another I don't think women who are married should work I feel their place is at home taking care of things and if they have kids they need to take care of them now days women can be vulnerable in the work force like if they have a bad day or their sad some guys will try to give them a shoulder to cry on then the next thing you know their becomes infidelity I think younger people are more likely to cheat IF they wasn't ready for marriage now days some people get married not being ready to take it all on like responsibilties, cleaning, children, the stay home life to be a mom, or work hard as a man before young people get married they need to realize what their taking on and if they can be with the person for life instead of taking the vowels on and knowing they can't they shouldn't get tied up in marriage in the 1st place i'm 22 yearsold and been married for 4 years and have 2 kids my husband is a hard worker i accept my life cause i chose it i stay home clean and do chores and take care of my kids to make a marriage work you have to take on everything and know your suppose to be with that person as well as the man has to know too what comes along with the marriage if people can't understand that life don't get married cause you will just cheat and hurt eachother

2006-09-06 23:38:51 · answer #2 · answered by blondeqtwitanicebooty 3 · 0 0

Hi Teejay, i think your asking the wrong question. you should be asking, "How do I find the right woman"??? notice i said woman and not girl, because a girl does not know what men are about, women do know what men are about and the difference between a man and a boy. and that's whats important. know what kind of woman you want to be with and to be the mother of your 52 children, because you don't want your kids raised by a crazy witch now do you? and most important is that YOU be the man that a woman would want to father and raise her children. its all in the picking get to know each other under many different circumstances, tell each other what you both want out of life be honest most of all about who you really are and how you will be. don't make the mistakes of thinking you will change someone into the kind of person you want,,,,you have to find someone who is already the kind of person you are looking for. and from one man to another,,,, if your with a woman who is not happy with who you are now and says she can help you become someone she thinks you should be.....RUN RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN........ the better you choose a wife the less the chance of divorce.... you both have the power to prevent it. love is great but using you smarts is better. make your commitment wisely for both your sakes.

2006-09-06 23:57:21 · answer #3 · answered by 4stringthndr 3 · 2 0

Well, for some women, like myself, we like to keep our dignity and pride and just state that it was thier fault. We all have our own stories and our own versions of what happened. My situation is simple...physically abusive, verbally abusive, compulsive liar, and cheater. Why did I stay? We had a special needs child and I had no choice!!! But as soon as things got better with our child, I filed for divorce! What did I do? I sat at home...cleaned the house, cooked, took care of our son and took him to dr appts. Maybe if had the vagina and had the baby he would have understood my fears and frustrations. Trust me...it's usually you guys who F-U-C-K- up.....we are not perfect...but the avg woman doesn't want to have sex 4 times a day....we just want help and affection too....I know women are not innocent, but for the most part, I think women are the ones who try to make it work at all costs. Men throw in the towel.

2006-09-06 23:12:25 · answer #4 · answered by Erica 2 · 1 0

Well darling, you are so right. A divorce is never just one persons fault. I am counselor and I see this all of the time. People blaming the other for the failure of their marriage. I try to remind them that it took two to get there and it takes two to fight.

BUT.....never is the excuse for one partner cheating on the other the responsibility of the other partner. When two people get married and they take their vows, no where does it say that if things get bad, it is okay if I step out on other mate. No woman pushes their husband into the another women's arms. That is the lack of self respect. If things are that bad at home then get a divorce, it is NEVER okay to cheat on your mate. NEVER...

2006-09-06 23:37:27 · answer #5 · answered by cinson1999 4 · 0 1

it is men like you that FORCE women to think twice before trusting men, instead of openly communicating like adults, you throw a crybaby fit and go whining about your problems to another woman instead of talking things through , cowards like you make other more deserving, good honest , kind loving men look bad and for that reason you disgust me, it is people like you who keep shrinks in business.
oh well, good luck having the stick successfully removed from your butt, and having your foot from your mouth.
hope it goes well.
oh and a few stops at an adult store for some good lube and Kleenex's might do you some good cause with that kind of attitude, your hand is all the lovin' your gonna get for a while.
Have a nice day/night.
and i AM a female who has had the kind of jerk you are as a boyfriend, mostly you all know you are losers and want us to find a reason to dump you before we realize how worthless you happen to be in terms of love, communication, trust and the basic foundations of a relationship, and leave because we REALIZE you are losers.
(PLEASE NOTE: to any DECENT guy who may read this, I do NOT by any means want to disrespect you, but jerks like this guy make all men look bad and you should be some what annoyed at him as well)

2006-09-06 23:23:22 · answer #6 · answered by ~Princess*Bonkers~ 4 · 0 1

hmm well perhaps some cases are like this. But I can honestly say that I treated my man good and was faithful to him. Maybe he just got bored but I tried my best to keep it sexy. It partly was my fault but I think more so in my case he wasnt ready to settle down. Woman are more mature when it comes to relationships. We are more emotional. I know I treated him good cuz he wants me back.
And in the most cases, the man knows he messed up:P

2006-09-06 23:07:58 · answer #7 · answered by coco_k22 2 · 0 0

Those ladies (if you want to call them that), seem to me to be the type that are trashy skanks that couldn't even treat a dog humanely, so the men they pick or whoever picked the woman must be as trashy as she is. Basically an endless supply of Jerry springer refills. A true lady with morals and selfrespect doesn't air her relationship to any one. It's a personal matter to be dealt with accordingly.

2006-09-06 23:07:15 · answer #8 · answered by GTO 4 · 0 1

It always goes both ways. I think men tend to not vent or share their experiences like women do. We are just as guilty as some men are. The only difference is women like to share their stories and men just keep to themselves.

2006-09-06 23:13:27 · answer #9 · answered by Nicky 2 · 0 0

-im not biased-made many mistakes-becasue none of us are perfect-but you hear about men more-so we get pised and rally together-to form a union against you cheating f----! But reality is woman do (all) that men do-i have -sorry ladies-

2006-09-06 23:13:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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