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"things can only get better" was the theme tune to labour pushing the conservatives out of office. Hands up if you we suckered in by that? Hands down everybody, we all were. How wrong could we be? A transport system messed up through lack of investment, hospitals dirty & bankrupt through lack of investment, jails overflowing and criminals let out early through lack of investment. Don't we pay enough tax then? No! we work the equvilent of 22 days a month in service to the government (thats more than peasants had to do for their lords in feudal times!) WHERE IS OUR MONEY GOING?

2006-09-06 15:56:40 · 19 answers · asked by James c 2 in Politics & Government Government

19 answers

shlt no

2006-09-06 15:58:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I don't know if you actually lived under the Thatcher regime but if you did, then you're looking at the era through rose tinted spectacle. ALL of the problems that face this country today stem from her and her wickedness. She didn't care about this country, all she cared about was feathering the nests of her cronies. She left the rest of the country to sink or swim (like Bush did with the poor inhabitants of New Orleans last year!). She ruined the economy, she put millions of people on the dole, she sold off council houses, and privatised the transport system, and she crushed the power of the unions whose primary concern was for the welfare of the working men and women of this country.

She was a wicked and malevolent women and I hope the tories spend the next hundred years in opposition - they will never change and are a danger to the ordinary people of this country.

2006-09-06 21:55:30 · answer #2 · answered by Roxy 6 · 0 1

How old are you?, you don't remember Thatcher do you... Before Thatcher we had the best health service in the world... Thatcher took the investment away... Thatcher privatised the transport system, that's why it collapsed... Thatcher gave us all our income tax back so the country couldn't afford public services, then she screwed us with 17% VAT from 8%...

Blair Inherited all this and he's not done a bad job of sorting it out... Open your eyes....

2006-09-06 16:39:06 · answer #3 · answered by engineer 4 · 3 0

I agree with what you are saying. Not suckered in, I knew what an evil fraud Blair was- Power at any and all costs. Where has all the moey gone- I will tell you. It has been squandered on countless non-jobs - more than 1 in 5 people work for the government, and they want the rest of us to rely on the benevolence of new labour for our existance ! - Never mind that people say Bliar is a Tory, thats rubbish he is an old fshioned Communist.
And SO sleazy it hurts us all in our wallets.

2006-09-06 17:22:27 · answer #4 · answered by sandi smith 3 · 0 1

Yes, we were happier under Maggie Thatcher! Nobody has lied to the British public more than Tony Blair did over the WMD and threat from Iraq and that's why he is so disliked. Otherwise you'd have to be magician to get a ciggy paper between the two!

2006-09-06 19:25:55 · answer #5 · answered by roy d 3 · 0 1

Mrs T had the 'Faulkands Factor' to save her skin as she was about to be royally dumped after 4 and a half years.
Blair, as the "true successor to Maggie" (Warning! Warning! Danger! Danger!) hoped for the same from hanging out with Big GW on the Iraq jobby, and shot himself in the foot.
Changed circumstances, but not that much difference between them or most of their policies, I'd say.
People in the UK are never happy; far too busy moaning about the government they just elected to think about much else!

2006-09-06 16:10:02 · answer #6 · answered by Bart S 7 · 2 1

Agree. Some people here think that Thatcher was searching for profitable industries then shutting them down out of spite. This is simply untrue. The power of the miners had to be broken. They were producing expensive, unnecessary coal and then expecting everyone else to subsidise it. Ex-miners should be on their knees thanking her that their sons no longer have to do such a dangerous, unhealthy job.

2006-09-06 18:47:56 · answer #7 · answered by A True Gentleman 5 · 0 1

yeah she may have been a bugger but personally we were better under the Tories. i remember the day labour got in there were a lot on our estate that were happy labour looks after you they said. these same people are now waiting to vote cos they cant wait to see the back of labour.the only thing i'll give blair credit for is the minimum wage. but that's it!!

2006-09-07 00:10:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

She sorted out the inneficient industry and tamed the socialist unions who had far too much power. Exports of our products went up. And for the comments about mining, who put more miners out of work? Labour in the sixties and seventies shut more mines and laid off more miners than Thatcher. Her Government did close a great deal, but most had already shut. The tories took 14 years to sort out the industrial and economic mess left by Labour. The last 4 years of the tories saw economic growth and stability built into the systems created by John Major.

Even Gordon Brown reluctantly admits this. In his budget statements GB keeps saying how many quarters of continuous growth there have been, without daring to explain why. 3 reasons. 1. That growth started soon after the 1992 election victory of John Major and so it was under Tory policies that it was created. 2. Gordon Brown abdicated all responsibility for monetary policy as soon as he became Chancellor by giving independence to the Bank of England to set interest rates and thus allowing THEM to set the targets and controls for inflation. Gordon Brown can not take any credit for low interest rates as they are NOTHING to do with him. and 3. Labour knew they were so economically inept, they also kept to Tory spending levels for 2 years after 1997. So labour have never been as in control of the economy as the Tories were. All Gordon Brown has done is tax the output of the UK Plc by ever increasing amounts and squandered the money.

I mean they invent schemes where they will introduce a computer system at a price of £140 Million to save £60 million and then scrap it! They are a government that thinks it makes sense to spend a pound to save 30 pence!

As for those who say she destroyed industry, the unions did more damage to our industry than Thatcher ever did. Blair came to power promising to invest in industry and manufacturing jobs have dissapeared. He has had almost 10 years to sort out manufacturing industry and FAILED!

Crime was lower under Thatcher, there was less politically correct BS. Immigration was not under control, but it was a lot better than now. educational standards and discipline in schools was far better than now. A University degree was free, anyone with ability could get a grant to go to University, get a meaningful degree and get a good job debt free! Housing was affordable. Trains ran better than today, and on the rails, not via buses! Thatcher did not privatise the railways, Major did, and Labour have spent their time since messing about with the railways to make them unworkable.

We where an independent voice in the world and had respect and authority, I remember when Thatcher told George HW Bush to not get wobbly over Iraq (when Iraq HAD done something wrong!) We used our military in OUR interests, not the interests of a foreign country and where not afraid to tell America exactly what we thought of their policies. She was NEVER anyone's poodle.

Thatcher never lied to put our troops in harm's way! Blair did repeatedly!

Thatcher was not perfect, far from it, and she was in power too long too. She introduced the Poll tax and alienated Scotland and did damage to the union. Unemployment was used to tackle inflation, she made tactical and strategic mistakes in many areas, But she was a far superior Prime Minister and statesperson and Leader than Tony Blair.

2006-09-06 20:40:24 · answer #9 · answered by kenhallonthenet 5 · 1 1

I think you should ask the countless people who lost their jobs in the mining, shipbuilding and printing industries that not only lost their jobs but also lost the industry forever due to her. You could also ask any of the people who are still on the NHS waiting lists created by her. Try asking someone from the british car industry (if you can find one). You could ask any of the school children playing on the school playing fields that are now supermarkets. That's where you might find a real answer.

2006-09-06 20:19:45 · answer #10 · answered by rickie m 1 · 1 1

Blair is totally without principles - like Mrs T. or not - you cannot accuse her in the same way.
Tony Bliar's latest song - 'I fecked it my way'

2006-09-08 03:51:11 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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